1) A new 45 meter cell tower threatened for Maple Ridge, with Rogers already planning for other telecoms to add their antennae. Protests and petitions are being organized. I hope someone gets to the farmer who is leasing the land and tell him about his legal liability — no insurance available. Also, he should be shown some of the studies about the effects of dirty electricity on dairy cows.
This current activity in new cell towers no doubt is due to preparations for 5G. I bet these towers eventually will hold phased array antennae.
Maple Ridge resident worried about new cell tower
(click on photo to enlarge)

“Rogers Communications is proposing the structure at 22080 – 128th Ave., to improve service in the north Maple Ridge area and is hosting a June 19 public meeting on the topic at Maple Ridge Alliance Church, 20399 Dewdney Trunk Rd., starting at 5:30 p.m.
In a notice to residents who live within 300 metres of the proposed tower, Rogers says there are no other structures in the area which could support an antenna. The company’s also invited Telus and Freedom Mobile to co-locate on the tower in order to spare another cellphone tower having to be put up. It also notes that the tower will be located behind the barns in order to reduce visual impact.”
2) Google Cloud went down and people couldn’t use various appliances, or even lock the doors on their homes. Imagine the scope of such an event or a power outage once 5G connects just about everything from fridges, baby monitors, to cars and stop lights.
Some People Couldn’t Turn On Their A/C When Google Went Down Over the Weekend
“Over the weekend, a Google Cloud outage meant some users were unable to control certain smart-home products, including — you guessed it — air conditioning.”
3) Various tactics have been employed to force smeters, cell towers, etc. on a trusting public in BC, Canada and the world, and they are continuing to be employed to spread 5G. Through lies, deception, control of the media, laws without public input, etc. are just a few examples. If we are going to stop this horror, we must become informed about how the industry and governments are proceeding.
A Primer for Corrupt Governments: How to Implement 5G Wireless Technology Against the Wishes of Your Population
“Spare a thought for all the governments wanting to cash in on the multi-trillion-dollar bonanza of the fifth generation of wireless technology or 5G while pacifying the half of their population who are anxious about its dire health and environmental consequences and keeping in ignorance the other half of the population who do not yet oppose its introduction because they are uninformed about its dangers.
Various governments have adopted different strategies to tackle this challenge, any of which may serve as a template for other governments to use. Let us take some instructive examples from Austria, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Governments that have been dilatory in availing themselves of the surveillance and control potential of 5G to quash dissent may wish to choose a strategy from the following list that they feel is most compatible with the national character and situation of their country and therefore most likely to meet their need for a smooth and rapid 5G rollout.
– Austria: brute force and public ignorance
– France: trickery and opportunism
– Switzerland: intricacies of the exclusion clause and amended subparagraph
– United Kingdom: strict legalism and authoritative assertions
– United States: big spending by lobbyists to enable capture of government agencies...”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Few things are more irritating than when someone who is wrong is also very effective at making his point. ~ Mark Twain