1) Telus seems to be very busy with new towers. Notice was just received that one is planned for tiny Thetis Island, a very short distance from homes along the coast of Vancouver Island. Please see the notice in “Letters” offering a chance for comments. Supposedly, this is needed to “improve wireless service.” Have people complained? I doubt this is the real reason. More likely that it is part of the 5G grid.
If you live in the area, or know of anyone who does, or just want to let Telus know this proliferation of transmitters all over BC is not acceptable, please submit your comments and bcc me at:
dsnoble@shaw.ca if you wish to share. Put Thetis on the subject line and tell me if you wish your name to be given or hidden to save me from having to ask.
This is a tiny island with a school, seniors, etc. I wonder if they have been told about this. The owner will be liable for lawsuits when people become ill — no major insurer will pay out for any claim associated with wireless radiation.
2) Even though Huawei is a Chinese company reporting to and said to be controlled to a large degree by the Chinese government, it is closely aligned with Telus; it is developing the infrastructure of the 5G grid, exposing us to 5G technology by installing Huawei’s transmitters outside our homes. Experts from around the world have warned of the potential for hacking and takeover of the grid by Huawei and our government has done nothing. I hope you will read this petition and consider signing and sharing it (perhaps with your MPs and MLAs).
To Prime Minister Trudeau: Ban Huawei from Canada’s 5G Telecom Networks!
3) A photo of 5G Day from the Shuswap group. Looks like a lovely day for a demonstration.
(click on photos to enlarge)

4) In the UK, smeter installations have slowed down drastically and many of the installed smeters are not functioning. Apparently, it’s time for the 2nd generation smeter — as it probably is here. I have asked BC Hydro for numbers of smeters being replaced but they refuse to share this information with the public responsible for paying the bill. I do hope that some of you will write to BC Hydro and/or BCUC and see if you can obtain this information. Freedom of Information requests can be made to:
BC Hydro’s Freedom of Information Coordinating Office at: FOI.Requests@bchydro.com
and to BCUC’s Secretary at: commission.secretary@bcuc.com
You might remind them that we know the projected lifespan is 5-7 years, so replacement is occurring.
Smart meter installation falls 16% in a year despite rush to hit 2020 target – and many homes are STILL being fitted with ‘dumb’ first generation devices
“Gillian Guy, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice, said: ‘It’s worrying that at this key moment, when the switch to second generation smart meters should be accelerating, installation rates overall are actually slowing down.”

Notice of proposed Telus Communications Inc Telecommunications Facility
As part of the public consultation process required by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) TELUS Communications Inc. is inviting the public to comment on a proposed 50.0 metre self support tower (plus a lightening rod) to be installed at 155 Pilkey Point Road, Thetis Island.(PID0002-275-654) This tower is to improve wireless services in the area. Location: 155 Pilkey Point Road, Thetis Island For More Information: The public is welcome to comment on the proposal by the end of the business day on June 7, 2019 respect to this matter. |
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.” ~Ben Franklin