1) Another young victim of brain cancer, a type of glioma that is normally an “acquired” genetic mutation. We are trying to find out if cells towers were near his home or school. In all likelihood the school has Wi-Fi.
(click on photos to enlarge)

https://www.braintumour.ca/13447/kaiden-and-tashas-story-for-awareness Kaiden’s story.
Anaplastic Ependymoma (defined)
“An anaplastic ependymoma is thought to be caused by genetic changes that cause cells of the central nervous system to grow more quickly than they normally do. This causes a tumor to develop. When the cells grow very quickly and become unusually shaped, the tumor is known as an anaplastic ependymoma.[1] The genetic changes that are thought to cause an anaplastic ependymoma are not present in every cell in the body and are not present from birth. Instead, the genetic change happens sometime during a person’s lifetime and only in the cell from which an anaplastic ependymoma begins. This acquired genetic change (somatic mutation) causes the cell to multiply very rapidly, passing the genetic change down to each of its daughter cells, which then also multiply rapidly, forming a tumor.
Exactly what causes a cell to develop a genetic change that causes anaplastic ependymoma is not clear. There are not any specific environmental factors that are known to cause an increased risk for anaplastic ependymoma.[1][3]
There is information about brain cancer on our website. It includes a list of celebrity victims, compiled by Ellie Marks (California Brain Tumor Association) and shared a while back. It needs to be updated. And other non-celebrity victims, like the child above, need to be added.
2) Newsweek published an article about the children suffering cancers in Modesto where a cell tower was on the school. Notice the irresponsible and untrue responses given by the American Cancer Society.
“The tower, which is located at Weston Elementary, is the same as others scattered throughout the town. However, one parent told CBS Sacramento that its proximity to her son led to his 2017 brain cancer diagnosis.
“We had a doctor tell us that it’s 100 percent environmental, the kind of tumor that he has,” Monica Ferrulli said in the interview. “It’s indescribable, it’s really tough.”
Ferrulli’s son Mason was the second child to be diagnosed with cancer in just three years at the school. Mason walked by the cell phone tower daily.
She also told the Modesto Bee that when questioned, the school district cited an “obsolete American Cancer Society study” as the reasoning for keeping the tower in its current location. Ferrulli told the newspaper that parents will continue to fight and keep their children out of the school.”
3) Good news from Dave Morrison in Oregon. Dave is a father who has been fighting to protect his daughter and other parents’ children from Wi-Fi in schools. A Bill has been presented to the state government to at least inform parents about the possible harm exposure causes. Many in the Coalition submitted comments, and he sends his thanks.
Why should a law be needed to allow parents to be informed about something that could endanger their children?
Parents in BC have been prevented from handing out brochures at schools or outside schools. They have been prevented from putting up posters or speaking at PAC meetings. School Trustees have ignored the issue even when experts have given presentations. They seem to forget their motto: In loco parentis.
Dave wrote today:
“this is good news. the oregon wi-fi school bill will move through the senate after revisions. it will be interesting to see industry’s hand in the revisions. i can’t imagine what could be taken out of an already uber reasonable bill.
thanks to all for sending to your email lists. we were flooded with comments on the Senate website:”
david morrison
“Directs Department of Education to prepare and make available statement that discloses potential health risks of wireless network technology and requires public and private schools to distribute statement to employees, students and parents or guardians of students.” (in part – complete version at line — very short)
4) At a conference in Vancouver last October, smeter industry people discussed how massive amounts of OUR data can best be used for the “end user” (who, I assume, is not us).
Six Key Insights About Getting Value from AMI Data
“As AMI rolls out, how do utilities find operational insights in a surging river of data?
This was the key question in one exciting session at the GridFWD 2018 conference held last October in Vancouver. The conference featured plenary talks from BC Hydro and Portland General Electric, as well as an Efficient Grid Operations track comprising four deep dive sessions with expert practitioners.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology in which nobody understands *anything* about science and technology.
And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is going to blow up in our faces.”
~ Carl Sagan, 1996