2019-03-07 Telecoms could face criminal sanctions in EU

1) While I have been unable to provide updates, several important items were posted on the front page of our website www.stopsmartmetersbc.com

France: First exceedance of the head SAR with the Xaomi Redmi Note 5

Xiaomi first manufacturer suspected of deception punishable by a criminal offence

According to the ANFR website as it appeared on June 7, 2017:

“Criminal sanctions are provided for the distributor in the event of an infringement: if the SAR displayed is not the actual SAR, there is deception. If, in addition, it is above the regulatory threshold, there is non-compliance. The latter case has never occurred to date…”      



5G in 5 Minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKowG0XV50k (5 minute video)

2) Dr. Mercola continues to provide excellent material regarding EHS, EMR and ways to reduce exposure. The video is 2 years old and many portions have been shown before, but the written info is good. It includes protective measures that can be done around the home where we have more control as well as why some people are more vulnerable than others.

Documentary Explores Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome

“Dr. Yoshiaki Omura’s research5 shows that the more your system is contaminated with heavy metals from silver amalgam fillings, eating contaminated fish, living downstream from coal burning power plants and so forth, the more your body becomes a virtual antenna that actually concentrates radiation, making it far more destructive. Other at-risk groups for developing EHS include those with:

  • Spinal cord damage; whiplash; brain damage or concussion
  • Impaired immune function; lupus or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
  • Bacterial and/or parasitic infections such as Lyme
  • The very young and the very old
  • Tinnitus — Evidence actually hints at a shared pathophysiology between EHS and tinnitus.6 In this study, nearly 51 percent of EMF hypersensitive patients had tinnitus, compared to just 17.5 percent of controls.”


(with a 52 minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWMNTuIZqKo)

3) In the UK, a utility company is charged with having misrepresented the benefits of smeters, having claimed customers would see a reduction in usage. I recall BC Hydro making similar claims. I have heard of many people seeing increases in their bills but only a couple who have seen a reduction.

‘Misleading’ smart meter ad banned

The radio ad for Smart Energy GB suggested that the installation of a smart meter would in itself result in a drop in a household’s energy usage, rather than making clear that any savings required users to change their behaviour in order to cut their consumption, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruled…

“We considered that the ad went further than this, to suggest that the installation of a smart meter would in itself result in a reduction of household energy consumption. We therefore concluded that it was misleading.”

It added: “We told Smart Energy GB that if making energy savings claims for smart meters they should make sufficiently clear that these depended on users monitoring their energy and making changes.””



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.”   ~Ben Franklin



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation