2019-01-17 – Boston Globe — can your cellphone’s EMF make you sick?

1)  A major US newspaper published an article about EMR and cell phone radiation. Cece Doucette and Joel Moskowitz are asking for this to be spread widely, and for our support in promoting it. I hope you will consider taking a few minutes to help out.

“Dear EMF Leaders, 

With deep gratitude to Joel Moskowitz for helping to initiate this, and to David Carpenter for contributing, please see the article below that ran today in the Boston Globe.

I would be grateful if you could take a moment to do one or more of the following:

1. Share widely in social media.

2. Add a Comment to the article if you can; if you can’t sign in, send me your Comment and I’ll post it.

3. Call the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, lend your expertise and ask how you can be of service in getting the fact sheets released. The Director of the Bureau of Environmental Health is Jana Ferguson, 617-624-5757. Call day or night, please leave a message if you get voicemail.

4. Leverage it in direct conversations with public servants to change policy; perhaps in conjunction with the New Hampshire bill just introduced to address 5G and health/environment.

Here’s the article: 

Could your cellphone’s electromagnetic field make you sick? Hiawatha Bray, Boston Globe, 17 January 2019. 

Many thanks, please let me know if you have any questions. 


Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, MTPW, BA

Technology Safety Educator

Understanding EMFs

Wireless Education  

HiBR Conference  

YouTube EMF Talks


2)  BC Hydro has discovered that bee colonies that have resided on its power poles are abandoning their hives. If there are any bee experts reading this, would you please contact BC Hydro and tell them about how EMR affects bees. There are many studies showing that wireless radiation disorients the workers, causing them to get lost or confused, or weakening the immune system, making them more vulnerable to viruses, etc.

Bees vanish from BC Hydro pole, renewing concern over dwindling numbers

“Island beekeepers are working closely with BC Hydro during the removal of hydro poles, which began Wednesday, to ensure the safe rehoming of the numerous bee colonies, which seek shelter in the hollow poles.

It was a disappointing day for those involved when the bees, which called the pole home for five years, were gone.”


[Bees, Birds and Mankind – Destroying Nature by ‘Electrosmog’ by Ulrich Warnke – https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/7521097894.pdf



3)  From Dr. Hardell’s blog, re. Italian court decision I had in yesterday’s update  [4) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2019-01-16-major-court-ruling-in-italy-to-inform-of-dangers-of-cell-phones/].  He says it so well.

Court rules on information on health risks from wireless phones

“No doubt this is a victory for public health. Similar decision should be made in all countries. We have the knowledge of health risks but the population is not informed due to negligence by government and media like in Sweden. We have the scientific evidence on risks to human beings and also the environment by no action in undertaken. [I think there are some typos and he means “also the environment but no action has been undertaken.”]  Instead, the 5th generation, 5G, of wireless communication is implemented without proper scientific studies on the risks (www.5gappeal.euwww.emfcall.org).”


4)  Another glioblastoma victim, a young mother who lived on Salt Spring.





Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters 

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”   ~ Albert Einstein


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation