2019-01-16 Major court ruling in Italy to inform of dangers of cell phones

1)  An audit of the BC Hydro smeter program identifies several short comings [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/BC-Hydro-Management-Audit-Report-Finance-Technology-and-Supply-Chain-Smart-Meter-Operations-Audit-Q2-F2019-Prepared-by-Bridge-Energy-Group-October-24-2018.pdf] but fails to identify that these things cause fires, endanger health, and invade privacy. It  concludes it is not well-managed, but fails to report on the tens of millions of dollars extorted from those who wanted to protect themselves – or how this money was spent. It reported that smeters requires regular upgrades but it failed to address the short lifespan.

Exclusive: Audit says BC Hydro smart meters not managed smartly

“A BC Hydro internal audit of smart meter operations found the system is suffering from a lack of management teamwork. 

The Oct. 24, 2018 report, obtained by theBreaker.news under freedom of information, assessed governance, operations and monitoring and reporting.

“Strategic governance is not clear or socialized across the organization,” the audit said. “With the smart metering operation spanning across four business groups, prioritization and decision making occurs in isolation resulting in inconsistent objectives. There is no long term strategy to realize additional value from the investment in smart meters.””


2)   Extortion in Oregon is very similar to that in BC, and is being called out. Why should people have to pay to keep their families safe?

Letter: Stop smart meter extortion 

“For our health, jobs, basic freedoms and property rights, we need real choice without penalty: To opt out without prohibitive surcharges. Our city councils, our county commissioners and our state representatives should all support us in this basic right.”


 3)  As we’ve been telling the govt., BCUC, and anyone else who has responsibility for the smeter program, there are design flaws with smeters which make them unreliable as well as dangerous

Designing reliable smart meters

“… they are exposed to humidity and significant fluctuations in temperatures, both of which can change rapidly. This has two major impacts on the design of the meter.

First, humidity and temperature fluctuations can affect the reliability of measurement for smart meters, which is unlike analog meters that have a conventional electromechanical design resulting in reliable measurement regardless of the environmental conditions.

Second, smart meters normally utilize a capacitive power supply in which the AC capacitor is permanently connected in series to the power line. Humidity and temperature fluctuations can diminish the lifespan of conventional capacitors, which can lead to malfunctions in this particular type of power supply. Traditional EMI suppression capacitors have long been used in smart meters for this circuit position because they are typically UL or ENEC certified and represent a safer choice than other components. However, these capacitors are not designed to meet the rugged environmental requirements nor the long-term operation requirements of power meters.”


4)    In Italy, the public must be informed about the dangers associated with mobile and cordless phones.  It is time we began a national campaign here in Canada.

Italian Court Orders Public Safety Campaign  

Must Begin by July 16;
Government Will Not Appeal Decision

“In a victory for advocates of precaution, an Italian court has ordered the government to launch a campaign to advise the public of the health risks from mobile and cordless phones.

The information campaign must begin by July 16… 

“This case has important implications not only in Italy, but worldwide,” Bertone said. “At the moment, health and safety information is contained —or, I should say, buried— in cell phone manuals. This is not good enough. If it was, the court would have agreed with the government that sufficient information is already available.””



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.” -Alice Walker


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation