2018-12-22 – Study shows brain damage from low levels of RF exposure from cell phones

1)  Many communities in the USA are establishing ordinances/laws/policies to maintain some control over the siting of microcell transmitters EH Trust.org is maintaining a list of these communities and sharing info about their efforts in order to help others. Everyone should consider what is being done and determine which policy or approach might work best in your community.

We need to organize to help educate the councils much as we organized in 2011 to educate them about smeters. Right now few of them have any info and many of those who know a little about the program believe there is nothing they can do to stop the proliferation or to protect the residents.  Please share any presentations to councils and responses (especially actions being taken) and I will maintain a list for BC. EH Trust.org might add our communities to its list.

USA City Ordinances to Limit and Control Wireless Facilities Small Cells in Rights of Ways

“From coast to coast local governments are taking action to protect their communities from the unfettered deployment of 4G and 5G “small cell” wireless facilities. Several cities are passing ordinances that strictly limit the buildout. Many policymakers ask “What are other cities doing?”

This page is a compilation of top examples of  what cities are doing to protect their communities. For each city we provide a short synopsis along with a link to download the ordinance or policy. Scroll down to see the City and policy. Please download and share these examples with your community. 

Local ordinances note various purposes such as preserving visual character, protecting environmental resources, and protecting residents against adverse health effects. They take a variety of approaches, such as prohibiting small cells in certain areas, creating application and recertification fees  and imposing aesthetic and administrative requirements. Some combine several of these approaches.”


 2) Environmental Health Trust does amazing work on EMR and has so much information on its website. I would strongly recommend that you get on its mailing list https://ehtrust.org/  which is head by Dr. Devra Davis.  In the most recent newsletter there is a host of links to various studies and reports, all which should be used when anyone says there isn’t evidence of harm.

“When people ask, Where is the science showing harm?” EHT has created webpages of published research for you to share with them:

3) Dr. Leif Salford has found that even extremely short periods of cell phone use can cause serious, if not irreparable, damage to the brain. Even a few hours exposure to very low levels of EMR can lead to genetic damage, which can lead to things like Alzheimer’s.  At the end of this article are links to many reports/studies by Dr. Salford that should be provided to health officials. It’s time we began a campaign to have, at the minimum, labels on wireless devices, especially cell/smart phones to warn people about the dangers.

Since Allan Frey, whose work is also highlighted here, discovered in 1975 that microwave radiation causes the blood-brain barrier to leak, at least a dozen laboratories throughout the world have corroborated this effect. Currently the most active research of this kind is being done at Lund University in Sweden.

Dr. Leif Salford is a neurosurgeon at Lund University Hospital, and Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery. Since 1988 he has led a team of researchers that have exposed thousands of laboratory rats to microwave radiation from various sources. Since the late 1990s they have used mobile telephones as the source of this radiation.

Their results have been consistent and alarming: not only does radiation from a cell phone damage the blood-brain barrier, but it does so at even when the exposure level is reduced a thousandfold. Even more disturbingly, and contrary to what was expected, the damage to the blood-brain barrier worsened when the experimenters reduced the exposure level. The implies that SAR ratings for cell phones may be worthless and that it may not be possible to make cell phones safer by reducing their power.



From: X
Sent: December 21, 2018
To: Mayor & Council <mayorandcouncil@westvancouver.ca>; Sultan.MLA, Ralph <ralph.sultan.mla@leg.bc.ca>; Pam Goldsmith-Jones <Pam.Goldsmith-Jones@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: Jagmeet Singh <jagmeet@jagmeetsingh.ca>; Andrew Weaver <a.weaver@leg.bc.ca>; John Horgan <premier@gov.bc.ca>; May Elizabeth <leader@greenparty.ca>; greg.kyllo.mla@leg.bc.ca
Subject: Stop the roll out of these untested radiating devices!

Why 5G Cell Towers Are More Dangerous

Plans to transition to 5G around the world are already underway.  It’s an exciting and terrifying time for technology. Experts believe the new 5G cell towers are more dangerous than other towers, causing a whole new host of health problems for everyone.

5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers because of the shorter length of millimeter waves (MMV) required to support the bandwidth. According to experts, 5G uses a bandwidth with shorter waves which do not travel through buildings. To make sure the bandwidth is reliable, small cell stations will be everywhere- outside your apartment, corner of a light pole and at the local bakery. Health experts believe 5G will have a devastating impact on our health.  


“This study raises concerns that simply living close to a cell tower will pose threats to human health. Governments need to take measures to reduce exposures from cell tower emissions. Cell towers should not be near schools, hospitals or people’s homes.  Public health agencies need to educate the public on how to reduce exposure from all sources of wireless radiofrequency radiation- be it from cell towers or cell phones or Wi-Fi in schools,” said Dr. David Carpenter, former Dean of the School of Public Health and the University of Albany.

“This is particularly urgent because current plans to place small 5G cell towers about every 300 meters in every street across the country.  These 5G “small cell’ antennas will result in continuous exposure to everyone living nearby and everyone walking down the street.  The increased exposures will increase the risk of cancer and other diseases such as electro-hypersensitivity,” said Dr. Carpenter.

The risk is very real. As Dr. Carpenter indicated, public health is at risk with plans for more and more smaller towers to go up on every street corner around the world.

According to experts, doctors and researchers, radiation has the power to change our bodies on the cellular level. These changes, as supported in several studies, create a perfect environment for cancer and other ailments to take over inside our body.

Other studies link cell phone and cell tower radiation to memory loss, headaches, changes in vision and mood, sleep disorders and leukemia. The rollout of 5G and the infrastructure to support it will only increase our risk of suffering major health issues down the road.”…

(For more of this study, please website above)

Provided by



Sharon Noble

Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters


The absence of evidence of hazard is not proof of safety” —says Dr. Devra Davis


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation