[Antonio Maggiore – BPU Board of Public Utilities (Stephen McLin) – Corix – Cornell Wright – Data – Doctor Bonnie Henry – DPU (Los Alamos County Department of Public Utilities, Robert Westervelt) – Failed Installation Fee – Ferguson Incorporated (Electric, Gas, Water Contracts) – IPRA – John Horgan – Misinformation – Move Smart Meters Away from House (Costs) – Opt-out Fees – Privacy – RCMP – Ron Ramsey Letter to Democracy Watch re BC Hydro Forcing Installation of Wireless Smart Meters on Customers (Domestic Terrorism, Fascism) – Safety | BC – Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA] & (video) & Website
1) In New Mexico, the Utility Board approved allowing people to opt out or to have the smeter removed from their homes in response to concerns about privacy and use of data. And the Board decided that there would be no opt-out fee required unless more than 25% of the people opted out. It doesn’t say so explicitly, but it seems that analogs will be allowed to be kept or re-installed, otherwise the smeters would not be removed. Instead, the transmitter would be disabled.
(click on photos to enlarge)

BPU approves smart meters, opt out solution
“During a BPU hearing in September, some residents complained that the data the meters collected and stored about their energy usage could be used by criminals to determine when they are home, when they’re not, and how many people are living in the house.
Criminals and others could get the information through the Inspection of Public Records Act, since the utilities are publically owned….

“Although the opt out is not in the long run an ideal solution, it’s very reasonable thing to do under these circumstances,” Wright said.
Los Alamos County Councilor Antonio Maggiore, speaking solely as a resident, asked the BPU and the DPU for assurances that the option to install and deinstall meters at the request of residents will not have a negative financial impact on the renter community through rent hikes and other means.
Westervelt assured Maggiore and others that the DPU would be absorbing the costs of resident refusal and installation.”

[Smart Meters & Opt Out (& video) – https://www.losalamosnm.us/cms/One.aspx?portalId=6435810&pageId=6504625
Los Alamos Department of Public Utilities (DPU) AMI Study – Update September 2018 by PSE Power System Engineering, Inc. – https://www.losalamosnm.us/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=14890555
– https://smartmeterharm.org/2016/08/02/new-mexico-los-alamos-county-mandates-smart-meters/]
2) A member left a comment on our website today saying that he refused to allow someone to enter his property to remove the analog and install a smeter. The installer (which could be a non-BC Hydro person, a Corix worker who may or may not be qualified) said there would be a refusal fee of $65 and left. Shortly thereafter, the RCMP came by saying the installer had complained that he was not allowed to do his work. This seems odd to me. Has anything similar happened to others?

3) Many people are considering moving their meter to poles some distance from their homes to reduce the RF exposure and the fire risk. One person has provided complete details about what needs to be done and the estimates obtained to move the meter. In this particular situation, the meter is being moved about 200 feet and, at the same time, the lines are being changed from overhead to underground. All of this increases the costs dramatically, but this very detailed info is very helpful. The complete estimate is below in Letters. Many thanks to our member.

[4) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-08-12-globe-and-mail-prints-health-canadas-misinformation/
2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-08-09-anyone-with-advice-about-moving-smeter-away-from-home/]
FYI, info about Democracy Watch https://democracywatch.ca/

From: Ron Ramsey (name given with permission)
Sent: November 21, 2018
To: info@democracywatch.ca
Subject: smart meters forced on
Hello Democracy Watch:
BC Hydro is forcing everyone to have ‘smart’ wireless meters, often with RCMP in attendance. One woman’s hydro was turned off today. This is domestic terrorism. Do you have an opinion on this? My MLA will not answer my requests for a meeting, I left a message at the Premier’s office yesterday but no reply. There is a total cone of silence around the smart meter project. Of course, they are busy with the arrests at the BC legislature and quelling any damage news there.
The Government of BC can provide no proof of safety of these wireless devices, there exists large volumes of evidence of harm from wireless transmissions…described as ‘strong carcinogens’ by the designer of the recent Italian Ramazzini study that found clear carcinogenicity. Our BC Provincial Health Officer ‘Dr.’ Bonnie Henry, a living breathing gift to the wireless industry, will not answer questions or meet with the public on this topic.
This is fascism, and no one will say a word about it.
Thank you.
Ron Ramsey
Maple Ridge

& https://www.bchydro.com/search.html?site=bchydro-com&client=bchydro-com&proxystylesheet=bchydro-com&output=xml_no_dtd&q=smart+metering+program
How to move meter from home
1. Contact an Electrician.
– Tell them what you want to do.
2. Phone BC Hydro (1-877-520-1355)
– Tell the employee you want to relocate your service off your house to your new private pole.
– Tell them you’re putting the wires underground from the new meter pole to the house, if this is what you want to do.
– Don’t say anything about type of meter.
– Ask for a Reference # to give to your Electrician.
BC Hydro asked for: address, name, DOB, ?? amp service, phone #
BC Hydro Cost: Wire Change Out to New Pole = $987 (new wire) or $860 (re-use wire already @ your residence)
3. Electrician’s Quote: Costs to Move BC Hydro Meter Off House to Private Pole 150 feet away + Install Underground Wiring from Meter Pole to House (including trenching, trucking, sand, & cut down (1) maple tree)
– Materials: $2,724.65
– Journeyman Electrician – 28 hours @ $75 = $2,100
– Electrical Labourer – 8 hours @ $20 = $160
– Electrical Permit – $256
– Sand + Trucking – $502.90
– Mini Excavator – 12 hours @ $85 = $1,020
– Mini Excavator Delivery – $100
– Class 4 25-foot Power Pole + Delivery – $463.60
– GST = $353.56
Total = $7,680.71
4. Total Costs: BC Hydro $987 (new wire) + Electrician $7,681 = $8,668
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.”
~ A. Einstein