1) Another finding from the acclaimed NTP study has just been reported, one which shows evidence exposure to cell phone radiation might cause DNA breaks. Before this, many experts have reported that only ionizing radiation is able to cause these breaks.
Despite all the evidence, the USA agencies refuse to change policy or to warn the public about cell phone radiation being carcinogenic. The implication seems to be that the study was done on rodents instead of people, which would be illegal under many laws, including the Nuremberg Code. This will allow Health Canada and the Cancer Societies to hide this study and the danger posed by cell phones.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESRIubk9iAM
Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report
Rats Developed Rare Heart Tumor Cancer Link Was Once Thought Impossible
“Another of the NTP findings that adds consistency to the overall picture is that DNA breaks were found in the brains of the exposed rats. This needs to be replicated, Bucher said. Last month, NTP presented a paper at a genetic toxicology meeting indicating that cell phone radiation can bring about measurable DNA damage…
FDA/CDRH’s Jeffrey Shuren released a follow-up statement after the release of the NTP final reports. He made it clear that the agency is not planning to make any changes.
He also wrote: “We must remember the study was not designed to test the safety of cell phone use in humans, so we cannot draw conclusions about the risks of cell phone use from it.” He neglects to mention that the FDA made a formal request to the NTP for the study in 1999.”
[Rat Study – https://www.niehs.nih.gov/ntp-temp/tr595_508.pdf
Mouse Study – https://www.niehs.nih.gov/ntp-temp/tr596_508.pdf
2) “Smart” technology allows abusive behavior.

‘Stalked within your own home’: Woman says abusive ex used smart home technology against her
“When Ferial Nijem moved into a smart home equipped with the latest in modern technology, she had no idea she was walking into what would become a living nightmare.
At the hands of an ex-partner, Nijem experienced what she calls “tech abuse.”
“If anybody would walk into this situation, they would think they were walking into a horror movie,” she said.
While smart technology — web-controlled devices like locks, lights, thermostats and cameras — can provide convenience and a sense of security for some, these tools are increasingly being used by others to monitor, harass, stalk and intimidate.”
3) What about smeters and other wireless signals interfering with implantable or medical devices, like pacemakers or insulin injectors? Of course, BC Hydro says this won’t happen…..

Brain implants used to treat Parkinson’s can be hacked and used to control people, scientists warn
“Academics have previously warned that brain implants could prevent patients from “speaking or moving, cause irreversible damage to their brain, or even worse, be life-threatening”. They claimed that hackers could overload or disable the system, and could damage people’s brains.”
or [https://sg.news.yahoo.com/brain-implants-used-treat-parkinson-065401966.html]

Hackable implanted medical devices could cause deaths, researchers say
Medtronic, a manufacturer of pacemakers and implantable insulin pumps, won’t fix security vulnerabilities in its products
“In new research presented at the Black Hat information security conference, a pair of security researchers remotely disabled an implantable insulin pump, preventing it from delivering the lifesaving medication, and then took total control of a pacemaker system, allowing them to deliver malware directly to the computers implanted in a patient’s body.”
4) An excellent summary of facts and spins about microwave radiation in Chapter 16 of Olga Sheean’s book “EMF off!”

Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.”
~ Ben Franklin