[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting – Accessible Internet – Analogs – Bees – Birds – Bsquare Software – Clean Energy Act – Click Here to Kill Everybody by Bruce Schneier – Crimes Against Humanity – CRTC – Data for Sale – Democracy – Doctor Hugh Scully – Electric Tariff – FCM National Broadband Strategy – Fibre Optics – Gateshead Council – Health – IoT – Itron Active Grid & OpenWay Riva App Community – Letters to Chris O’Riley, David Eby, Gord Doyle, Ken G. Peterson, Patrick Wruck re BC Hydro Meter Exchange Letter & Legal Questions – Mark Steele (Facebook, Injunction Order, Newcastle County Court Hearing) – Measurement Canada Safety Seal – Privacy – Recorder Nolan QC – RF-off Meters – Right to Know – Safety – Security – Smart Street Lights (LED) – Studies – Wireless – Write to Attorney General & BC Ombudsperson re Legality of Smart Meter Uses | BC – Canada – Gateshead, UK -USA] & Book & (videos)
1) We are finding more and more evidence that the smeters have been intended, as part of the initial plan as ITRON admitted, to be more than devices approved by Measurement Canada for measuring our usage of power. A very knowledgeable and technical person has recommended a book by Bruce Schneier called “Click Here to Kill Everybody” which lays out the ugly truth. I was told:
(click on photos to enlarge)

“The “smart” meter is a key collector/manager in this push for managing and collecting data from every chip-enabled item in the world. That’s why one cannot make headway against it. The market, by as soon as 2025, is estimated at $3 trillion (that’s trillion with a ‘T’).”
And here is another article which expands on what ITRON wants and plans to do. Add potentially millions of devices onto the smeters, remotely adding functionality without knowing, without our permission. I repeat, this is illegal use of meters under the Clean Energy Act [http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/consol24/consol24/00_10022_01] and the BC Hydro Electric Tariff [https://www.bchydro.com/toolbar/about/planning_regulatory/tariff_filings/electric-tariff.html].
I urge each of you to write to everyone you can think of [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/], especially the Attorney General <AG.Minister@gov.bc.ca> and the BC Ombudsperson [http://bcombudsperson.ca/contact]. See my letter on Sept. 22 (https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-09-22-is-itrons-plan-to-use-smeters-for-other-purposes-legal/). This should never be allowed to happen and it might have already.
IT Science: Making Millions of Energy Devices Smarter with IoT
Describe the strategy that went into finding the solution: To successfully create a new system designed for millions of intelligent IoT devices that would ultimately become part of the Active Grid, Itron and Bsquare outlined four requirements the application distribution and management solution had to meet. It needed to:
- reside on meters without impacting core metering functionality;
- be extremely compact in order to be delivered over potentially bandwidth constrained network connections;
- integrate seamlessly into Itron’s existing OpenWay Riva IoT platform; and
- be able to scale to millions of grid edge devices.
Ultimately, Itron and Bsquare wanted the platform to create new business model opportunities for utility and smart city customers.
Key components of the solution: Itron OpenWay Riva, a standards-compliant, IPv6 multi-application network
Bsquare DataV Software, a complete IoT solution.
Describe how the deployment went, how long it took, and if it came off as planned: Together, Itron and Bsquare debuted the industry’s first grid edge app store known as the OpenWay Riva App Community.

[Itron launches first grid edge app store for OpenWay Riva – February 01, 2017 – https://www.engerati.com/article/behind-meter-itron-bid-make-grid-edge-smarter]
2) British Judge agrees that people have the right to inform the public about the dangers involved with 5G while requiring more civil behavior.

Judge REFUSES to gag anti-5G street light campaigner, stating: ‘The public have a right to know’

Gateshead Council and Mark Steele’s ongoing dispute over the ‘baby killing’ technology takes another twist
A judge has refused to ‘gag’ an-anti 5G lighting campaigner, ruling the issue SHOULD be debated.
Mark Steele claims 5G kills babies and causes cancer, and believes it’s secretly being used in Gateshead.
The council denies this and applied for an injunction to limit what the 57-year-old could even post online about 5G.
But Recorder Nolan QC said he refused to ‘gag’ him, adding: “The public have a right to know.”
[2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-04-12-are-led-streetlights-connected-to-smeters/]
3) The Federation of Canadian Municipalities [https://fcm.ca/home/about-us.htm] is the agency through which local governments from across the country meet to discuss problems and solutions. It appears that they are promoting wireless internet access in rural areas which, of course, will require more cell towers, more microcells. These people don’t know, this hasn’t been their issue. It is up to us to educate our Councils and Mayors [https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/people] about the scientific evidence showing that microwave radiation will cause harm to people, animals and the environment and to convince them that fiber optic cable provides faster, more efficient, safer, more secure and cheaper internet access.
The FCM has an annual conference which will be held May 30–June 2, 2019. We all have time to get the information out there so that at the conference, meaningful discussions can take place.

Reliable Internet for everyone
“With a willing federal partner, FCM’s advocacy has driven progress in recent years. The $500 million Connect to Innovate program and the CRTC’s $750 million Broadband Fund are first steps toward bringing service to hard-to-reach areas.
FCM also applauded the CRTC’s 2016 commitment to a universal service objective for broadband.”
or https://tinyurl.com/fcmbroadband

& https://www.bchydro.com/search.html?site=bchydro-com&client=bchydro-com&proxystylesheet=bchydro-com&output=xml_no_dtd&q=smart+metering+program
From: X
To: “Gord Doyle, Senior Manager, Customer Service Operations” <customer.relations@bchydro.com>
Cc: “Attorney General David Eby” <AG.Minister@gov.bc.ca>, “BCUC” <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>, “Chris O’Riley, President & Chief Operating Officer” <chris.oriley@bchydro.com>, “Ken G. Peterson, Executive Chair of the Board” <ken.peterson@bchydro.com>
Sent: October 23, 2018
Subject: BC Hydro Form Letter – Meter Exchange
Gord Doyle (1-800-409-8199)
Senior Manager, Customer Service Operations
B.C. Hydro Power smart
P.O. Box 8910
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 4X3
Account #
Dear Gord,
Re: Form Letter signed by Gord Doyle, Senior Manager, Customer Service Operations – October 15, 2018
Please provide us with a photocopy of the most current Measurement Canada seal expiry date for our analog meter # .
Our meter has not expired; however, if the Measurement Canada seal has expired and our analog meter needs to have its measuring accuracy re-confirmed (per Measurement Canada requirements), we are willing to make an appointment for BC Hydro to perform this accuracy testing of our analog meter at our home, in our presence.
As previously stated in our correspondence with BC Hydro since 2011, I suffer from a chronic disability caused by brain dysfunction.
All wireless technologies exacerbate this disability and cause interference.
BC Hydro has my Doctor’s letter (date) on file wherein I have been advised by my Medical Doctor to avoid radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation [RF EMR] exposure from a wireless smart meter at my residence for medical reasons.
Per testimony by Doctor Hugh Scully (former President of the Canadian Medical Association and former President of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society) regarding sensitivity to EMR, “This issue is under active consideration by the Health and Public Policy Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the Health Policy and Public Health Committees of the Canadian Medical Association and the Council of Family Physicians of Canada, the Canadian Pediatric Society and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society.”
We need to retain an analog meter because of medical interference.
We know that several BC Hydro customers have already been allowed to keep their analogs, or received “new” analogs, because of such medical interference.
Please make an appointment with us if BC Hydro will be testing our analog meter for accuracy on site.
Please make an appointment with us if BC Hydro will be exchanging our current analog meter for another analog meter.
We cannot have a smart meter that will make me sicker.
We insist that we be present when any meter exchange occurs so that we can turn off all power coming into our home and unplug all electrical appliances before the exchange.
Many people have experienced severe damage to their household appliances when their meter exchanges were performed “hot” and they had not been given the opportunity to turn off the power/unplug their electrical equipment before the exchanges.
= = =

From: X
To: “Attorney General David Eby” <AG.Minister@gov.bc.ca>
Cc: “BCUC” <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>, “Chris O’Riley, President & Chief Operating Officer” <chris.oriley@bchydro.com>, “Ken G. Peterson, Executive Chair of the Board” <ken.peterson@bchydro.com>, “Gord Doyle, Senior Manager, Customer Service Operations” <customer.relations@bchydro.com>
Sent: October 23, 2018
Subject: BC Hydro Meter Exchange & Legality of Itron Smart Meters
Dear Attorney General Eby,
We have received this form letter from BC Hydro [https://app.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/projects/smart-metering/measurement-canada-certificate-expired-notification-letter.pdf] (dated October 15, 2018) signed by Gord Doyle, Senior Manager, Customer Service Operations.
Since 2011, we have corresponded many times with BC Hydro, BC Utilities Commission, and the Ombudsperson’s Office about being forced to have a smart meter installed on our home. I suffer from a chronic disability caused by brain dysfunction. Wireless technologies exacerbate my disability and cause interference. BC Hydro has my Doctor’s letter (date) on file wherein I have been advised by my Medical Doctor to avoid radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation [RF EMR] exposure from a wireless smart meter at my residence for medical reasons.
Per testimony by Doctor Hugh Scully (former President of the Canadian Medical Association and former President of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society) regarding sensitivity to EMR, “This issue is under active consideration by the Health and Public Policy Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the Health Policy and Public Health Committees of the Canadian Medical Association and the Council of Family Physicians of Canada, the Canadian Pediatric Society and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society.”
For the past seven years, I have lived in fear, yes fear, that BC Hydro would once again attempt to remove our analog meter and replace it with a smart meter. The only reason we didn’t get a smart meter in 2012 was because we barricaded our analog meter and ourselves within our property from the Corix installers – and we made sure they didn’t climb over our fences (which they did at some properties on Salt Spring). We built a wooden box around the meter, nailed into the stucco of our house, and we have again put a padlock onto the gate of our property. We are locked in and our friends and family are locked out.
Not only do we fear that I will become sicker than I already have been for the past 26 years (I had to give up my job and my lifestyle is very limited), we believe that the Itron smart meters BC Hydro is using are illegal, an invasion of privacy, and a high security risk to the entire electricity grid.
BC Hydro and Itron plan to use our home as a business centre for who-knows-what companies through the “smart” meter. And they intend to use and sell our personal and private data! Our utility meter is only supposed to keep track of how much electricity we use. Period. We do not give our permission to BC Hydro, Itron, the BC government, or any company (who has purchased or plans to purchase the use of one of many transmitters within the smart meter computer) in “the cloud” and within the IoT (Internet of Things – everything attached online to the internet) to use our home as a place of business; to collect, retain, and use our personal and private data; to open our home to cyberattack.
As the Attorney General of British Columbia, we ask that you immediately investigate these Itron smart meters that have been and continue to be forced onto every home and business in this province in an illegal, dishonest, and dangerous manner.
We refuse to be treated like prisoners in our own home, on our own property. We refuse to allow BC Hydro, Itron, and unknown companies to run their businesses through an appliance that we don’t want on our home. And we refuse to be billed for the electricity that is used by the smart meter for these companies.

& (Not Off) https://vimeo.com/169954584
As well, if we are forced to accept an “RF-off” smart meter, how do we know if/when BC Hydro decides to turn the RF on? They could turn it on and off at their pleasure without us knowing. Is this legal? After the way BC Hydro has treated, and continues to treat, us and all of their customers, we do not trust them. If they were not a monopoly, I am sure they would lose a lot of customers!
We have been paying $32.40 + taxes per month since December 2013 to retain our analog meter.
This is supposed to be a democracy but I can tell you that we, at 63 and 71 years of age, are very disheartened by the way we have been treated by BC Hydro and the provincial government. This is not an ethical way to run a business or treat customers.
We are very serious about the legal questions we are asking you to urgently investigate. Thank-you for taking action as a lawyer and representative for the citizens of British Columbia.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.”
~ B.F. Skinner