1) For those who are sensitive: URGENT, DEADLINE Thursday, Oct. 25, 2:00 PM Pacific Time. Please see in Letters.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) The government in PEI is forcing a man, who uses no electricity (in fact, he feeds surplus into the grid), to pay HST on every kilowatt hour of solar power he uses. Another tactic to discourage people from going off grid.

P.E.I. man wants to know why he pays HST on electricity he generates himself
“The result is what’s known as a “net-zero home,” meant to generate all the power it needs over a year from the 35 solar panels on the roof.
What Currie didn’t know when he built the home is that “net-zero” doesn’t apply when it comes to the HST.
Currie pays nothing to Maritime Electric for his electricity, but is still billed for the HST on every kilowatt hour used, just like any other customer.
“It’s nonsense really. It should be exempt,” Currie said. “We’re using it for heat, for one. Oil’s exempt. Now that we’re producing electricity we’re getting charged for it.”


This morning, Marg Friesen called to ask for us to participate in a hearing that she and Frank Clegg just found out about. It deals with input for the proposed Accessible Canada Act (Bill C-81) for accessibility/accommodation for those with disabilities. Apparently, hearings have been going on for some time already. There is a call for public input and submissions, with a very short deadline – Thursday, Oct. 25, 2:00 PM Pacific time, 5:00 PM Ottawa time. Frank, Marg, Barb Payne and David Fancy are preparing submissions and intend to ask to be allowed to present.
See Marg’s email below for details.
Frank’s brief for C4ST is here:
Be brief and be short (no more than 2,000 words) but the main message is that there are people in Canada who are disabled by emissions from wireless technology and the Committee should hear from at least one, or all four, of the above-mentioned (contact details below). That is, one or all of Frank, Marg, Barb, and David. You can ask for an invitation to appear as well. Maybe they will have another session.
Marg and Frank suggest that each submission should be sent to each member, and not just to the Committee, plus the Minister. All the email addresses are first name.last name@parl.gc.ca listed below. I am sending this to everyone I know who is sensitive. Please send to anyone whom you know who is sensitive and ask for them to participate.
If you have any questions, call or email Marg because I really don’t have any more to tell you.
Honourable Carla Qualtrough <Carla.Qualtrough@parl.gc.ca>
Members of Committee:
= = =
(link) Submit a brief: Deadline Thursday Oct 25 at 5pm Ottawa time.
I suggest comments include a bit about a person’s experiences and include that HUMA should hear from someone representing people with electromagnetic hypersensitivities (EHS).
There is a saying “Nothing about us, without us” that I think comes from the UN convention of persons with disabilities but that I have not been able to confirm. I think this would be good to use.
Group representatives would include:
1. Frank Clegg of Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST) – submission attached [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/C4ST-submission-to-HUMA-re-Bill-C-81-Proposed-Accessible-Canada-Act-October-24-2018.pdf]
2. Barb Payne of Electromagnetic Pollution Illness Foundation of Canada (EPIC)
3. Margaret Friesen of Environmental Health Association of Manitoba (EHA-MB)
I’d be glad to look at a draft of what you send or phone me.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Word of mouth is our best weapon — So shoot your mouth off!