[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Public Right-of-way Siting – BC Hydro Site C Meeting – Bethany Surface – Breaching the Peace by Sarah Cox – Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Scott Jones) – Cell Phones – Craig Benjamin (Amnesty International) – CSE Communications Security Establishment – CSIS (Ward Elcock) – Doctor Marc Arazi (Phonegate Scandal Petition & Update, PowerPoint) – Five Eyes – HCSEC Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre Report – Huawei Ban (Espionage, Security Risk, Smartphones) – International Forum on Environment Protection from EMF Pollution – IoT – Jacek Majchrowski – John Michael Dulalas – Julian Napoleon (Saulteau First Nations) – Justin Trudeau – Kamila Janik – Kenn Burrows – Marco Rubio – Mark Warner – Marta Patena – Media Blackout – Picket John Horgan & MLA Constituency Offices – Privacy – Project Censored – Rob Williams – Shannon Cowley – Smart Grid – Ted Kuntz Formal Complaint to Adrian Dix re Bonnie Henry – Telus – Vaccines – Wireless Devices – ZTE | Peace River & Sooke, BC – Canada – Australia – Brazil – Beijing & Shenzhen, China – Italy – Japan – New Zealand – Krakow, Poland – UK – USA]
1) Dr. Arazi and his team tested many cellphones and found that 90% of them emitted higher radiation levels than were allowed by existing guidelines by as much as 3-400%. And these are guidelines that are dramatically higher than levels that independent experts suggest cause harmful health effects. But North American media is not reporting on this. Why is this news hidden from Canadian and American phone users? Other countries have publicized it, but few articles have been published in North American media. Below under Letters you will see a notice Dr. Arazi sent out to those on his mailing list about this travesty.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://www.phonegatealert.org/2018/07/04/support-phonegate-alert-by-signing-our-petition-and-making-a-donation/
or https://tinyurl.com/phonegatescandal
A full slide show re. the study is at:
or https://tinyurl.com/phonegateslides
Please consider signing the petition and sharing with your friends. There was one circulated some time ago, but I believe it was a different one. Also, please think about writing to the BC and Canadian media about this lapse in responsibility.
2) Today we had our second Friday of picketing outside Premier Horgan’s constituency office. A small but enthusiastic group held signs for those driving by and received many waves, thumbs up and horn honks. The more people who come and show their discontent, the more likely that Premier Horgan will consider hearing us. He and his team of ministers and bureaucrats, like Dr. Bonnie Henry, ignore our letters, refuse to meet with anyone and, just as the angry father who wrote about his concerns about vaccines, fail to do their jobs. I believe that such protests, held once a week, every week, with a growing number of concerned constituents outside constituency offices of each Minister, can make a difference. Remember, like water on a rock, it takes time and persistence to make a difference.

If you live in or are visiting the Victoria area, please mark your calendar for Fridays, 11am -1pm at 2806 Jacklin Road, Langford [https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members/41st-Parliament/Horgan-John]. Please make signs (keep them respectful, please) and bring your energy.
3) US Senators are pleading with Trudeau to ban Huawei from participating in 5G technology, including microcells. This article includes the letter from 2 Senators. There is no specific mention of the microcell transmitters that are made by Huawei and installed by Telus outside our homes. This has become a major international security concern as communications between Canada and the USA could be compromised if Huawei hacks or attacks the grid.

US Senators Urge Trudeau to Block Huawei from 5G
4) Non-smeter/EMR: Groups are still fighting Site C and BC Hydro’s destruction of one of the last agricultural valleys in BC. A meeting is scheduled in Sooke on Wed., Oct. 17.

Speakers to discuss Site C project in Sooke
A gathering of speakers will present Breach of Trust: Indigenous Rights and the Future of the Site C Dam at special meeting Wednesday, Oct. 17 at the Sooke Masonic Lodge, 6544 Throup Rd.
The talk features Sarah Cox, author of Breaching the Peace: The Site C Dam and a Valley’s Stand Against Big Hydro, Julian Napoleon of the Saulteau First Nations and Amnesty International’s Craig Benjamin.

Make a Donation:
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.”
~ Voltaire