[4G – 5G – Aggie Square – Analogs – Animals – Apple (Wired Mouse) – AVs – Cancer – Children – Christopher Anglewirth – Clean Energy Act – Costs – Darrell Steinberg – Data for Sale – David Eby – Doctor David O. Carpenter – EMR – Environment – FCC – Fertility – Firefighters’ Exemption from SB 649 Microcells / Small Cell Towers Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Fires – Gerd Oberfeld – Grassroots Environmental Education – Health – IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters – IARC – ICNIRP Obsolete & Unscientific Guidelines (Conflict of Interests, Industry Bias) – Instructions re BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removals – International EMF Scientist Appeal – Itron – Joel M. Moskowitz – John Horgan – Lennart Hardell – Lloyd’s of London Insurance – Louis Stewart – Nervous System – Patricia Letter to Shuswap Candidates re Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side Of The Wireless Revolution by Camilla Rees & Magda Havas – Patricia Wood (Americans for Responsible Technology) – Plants – Precautionary Principle – Privacy – Radio-off Smart Meters – RF Microwave Radiation (Group 2B) – Rick Dignard Letter to NDP re Measurement Canada Certificate Expired Notification Letter & BC Hydro Opt-out Fees – Safety – Studies – Susan Foster – Tobacco – UN – Verizon (Tami Erwin) – WHO – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices | BC – Canada – Austria – Sweden – Los Angeles & Sacramento, California & Indianapolis, Indiana & Port Washington, New York & Houston, Texas, USA] & (audio) & (videos) & Websites
1) A member chided me for providing the list of things to consider during a meter swap, accusing me of giving up. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I, along with many of you, am still fighting to keep my analog and paying the exorbitant extortion fees. Others can no longer afford the fees and need to be reminded so that any exchange, even analog for analog, can be done safely.
(click on photos to enlarge)

& https://www.bchydro.com/search.html?site=bchydro-com&client=bchydro-com&proxystylesheet=bchydro-com&output=xml_no_dtd&q=smart+metering+program
I believe that our civil rights are being infringed upon by this program. I also believe that the smeters are fire hazards that the government is ignoring – willful negligence. I also believe that ITRON is intending, as they said in their brochure, to use the smeters and our homes for illegal purposes. Nowhere in the Clean Energy Act or in the Electric Tariff does it say that these smeters can be used for anything other than to measure and transmit consumption data. Nothing else. Yet ITRON says that other companies could put transmitters in our smeters to use for their business purposes.

Our data can be used for commercial purposes. These things are illegal and I have written to the Attorney General (see Sept. 22/18 update) [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-09-22-is-itrons-plan-to-use-smeters-for-other-purposes-legal/] about this. I believe we all should demand that these things be removed from our homes for this and many other reasons. How do we know that BC Hydro hasn’t allowed ITRON to do these things already? BC Hydro has not been honest and transparent with us about anything.

So please do not think I’ve given up because I haven’t. This program is wrong, dangerous, unnecessary and expensive. Where is our Premier in this? He promised, when he wanted our vote, that if he were Premier he would have an independent review of it. A broken promise that he should be reminded about. We will remember.
2) On Sunday Patricia Wood, from Americans for Responsible Technology and Grassroots, was interviewed about 5G rollout and many other topics related to EMR, e.g. Wi-Fi in schools, teachers’ concerns. Hopefully, this will reach a whole new audience.

“Executive Director and Founder of Grassroots Environmental Education, a science-driven and solution-based environmental health organization based in Port Washington, New York, on the potential harms associated with chronic exposure to wireless radiation and the rapid 5G rollout.”
https://s3.amazonaws.com/2018audioarchives/10_07_18PatriciaWood_21stCenturyRadio.mp3 (47 minutes)
3) Dr. Hardell has shared his call to declare ICNIRP’s guidelines to be non-protective. He has asked scientists and doctors to sign, as well as NGOs. I have signed on behalf of the Coalition.

Call for Truly Protective Limits for Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz)
or https://www.emfcall.org/about/
4) 5G is going live in Sacramento, California – one of the first places in the world to be irradiated by this new technology. Hopefully, the problems that have been predicted will be realized, making it unworkable.
5 things you need to know about Sacramento’s 5G rollout
Sacramento is one of four cities worldwide to launch 5G

5) A member reports that when she called the store where she bought her Apple computer and asked for a replacement of her wired mouse, she was told Apple no longer makes them. The shop is arranging to make a hard wired mouse for her, but this is indicative of the efforts by the telecoms, computer industry, etc. to leave us with no options but to go wireless. Customers must demand the option and to expect no less than the ability to use technology in a safer manner.

From: Rick Dignard (name given with permission)
Sent: October 9, 2018
To: ndp@leg.bc.ca
Cc: Sharon Noble
Subject: OCT.1st/2018 BC HYDRO LETTER Attn. “Noah”
Attached is a recent letter from BC HYDRO that doesn’t acknowledge that customers have been paying exorbitant (65 dollars) fees “on top” of the hydro billing charges for the better part of 5 years and that this is “no longer an option”… The people who weren’t starved into submission were not clearly told that we were “just wasting our time” back then and feel this was “stolen” from our households. Analogue technology is available in other jurisdictions without these absurd fees tied to them, we can treat our citizens better in BC. The previous government was the author of this mess, and the current government has the power to makes things right. Will the government take notice? Here’s a great opportunity to show we have a government that recognises an injustice and is willing to do the right thing and fix it… Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you…
Rick Dignard

From: X
Sent: October 8, 2018
To: jay@thelake.ca; david.lepsoe@chasebc.ca
Cc: leecreekshepherd@gmail.com; ncooper@salmonarm.ca
Subject: re: Fwd: Public Health SOS: The Shadow…
Dear Jay and David,
I would like to add to the letter Patricia sent you:
Do you know that fire halls in California are exempt from having to have small cell towers on or near their buildings?
An interesting quote:
“Also in 2004, I co-authored Resolution 15 which was passed overwhelmingly … urging a moratorium on the placement of cell towers on fire stations in the US and Canada.”
Please note that objection to cell towers on fire halls included fire halls in Canada.
In California, the Senate Bill 649 was passed, adding Section 65964.2 to the Government Code, relating to telecommunications. Section 2 (3) reads:
(a) A small cell shall be a permitted use subject only to a permitting process adopted by a city or county pursuant to subdivision (b) if it satisfies the following requirements:
… (3) The small cell is not located on a fire department facility.
One MUST wonder why fire halls are exempted. I think if you explore both the science (provided by independent scientists, not industry supported science) and the politics (and economics) of the wireless issue, you may begin to question the safety of this technology and the wisdom of having the Precautionary Principle apply (when an activity or product raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established scientifically).
One must also wonder why Lloyd’s of London will not cover any losses related to wireless technologies.
Please remember how “tobacco science” works. Not only did the industry buy the “scientific” results it wanted, but everyone who smoked [did] not die, and disease took years and years to become apparent!
I’m hoping you’ve read this, and if you have, I thank you for having done so.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Your silence gives consent”
~ Plato