[4G – 5G Awareness Forum – Aluminum – Autism – Barbara Loe Fisher – BCCDC – Bias – Cancer Society – Children – Chris Shaw – Doctor Christopher Exley – Epidemic – Espionage – Glyphosates – Homeopathy – Instructions re BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removals – James Lyons-Weiler – Kevin Proteau Press Release re 5G Health & Privacy Risks Public Forum – Magda Havas – Measurement Canada Certificate Expired Notification Letter – Mercury – Microcell / Small Cell Towers Public Right-of-way Siting – Natural Medicine Therapies – Negligence – Neutral Placebo – Power Outages – Public Health Act – Radio-off Smart Meters – RF Microwave Radiation – Romain K. Gherardi – Ross Andersen (SafeZone EMF Consulting) – Safety – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Studies – Ted Kuntz Formal Complaint to Adrian Dix re Bonnie Henry – Telus / Huawei (Security Risk) – Theodora Scarato (EHT) – Timothy Caulfield – Vaccines – Whole House Power Surge Protectors – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices | Kamloops & Penticton, BC – Australia – China – USA] & Websites
1) Please see Letters for analog meter exchange recommendations prepared by a member based on her experience and information from her Electrician.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) Meeting in Penticton on Oct.10/18, where Dr. Magda Havas will speak via skype about 5G technology. The press release is below in Letters.

3) A wonderful, inspiring letter from a “Parent of a Vaccine Injured Child” who is charging that Dr. Bonnie Henry (the Provincial Health Officer who replaced Kendall) is not doing her job. Read this and put Wi-Fi in schools, RF, use of wireless devices in place of vaccinations. She is negligent in many regards and allows her department and others, such as the BCCDC and Cancer Society, to misrepresent the dangers and to ignore independent science.

– https://globalnews.ca/news/3985027/kendall-retires-bonnie-henry-steps-up/
“I am writing in response to recent statements made by BC’s Provincial Health Officer – Dr. Bonnie Henry. The recent comments of the Provincial Health Officer provide disconcerting evidence that Dr. Henry is not fulfilling the responsibilities of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) as outlined in the Public Health Act.”
4) An opportunity to join in a discussion with Theodora Scarato, of Environmental Health Trust, via Zoom on Friday, Oct.12/18 at 9:00 am PST. I am not familiar with Zoom but I believe that you click on the link https://zoom.us/. Then, at the top of the page, click on “join a meeting” and when asked, type in the code 713-09-8963.

Join us for our next “5G Awareness Forum” as our Guest Speaker, Theodora addresses us from EHTrust.org
Invite your guests to join us this coming Friday!
October 12, 2018
zoom.us – 713-09-8963
10:00 a.m. MST – 11:00 a.m. MST

From a member (Sharon Noble’s comments are in blue)
[Update – https://app.bchydro.com/accounts-billing/rates-energy-use/electricity-meters/meter-choice.html]
Call the number on your letter from BC Hydro. (1.800.409.8199)
Explain that you need a firm appointment for the meter exchange.
This is because the installers do not usually shut off power to the meter during the exchange and shutting off is extremely important.
If they say it is not necessary, stand firm. Also, if needed, you could add that you have an older home with older wiring or that you know that a power surge can cause grave damages to your home.
Make sure the appointment is confirmed with the installer in charge. It’s very important that the power is turned off prior to the exchange.
Turn off individual breakers one at a time.
Then turn off main breaker.
Do this before allowing the installer to touch your analog meter.
Ask the installer for his/her name, badge / employee number and business card.
Ask to see the Work Order. They will show you it digitally.
Be certain you are receiving a transmitter-off digital meter, not a “Smart” meter.
(BC Hydro uses the term “radio-off meter” to make it sound benign.)
Be certain it is for the correct address and account number.
Ask the installer to give you the current meter reading on your analog before its removal.
Siting and connecting new meters:
be sure the installer knows that the connector prongs on the meter base on the wall must be tightened. The connectors on the old analog meters were thicker than the ones on the back of the new meters. Unless prongs on the meter base are tightened, they may not snap shut. This could cause arcing, leading to “hot sockets” and potential fires.
Ask to see your analog meter’s expiry date. Also ask for the expiry date of the new transmitter-off meter.
(Fun fact. There is no expiry date on the back of the analog. If there is a date on the back, it will be for the first re-certification of the meter. It is likely that your analog could have been re-certified and used for many more years.)
There will be a power surge.
To avoid damage to appliances or wiring, wait AT LEAST ½ hour before turning on any breakers.
(This advice from my appliance repair person. My electrician advises waiting a full hour.)
When turning on breakers: turn on Main Breakers first.
Then: one at a time, turn on individual breakers.
Wait a minute or more before turning on the next individual breaker.
My Experience (Kamloops)
It took several phone calls to get a definite appointment time.
(It’s very important the homeowner be present, I believe.)
The two installers were both B.C. Hydro employees and Red Seal electricians. (The highest qualifications.)
They were co-operative and considerate.
They gave me the reading on my old analog, making sure it was accurate.
Both the installers, and the BC Hydro 1-800 number on the letter, told me that if there were signs on the analog meter refusing the digital meter, the new meter would not be installed.
The homeowner would receive another letter stating installation of a digital meter was required.
Further resistance would result in a disconnection.
I would recommend that a home power surge protector be installed to protect the home and possessions in the event of a power outage after the smeter has been installed. There have been many incidents of major damage occurring when power is restored after there is an accident or weather event that causes a power outage.
(Press Release went out today)

October 09, 2018
For Immediate Release
Running to be your watchdog for City Council. This is one of my biggest concerns right now.
Public Forum on the health risks & privacy of the 5G network soon to come to Penticton
Dr. Magda Havas to speak at Cleland Theatre on Wednesday, October 10 at 7pm
(I have been told that Dr. Havas will not appear in person but will speak via Skype.)
Main speaker – Dr. Magda Havas is an Environmental Scientist who has peer-reviewed scientific studies on the health risks associated with the location of cell towers in proximity to homes & schools. Dr. Havas will speak on the potential health risks of Telus’ plan to install mini-microwave cellular towers throughout Penticton. (every 800 ft., or every 2nd to tenth house)
intro speaker – Bio – Ross Andersen DC, ND, DO (MP)
Retired Chiropractor & Naturopathic Physician
Health Motivator and Educator, Electromagnetic Field Radiation Consultant, Live Blood Analyst, Osteopath
Currently operating an electromagnetic field radiation consulting service called SafeZone EMF Radiation Protection [http://www.safezoneemf.com/]. SafeZone does home and business consultations and evaluations for all forms of electromagnetic and wireless radiation. Remediation and mitigation methods are recommended for all forms of wireless radiation that are found.
This plan is referred to as 5G wireless technology. 5G (meaning 5th generation microwave wireless technology) requires hundreds of mini cell towers to be constructed throughout our city emitting microwave radiation. 5G service is supposed to be up to 100 times faster than current data speeds, but it requires cell phone microwave radiation towers to be closer to our homes than ever before. Telus claims they have no intention on installing 5G in Penticton; however they have started to install 4G microcell towers that are 5G-ready.
To date, there has been zero to minimal community input. The meeting at the Cleland Theatre on Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 7pm will help enlighten the public and local politicians and candidates on the risks associated with placing these towers close to homes and schools.
According to Kevin Proteau, main organizer of the event, over 200 International Scientists have been petitioning Governments and Industry to halt the output of 5G microcell towers over potential health risks.
To date, such warnings have been ignored. Proteau is also worried about the private information collected through this technology and noted that the company Telus has contracted to install the towers, Huawei, is a Chinese-owned company that has been banned in the US and Australia for illegally gathering private information on citizens and Governments.
Proteau, who is running for City Council, (as well) is urging people to show up and learn about the risks of having microwave cell towers next to their homes, businesses and schools.
We have reserved seats for all candidates running in the current municipal election because there will be a Q & A after the presentation. It is hoped that council will ask questions regarding about their concerns as it is part of council’s mandate to protect the health & safety of the citizens of Penticton.
Contact: kevinproteau.locals@gmail.com
Kevin Proteau, 250-770-9789
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
~ Mark Twain