[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers – AAEM – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program – Blue Light (HEV) – Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – Digital Addiction – Doctor Alejandra Vivas – Eyes – Fertility – GPS – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Jeffrey Fromowitz – Memory – Microwave Radiation – Nomophobia Panic Attacks – NTP – Patricia Letter to Shuswap Candidates re Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side Of The Wireless Revolution by Camilla Rees & Magda Havas – Rodney Palmer Testimony to Royal Society – Safety – Skin – Sleep – Sperm – The Distracted Mind by Larry Rosen – Toronto Womens’ College Hospital – Wi-Fi in Schools (Chase, Heart, Jetton, Mountainview Elementary, Pacemakers, Simcoe County District School Board) – Wireless Devices | Shuswap, BC – Collingwood & Simcoe & Toronto, Ontario – USA] & Books & (video)
1) The Reader’s Digest has some cautionary info about cell phones but, unfortunately, even in the article about health the writer minimizes the significance of serious ones like effects on sperm or the NTP study. But at least some info is reaching a much wider audience.
(click on photos to enlarge)
13 Ways Your Cell Phone Affects Your Body and Mind
Warning, Cell Phone Addicts: Your Phone Is Aging Your Skin
A 2008 study suggests that this wavelength of light is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, like ultraviolet light, making it potentially even more invasive. “The consequences include premature aging, wrinkling, and pigmentation of the skin (sun spots and melasma),” says Dr. Fromowitz. “But, there is currently no link between skin cancer from such exposure.”
15 Ways Technology Can Make You Sick
2) In 2013, many of us gave testimony about the evidence to dispute the Royal Society’s recommendation that Safety Code 6 remain unchanged. One person who spoke was a parent from Simcoe, Ontario where many children suffered serious health effects (2 died) after being exposed to very high levels of Wi-Fi in their school. Some children were given, or were in the process of being given, pacemakers when Dr. Magda Havas contacted the parents and suggested that the Wi-Fi could be the cause for irregular heartbeats. The children that were removed from school, away from the microwave radiation, no longer suffered the cardiac problems.
Strong anecdotal evidence that children are vulnerable to exposure to wireless radiation, but schools still have Wi-Fi as do libraries, rec centres, etc. Over recent years, there have been many reports in the media of apparently healthy young people suffering often fatal heart attacks. Isn’t it odd that many schools now have defibrillators?
Is Wi-Fi in Schools Harming Our Children? The Testimony of Rodney Palmer
“Rodney Palmer gives concerning testimony to the Royalty Society of Canada on how the roll out of powerful wi-fi systems in Canadian schools may account for debilitating and even deadly side effects, such as sudden cardiac arrest in students”
3) Camilla Rees has been given an award by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine for her efforts to raise awareness about dangers of microwave radiation. This is especially notable because Camilla is not a doctor, and is one of a handful of individuals without a medical degree to be recognized by this organization.

“Morton Teich, MD, Past President of the AAEM, presented Rees with what is the Academy’s most prestigious award, saying, “Camilla has distinguished herself as a pioneering educator and health advocate, raising awareness among physicians, policymakers and the public about the biological and health effects from cell phones, wireless technologies and wireless infrastructure. She has been on the forefront of what can be argued is one of the most important public health issues of our time, and is a modern-day Rachel Carson, heralding the great health and DNA risks society is presently taking by not hard-wiring communications.”
From: Patricia (name given with permission)
Sent: October 3, 2018
To: Jay Simpson <jay@thelake.ca>; David Lepsoe <david.lepsoe@chasebc.ca>
Cc: Angela Simpson <leecreekshepherd@gmail.com>; Nancy Cooper <ncooper@salmonarm.ca>;
Subject: Fwd: Public Health SOS: The Shadow…
This issue is being completely ignored by most of the candidates in the Shuswap area as well as the PAC members. Why? Because that is the way the Federal Government wants it, that is the way the Pharmaceutical Industry wants it, and that is the way the Telecom Industry wants it.
But it is deadly serious and a little research demonstrates just how serious this issue is. Once cell towers are put up in an area, it is practically impossible to get them decommissioned or removed. So the ‘smart’ thing to do re: ‘smart cities’ is not to allow them in the first place.
There are countless scientific studies available now proving the hazards of all wireless technology. Children are particularly vulnerable yet they have no protection in most homes, buses they ride in, or schools. Many private schools do not allow this. Parent groups in several areas are taking action like removing their children from the school until the technology is changed to the faster, safe hard wired systems available. Those of us who have done our research no longer have any wireless equipment in our homes; including ‘smart meters’ which were ‘deployed’ by BC Hydro without public consultation, using false information to convince people they are not only safe but would provide cheaper electricity which simply is not true.
I really hope my message hits home enough to motivate you to do some research and find out what many of us already know – and then take appropriate action to protect our communities by not permitting the new ‘5G’ microcell technology to bring more compromise to so many of us already struggling with the so-called ‘emerging illnesses’. It is a well known fact today how many ‘special needs’ children are in our classrooms yet people remain unaware of the biggest cause of this which is radiation weakening them day and night.
Please share this with as many concerned citizens and parents as you can. If we do not start taking care of our Air, Land and Water the next generation will be facing health problems, diseases we can’t even imagine. Here in the Shuswap we are blessed with a relatively clean environment – and we have a choice today to protect it or continue destroying it by relying on industry funded ‘scientists’ or lobby groups whose only concern is money money money.
Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side Of The Wireless Revolution
Price: $19.95
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
~ George Orwell