[5G Canada Council – 5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting – BC Hydro Opt-out – BCUC – Bell Canada (Serge Bertuzzo) – Big Telecom – CCI Wireless – Clean Energy Act – Corporate Ties that Bind by Martin J. Walker – Corrupt to the Core: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower by Doctor Shiv Chopra – Data for Sale – Doctor Bonnie Henry – Eastlink TV – Educate Your MLA, MP, Local Politicians – EHS / ES – Ericsson – Fibre Optics – Flyers – Freedom Mobile (Paul Cowling) – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Huawei (Scott Bradley, Security Risk) – John Ranns Speech (Democracy, Freedom) – Nokia – October 20 Local Elections – Patrick Colbeck – Picket John Horgan‘s Constituency Office – Please Comment on Dorothea Siegler Letter re Microwave Radiation – Privacy in the Home – Public Forums – Ramazzini Institute – Rogers – SaskTel – Schools – Shaw – Smart Grid – Studies – Surveillance – Tbaytel – Ted Archibald Letters & Questions to Mayor & Council Candidates – Telus – Videotron – Wi-Fi – WireIE – Wireless Devices – Xplorenet | Cowichan Station & Maple Ridge & Mission & Pitt Meadows, BC – Canada – Australia – Italy – UK – USA] & Books & (videos) & Websites
1) SHORT NOTICE: As you know, I’ve been suggesting that we undertake some actions in addition to writing letters to get some attention. Right now, it seems that we hear nothing from our elected MLAs and MPs until it’s time for them to ask us for our vote. It shouldn’t work that way. If people ignore us, refuse to answer our letters with more than a form letter, refuse to meet with us – they deserve to know we are not happy.
(click on photos to enlarge)

So, as a first step that might be repeated over and over, some members will be outside Premier Horgan’s constituency office, on the public sidewalk, this Friday, 11am-1PM, 2806 Jacklin Rd., Langford.
If you can, please consider joining in, bring signs that express your concerns respectfully. You don’t need to live in Horgan’s constituency – after all, he is the Premier. Premier Horgan needs to know that people who work for this government and for us, like the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, refuse to meet with people who wish to discuss Wi-Fi in schools, for example. If you can’t make it this Friday, put it on your calendar for next Friday.
2) Local elections will be held on Oct. 20. Councillors and Mayors need to be aware of the 5G microcell issue and their responsibilities related to them. Ted Archibald has shared his letters to the candidates running in his municipality which include questions to see if any of them are familiar with the topic and/or open to learning more (see below in Letters). My guess is that most know nothing.

A good flyer will be available tomorrow that could be sent with your questions/letters. If you get good responses from some of the candidates, ask if you could share. Support should be given to those who are willing to get involved in this issue.
3) A reminder of a speech that Mayor John Ranns gave at the Coalition’s “Stop Smart Meters” rally we held in Victoria in June, 2014. Mayor Ranns gives some sage advice that could prove useful in communicating with your elected representatives. We need to get them to listen to our concerns and to heed the scientific warnings.
Fighting Smart Meters Requires More Effective Engagement with Politicians
“For those interested in freedom and for those interested in preventing the forced imposition of utility smart meters, please take the time to read and study what follows.
Here are the statements and perspective of Mayor John Ranns on the subject of democracy, smart meters, and engagement with politicians:
“In a free system, democracy has to have boundaries. It has to be able to protect the minority as well as serve the majority.
Yet in one stroke BC Hydro, and enabled by the government, and all members of the government, not just the ruling party here; in one stroke they said, ‘Sorry folks, this is a new world; things have changed; all that doesn’t matter anymore. We now have the right to do what we want to your home. You do not have the right to control what goes on in your home, or what gets attached to your home.’
https://smartgridawareness.org/2015/06/23/engagement-with-politicians/ (10 tips for effective communication)
(video 21:12) StopSmartMetersBC – John Ranns by EmrHealthAlliance – YouTube – June 21, 2014 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h73qBe6I7-k]
4) From the recent article in the Globe and Mail, it it is apparent that the Canadian government is not taking the potential threats to our cybersecurity presented by Huawei as seriously as the UK, the USA and Australia are. This Chinese company is not just partnering with Telus, it is in the driver’s seat for the new 5G grid. I believe we should be concerned about this, and telling our MLAs and MPs that the grid must be Huawei-free. Fox-henhouse analogy ….

Chair: Scott Bradley (Huawei Technologies Canada)
Vice-Chairs: Serge Bertuzzo (Bell Canada) and Paul Cowling (Freedom Mobile)
Please consider supporting this letter about smeters. Know that “Derek Ward” is somehow affiliated with BC Hydro or the telecoms because he is always eager to mock and attack any concerns about health.


Subject: | Questions for all Maple Ridge Candidates for Mayor and Council |
Date: | 26 Sep 2018 |
From: | Ted Archibald |
Dear Prospective Councillors/Mayor:
Thank you for investing your time and energy on behalf of the public!
As we are all very busy and with limited time to attend events, I am posting some questions below of concern to many citizens which I hope you will reply to.
These questions are related to 5G microwave ‘minicell’ antennas and the Telus/Shaw plan to attach these antennas onto telephone and other poles in front of homes in the City’s ‘right of ways’.
I would appreciate your response to these questions by Thursday October 4th.
I would like to share your responses with others if desired, please advise if you would prefer that not be done.
You can respond by simply selecting REPLY and then add your comments after the specific questions and then SEND.
This should take only a few minutes of your valuable time.
Thank you and good luck in the election.
Ted Archibald
Maple Ridge BC
Candidate questions:
Telus and other providers have plans to load micro-cell antennas on hydro telephone poles in front of every 3rd or 4th home in the City.
This will be done without consultation with the homeowner.
Does this plan concern you?
Why or why not?
Should citizens have the right to stop the deployment of such antennas in close proximity to their homes, or schools?
Do you believe there are health effects from ‘5G’ radiation and other ‘smart’ technologies, or is this hearsay?
Is this a concern to you?
Have you investigated what other cities around the world are doing to prevent this rollout of 5G until further studies are completed?
Would you hold public forums to listen to the public before allowing 5G into the city?
If so, would health questions be permitted at these forums?
Are you familiar with the medical disability known as ‘EHS’ or electro hypersensitivity?
Do you or would you support a proposal for the City to accommodate these persons?
Do you have a position on the extension of fibre-optic cabling directly to each home or business?
Thank you.
Dear Prospective Councillors/Mayor:
Thank you for investing your time and energy on behalf of the public!
On September 26 I sent you an email asking some questions about your understanding of 5G and the impending installation of 100s of mini-cell transmitters in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows and Mission, and the rest of BC.
I thank you for responding.
As you might guess, I am very concerned about 5G and therefore I am trying to determine who I should vote for Mayor and Councillors in Maple Ridge.
I will be voting for someone who understands what 5G is and is willing to bring this up for public review and discussion when Telus and/or Shaw and/or Rogers wants to install a 5G mini-cell network.
And I will be informing many others of what I find.
Thank you again.
US Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies Against the deployment of 5G because of the reported health effects from wireless technologies in a hearing 2018. Learn More about 5G HERE |
Speaking of the power of corporations to manipulate the public good I remind you of:
1 – Shiv Chopra – ‘Corrupt to the Core’. The story of Health Canada.
see http://shivchopra.com/corrupt-to-the-core/
see https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6434243-corrupt-to-the-core
2 – Martin J. Walker – Corporate Ties that Bind
see https://books.google.ca/books/about/Corporate_Ties_That_Bind.html?id=oRH9DQAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y
see https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/corporate-ties-that-bind-martin-j-walker/1123362586
If you wish to discuss this issue then just email me and I shall attempt to help.
And naturally, I wish each of you success in this election.
Ted Archibald