[American Cancer Society Misinformation – Behaviour – Benefits – Bills – Brain Tumour (L. Lloyd Morgan) – Burton Ogle – Cell Phones – Children – Data for Sale – Duke Energy (Jeff Brooks) – Duke Energy Progress – EHS / ES – EMF Safety Network – Faraday Cage – FCC – Health – Infertility – Marketing – Mary Anne Tierney – NCUC Opt-out Rider MRM (Notarized Doctor’s Excuse) – North Carolina Medical Board – NTP – Paul Héroux – Privacy – Ramazzini Institute – RF Microwave Radiation – Safety – SECC (Patty Durand) – Shielding – Smart Appliances – Studies – WHO | Russia – Asheville, North Carolina, USA] & (videos) & Websites
1) A member who bought the series of videos has shared Dr. Morgan’s and Dr. Héroux’s with us.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://ehtrust.org/about/meet-the-team/
(1:10:08) Lloyd Morgan, Senior Researcher EHT – Breaking the Dam of Denial: Infertility and The Effects on Our Children’s Brains – EMF Health Summit 2018 – September 23, 2018:

(55:45) Dr. Paul Héroux – EMF Science: An Inconvenient Truth – EMF Health Summit 2018 – September 24, 2018:
2) In North Carolina, people can opt out of the smeter program without charge if they have a doctor’s statement confirming a health-based reason. For $12 a month, others can opt out. Take a look at the statement by the American Cancer Society – which continues to minimize the scientific evidence that has been available for years, and ignores the 2 most recent significant studies. Too bad that the professor they interview doesn’t know anything about RF radiation.

News 13 Investigates: The health effects with ‘smart’ utility meters
“We see most often sleep disturbances, anxiety and agitation, headaches, migraines, ringing in the ears, dizziness, balance problems,” said Tierney.
The North Carolina Utility Commission insisted Duke Energy Carolina make an exception, allowing those with a notarized doctor’s excuse an opt-out without fees. Duke Energy Progress has not considered this an option.
3) The industry is starting the push to make customers more accepting of “sharing” their data with other companies by convincing them that the benefits will outweigh any risks. Benefits might be to receive notices or ads about appliances!!!

Harnessing smart meter data key to better customer engagement, SECC report says
Utilities use smart meter data to provide customers with more accurate bills and more reliable forecasts. The data has also helped improve the functionality of the grid due to faster restoration of power, along with strengthened security. But utilities could do more to offer additional services to customers, Durand said.
“We have not yet seen the uplift and benefit to consumers that we would hope,” she said. While noting that there have been outage and restoration improvements as a result of smart meter data, Durand added, “There haven’t been as many opportunities for consumers to save money from all of the data that their energy usage generates. Data analytics is a very important component of this revolution.”