[ARPANSA – Brain Tumour (L. Lloyd Morgan) – Children – Doctor David McDonald – EHS / ES – EMFs – Hidden Dangers by Jerry Flynn – Jemena (Michael Pintabona, Opt Out) – Lily D’Ambrosio – Parents for Safe Schools (Janis Hoffmann, Wifi is making our kids SICK Decals) – Paul Héroux – Sergio Casagrande (Agatha, Pacemaker) – Wi-Fi in Schools | BC – Victoria, Australia] & (audios) & Book & (videos) & Website
**There may not be an update tomorrow, Sept. 26, 2018.**
1) A member found an audio link to the interview with Dr. Lloyd Morgan. Apparently, there is a video here available for 30 days but I couldn’t download it. We hope to have the videos of Drs. Morgan and Héroux, and perhaps others, available soon.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://ehtrust.org/about/meet-the-team/
2) Below in Letters is info about a book that Jerry Flynn has published and is now available.
3) In Australia, the government and utility are as negligent and heartless as ours are. Why should people have to suffer just so that a dangerous, unnecessary device can read power consumption??

Heartless Minister D’Ambrosio refuses to help suffering retiree
““RESERVOIR retiree Sergio spends his nights in a cramped and freezing garage, surrounded by bird cages and old furniture.
Whenever he tries to sleep in his own bed he wakes up with pain, dizziness, and has difficulty talking.
Sergio said these problems started in 2013, shortly after a smart meter was installed at his home.”
[Dr. David McDonald, CSIRO Scientist, Victoria, Australia:
Brain on fire: Living with electromagnetic hypersensitivity by Mark White – stuff.co.nz – September 04, 2015 – https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/71753199/brain-on-fire-living-with-electromagnetic-hypersensitivity
CSIRO scientist Dr. David McDonald speaks about his electrosensitivity – EMFacts Consultancy – May 22, 2014 – http://www.emfacts.com/2014/05/csiro-scientist-dr-david-mcdonald-speaks-about-his-electrosensitivity/ & (video 13:02) EMF sufferer in Australia by Marc Khanne – YouTube – May 20, 2014 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLO25nyauDg
1 year anniversary of the Australian Federal Court’s recognition of the detrimental effects of electromagnetic radiation – Stop Smart Meters Australia – February 27, 2014 – http://stopsmartmeters.com.au/2014/02/27/1-year-anniversary-of-the-australian-federal-courts-recognition-of-the-detrimental-effects-of-electromagnetic-radiation/
CSIRO scientist Dr David McDonald wins compensation for Wi-Fi pain – September 28, 2013 – http://www.news.com.au/technology/csiro-scientist-dr-david-mcdonald-wins-compensation-for-wifi-pain/story-e6frfrnr-1226729178281
Comcare is liable to pay compensation in respect of an injury by Lyn McLean – Burgerwelle – March 04, 2013 – http://www.buergerwelle.de:8080/helma/twoday/bwnews/stories/4652/]
4) Janis Hoffmann, who has been fighting long and hard to warn the public, teachers, school trustees and politicians about the dangers of Wi-Fi in schools, has designed a bumper, window, door sticker (non sticky). Her email address is:
This is just about the only way those who need to know are able to learn that info about Wi-Fi is available. Please consider letting parents and teachers know about this group. [https://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/]

New decal for your car $5.00 includes postage.
My new batch of decals just came in and if you are interested in purchasing one, email me at:
This 8” x 8” vinyl decal is “low tack” that can be re-positioned and taken off your car without leaving any kind of sticky residue, much like a large ‘Post-it note.’ I removed the decal that was on my car for the last 5 years and it just peeled off leaving nothing behind.
Just remember to place the decal on a clean, dry, undamaged surface. The frosted vinyl is best on white and gray cars and the white vinyl is good for darker cars and windows. Email me and I will send you my address.

Hi everyone,
The jacket of my first-ever, 10 years-in-the-making, 344-page soft cover book: “Hidden Dangers” can be seen in the links below (both the front and back covers), as can a Description of the book itself.
Because this is the ONLY book of its kind in the world, and because the public is slowly waking up to realize what scientists, globally, say CAUSES (albeit not solely):
a) 1 in 2 Canadians will get cancer;
b) 1 in 3 Americans will get cancer;
c) cancer is the number 1 cause of deaths from disease in children!
d) the incidence of autism in 2016 in the USA was 1 in 36 children and 1 in 28 boys!
e) ‘special needs’ teachers today are commonplace in schools; and,
f) today‘s other disease epidemics, e.g., brain tumors/cancers, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia and most other cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), suicides, depression, miscarriages, sterility, infertility, asthma, heart ailments, behavioural problems, etc.
The book sells for $24.99 plus $1.25 GST plus shipping – we use Canada Post’s least expensive method to ship book(s). First come, first served!
Jerry Flynn <jerryjgf@shaw.ca>