[5G – Addiction (Cell Phones, Internet, Wireless Devices) – American Council for Energy-Efficient Economy and Energy Efficiency for All – Bills – Brain Tumour (L. Lloyd Morgan) – Cell Towers – David Fancy – EHS / ES – EMFs – Fibre Optics – Gridmates (George Koutitas) – Health Canada – Paul Héroux – Power Lines – Residential Energy Consumption Survey (EIA) – Studies – Wi-Fi in Schools | Canada – USA] & (audios) & (video) & Website
1) I am sorry that the interview with Lloyd Morgan was taken down earlier than I had expected – many of you told me you tried to listen and couldn’t. I will find out if I can share it if I buy it.
Another excellent interview is with Dr. Paul Héroux “EMF: An Inconvenient Truth” which is available until 7 am Sept.25. I will buy it, too, if I am allowed to share it. Dr. Héroux covers a lot of material and advises that we fight 5G and demand that fiber optic cable be used. It is hundreds of times faster and much, much safer.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) A very good interview in this article (and you CAN listen to this one) with David Fancy, a professor who is sensitive and had to change virtually every aspect of his life to regain his health. This was sent to a member with a response re. the unfair treatment given to the grandmother fighting for her grandson to be able to attend a Wi-Fi-free school. It seems odd that this program re. EHS was done and, at about the same time, an article seemed to mock EHS.

Canadians claiming to have ‘electromagnetic hypersensitivity’ feel forced to escape modern life
“Simplest terms, it’s an allergy to human-made electromagnetic emissions,” says David, a dramatic arts professor at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ont.
Reported symptoms of EHS include headaches, ear ringing, dizziness, nerve pain, burning skin sensations and heart palpitations. Common triggers are cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth signals, cell towers, power lines and, in extreme cases, anything electric.
“There was an extensive period where I had to live outside because I was unable to tolerate being indoors,” David says. “Simply being in the electrical environment of a household was impossible.”
3) In the USA, a significant proportion of the population struggle to pay their electricity bills. What about the promises that smeters would reduce rates and save so much power???

Nearly One-Third Of US Households Struggle To Pay Energy Bills
“… 11% of households surveyed keep their home at a unsafe or unhealthy temperature, whatever that means.
“Of the 25 million households that reported forgoing food and medicine to pay energy bills, 7 million faced that decision nearly every month,” reads the report. “Of the 17 million households who reported receiving a disconnection notice, 2 million reported that they received a notice nearly every month.””
4) A member sent this video (5 minutes) about the addictive power of the internet. It is depressing, I must warn you – probably because it’s so true.
People Nowadays
(video 04:01) This Will Leave You Speechless! – One of The Most Eye Opening Videos by Be Inspired – YouTube – June 12, 2018 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKd2QVrQVIM