[Active Grid – Adaptive Communications Technology – AT&T Mobile 5G Evolution (Andre Fuetsch, mmW) – BC Hydro (4G LTE Smart Meters, Rogers Cellular Network) – BC Ombudsperson Complaint Team (Jay Chalke) – Cell Phones – Cisco – Consumption Measurement – Data for Sale – Ericsson (Fredrik Jejdling) – Health – IoT – Itron OpenWay Riva IPv6 Mesh / Star Network – No Smart Meter (Randal Barrett) – Nokia (Marc Rouanne) – NVIDIA (Phil Eisler) – Pacific Power Opt Out (Analogs, Christina Kruger) – PLC – Privacy – Qualcomm (David Nash) – RF – Samsung (Mark Louison) – Smart Cities – Smart Distribution Network – Smart Grid Sensors – Smartphones – Surveillance / Tracking – Volumetric Video – VR Gaming – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | Hazelton & Kitimat & Prince Rupert & Smithers & Terrace, BC – Palo Alto, California & Jacksonville, Florida & Atlanta, Georgia & Louisville, Kentucky & New Orleans, Louisiana & Grants Pass & Rogue Valley, Oregon & Tennessee & Houston & San Antonio & Waco, Texas, USA] & (videos) & Websites
1) Many have hypothesized that the smeters were intended to do more than just measure our power usage. We’ve feared that our privacy would be invaded when our personal data is gathered and, potentially, shared with third parties. Well, here is ITRON’s admission that this is, indeed, the plan and has been all along.
Itron’s brochure seems to foresee using our homes as a commercial base for more than utilities. “Edge” devices to connect to the IoT, smart grid, to be a major part of the smart cities program by having multiple types of transmitters from multiple companies in the smeter to gather and “create business value” from all the data being gathered.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“The Active Grid demands both high-performance communications and reliable connectivity. That means a communications solution that combines multiple communication media – RF wireless, powerline carrier and Wi-Fi – on the same chipset and in the same edge devices. Edge devices are able to intelligently select the most appropriate path, data rates and communications mode (e.g. mesh, point-to-point, peer-to-peer, local broadcast) to assure the highest level of communication performance and reliability to support an entirely new portfolio of smart grid, smart distribution and smart city use cases. We call this Adaptive Communications Technology and it delivers assured connectivity at the highest possible speed.
Not a Meter; a Grid Sensor and Computing Platform
With a powerful distributed computing platform, the Active Grid transforms the smart meter from a consumption measurement device to an advanced grid sensor with metering being one of multiple applications. That means embedding the equivalent computing power of a smart phone or desktop computer in every device, enabling real-time analysis of high-resolution data (1-second or better) at the edge, while eliminating latency and loss of data resolution during transfer over the network. This distributed computing platform also provides the ability to run multiple “apps” on meters and other edge devices, thereby unleashing a growing ecosystem of developers to innovate on the platform…
This type of self-directed device interaction hasalways been central to the vision of a smart distribution networkbut never possible until now…
One of the key trends identified in the latest Itron Resourcefulness Index, an annual survey of utility executives, industry stakeholders and consumers to gauge progress in achieving more effective management of energy and water resources, was that utility executives are very concerned about creating business value from all the new data coming their way.”
Itron OpenWay Riva IPv6:

& https://www.bchydro.com/search.html?site=bchydro-com&client=bchydro-com&proxystylesheet=bchydro-com&output=xml_no_dtd&q=smart+metering+program
BC Hydro Smart Meter History – https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/the-future-of-smart-meters#gs.5cr3dms (….“The last thing we wanted was simple meter-to-cash,” said David DeYagher, BC Hydro’s senior manager of field device operations, referring to using the meters for billing improvements. “We wanted to be meter-to-grid.”…BC Hydro has installed 1.9 million smart meters and is transitioning the network to the newest Internet Protocol, IPv6, to allow other compliant vendors to plug into the network with ease….Tim Wolf, Itron’s marketing director for smart grid solutions, said there’s been an expansion in what utilities around the world are looking for….“We’re moving from a meter-to-cash focus, to analytics, to device interoperability, smart cities and the internet of things.”…)
BC Hydro, Cisco and Itron – a Powerhouse in Canada – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0vDM-RtiNA
Enabling Smart Grid Applications Over a Multi-Application IPv6 Network – A Conversation with David De Yagher, Senior Manager, Field Device Operations, BC Hydro – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvGpLp8cSgE
2) Some communities will have a chance to complain to the BC Ombudsperson about BC Hydro and how we all are being treated, lied to, and deceived.

Mobile complaint team coming to B.C.’s northwest
Ombudsperson’s office wants to hear from wronged residents.
“The Office of the B.C. Ombudsperson wants to hear from Northwesterners unfairly treated by the provincial government, local government, or other B.C. public bodies. In a press release today the office announced it is currently scheduling confidential and free in-person appointments in Smithers Oct. 1, Hazelton Oct. 2, Terrace and Kitimat Oct. 3, and Prince Rupert Oct. 4 and 5.”
3) Oregon group protesting smeters for all the same reasons we are. And their opt-out fee is higher than ours!!! $36 a month.

‘No Smart Meter’ Group Plans Protest For Pacific Power Workshop
4) AT&T’s 5G capacity is growing and expanding much more quickly than anticipated. We must work to get word out because few people know that this is coming to their neighbourhoods and soon.
AT&T Makes World’s First Standards-Based Mobile 5G Millimeter Wave Connection
“AT&T* plans to introduce mobile 5Gin parts of five additional cities – Houston, Jacksonville, Louisville, New Orleans, and San Antonio – this year. These new cities are in addition to seven cities where we’ve already announced plans to launch mobile 5G this year – Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas, Indianapolis,Oklahoma City, Raleigh, and Waco.
Looking forward to early 2019, we’ll keep our 5G momentum going and plan to introduce mobile 5G in parts of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Nashville, Orlando, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose. From these 19 cities, we’ll continue to expand…
Our 5G deployment strategy will include using millimeter wave spectrum to deploy 5G in pockets of dense areas – where demand on our network is high and extra capacity and coverage is needed most. In other parts of urban areas and in suburban and rural areas, we plan to deploy 5G on our mid and low-band spectrum holdings. We’ve been encouraged by the performance of mmWave in our 5G trials and found that it performs better than expected and is successful in delivering ultra-high wireless speeds under a variety of conditions.
In addition, our foundational 5G Evolution technology is now live in more than 200 markets, reaching 400+ markets this year. 5G Evolution markets are locations where we’ve deployed the latest technologies that enable peak theoretical wireless speeds of at least 400 megabits per second** on capable devices.”