[5G mmW Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Allan Frey – Animals – Annie Sasco – BBB – Bias – Big Wireless – Cancer Tumours (Brain, Breast, Prostate, Salivary Gland) – Carl Blackman, EPA – Cell Phones – Children – Conflicts of Interest – Doctor Devra Davis – Dimitris J. Panagopoulos – DNA – EHS / ES – EMF Myths – FCC (Ajit Pai, Brendan Carr, Tom Wheeler) – Gerald Hyland – Graham Philips – Health – Henry Lai – IARC – Kevin O’Neill – Leif Salford – Lennart Hardell – Magda Havas – Martin Blank – Media Misinformation – Microwave Radiation – Motorola – NACo National Association of Counties – NTP – Olle Johansson – Plants – RF Group 2B – Robert Santini – Ross Adey – Safety – Smart Cities – Spark – Studies (Deceptions, Design Flaws, Funding by Industry or Non-Industry & Results) – USCM U.S. Conference of Mayors (Lawsuit, Property Rights, Tom Cochran) – Vatican Radio Tower – Vodafone – WHO – Wi-Fi (Christine Thoroughgood, Compass Communication Fixed Wireless, Ian & Karen Vickery, Jonathan Brewer, Sally Fitzgerald, Rick Shera, Trees) | Canada – China – Kaipara Flats, New Zealand – California, USA] & (videos) & Website
1) Major opposition to the imposition of 5G microcells and technology by many mayors in the USA. As in Canada, federal policies are very pro-telecom industry over the rights of either local governments or the public.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Statement by U.S. Conference of Mayors CEO & Executive Director Tom Cochran on FCC’s Order Proposing to Usurp Local Property Rights
“The U.S. Conference of Mayors strongly opposes recent proposals by the Federal Communications Commission to grant communications service providers subsidized access to local public property and to dictate how local governments manage their own local rights-of-ways and public property. This unprecedented federal intrusion into local (and state) government property rights will have substantial adverse impacts on cities and their taxpayers, including reduced funding for essential local government services, as well as an increased risk of right-of-way and other public safety hazards.”
U.S. Conference Of Mayors Will Sue FCC If They Eliminate Local Control Over 5G Small Cell Tower And Infrastructure Installation
“According to pro-industry publication, Smart Cities Dive:
- The U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) said in a statement that it would sue the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) if the commission does not change a proposed policy that would preempt local control in a bid to streamline installation of 5G wireless infrastructure.”
2) A judge in New Zealand made a decision with potentially crazy implications. Reception of Wi-Fi is more important than someone’s property?

Property owner can be forced to cut trees if they interfere with a neighbour’s Wi-Fi, judge says
But, crucially, she did accept that “undue interference with a wi-fi signal caused by trees could constitute an undue interference with the reasonable use and enjoyment of an applicant’s land for the purposes of s 335(1)(vi) of the [Property Law] Act.”
“This decision is interesting because it finds that, in some circumstances, neighbour A can require tree trimming, or removal, repair or alteration of a structure, on neighbour B’s land, where the trees or structure unduly interfere with the neighbour A’s wireless connectivity,” Shera says.”
3) So many times politicians, bureaucrats, etc. respond with statements that are untrue but which have become “myths”. Here are some of them, with the facts that we all need to become familiar with so that we can respond to such statements.

The EMF Controversy – Common Misconceptions
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