[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Siting Legislation – Americans for Responsible Technology – BCUC – Bullying – Clean Energy – Climate Change – Data for Sale – DE – Democratic Rights – Doctor Martin Blank – Eversource (Weather Related Liability) – Environment – FCC – FortisBC – Grassroots Environmental Education – Health – Human Rights – ICNIRP – Lawsuits – LED – National Consumer Law Center (Charlie Harak) – Patricia Burke – Planned Obsolescence – Power Outages – Power Surge Appliance Damages (Charles Card, Matt Arguin, Tracey Alberti, Tremont Street) – Privacy – Product Defense (Exponent, Gradient, Peter Valberg) – Renewable Energies – RF Microwave Radiation – Safety – Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative – Smart Meter Flaws (Batteries E-waste, Behaviour, Bills, Cold Temperatures, Costs, EMPs, Fires) – Solar Inverters – Surveillance – Telecom Power Grab – TOU – Transmissions per Day – UN – Variable Speed Motors – Wireless Devices Energy Hogs | BC – Ottawa, Ontario – California & Illinois & Maine & Carver, Massachusetts & Texas & Vermont & Washington, DC, USA] & (videos) & Websites
1) The new coalition, Americans for Responsible Technology, has teamed with Grassroots to put pressure on the politicians in Washington and to educate the public about the dangers of 5G. In Letters is a summary of their fabulous first efforts to stop the rollout of 5G across the USA. We desperately need them, or an organization like this one, to do the same thing in Ottawa. If this group is successful in Washington, we will benefit mightily.
(video 01:30) Pushback Against 5G by Grassroots Communications – YouTube – September 16, 2018: – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXS218qE37c
2) A terrific article by Patricia Burke putting pressure on the solar industry to step forward and help fight the false promises and information made by the industry regarding smeters and the “smart” grid.
Re. the clip below, remember that Exponent was the agency used by FortisBC to promote smeters before the BCUC. With crazy statements like – you are exposed to more radiation from lying beside your spouse than from a smart meter – BCUC accepted Exponent’s expertise above that of experts like Dr. Martin Blank.
(click on photos to enlarge)

It’s Time to Break Up the Forced Child-Bride Marriage Between Solar, Sustainability, and Smart Meters
Direct Assaults on Health
“If you wish to promote a lie, hire a liar. Speaking of Phillip Morris and its campaign to Keep America Beautiful, the cornerstone of the smart meter rollout across the U.S. was the expert opinion of a tobacco scientist who also testifies for Phillip Morris cigarettes.[19] Scientists from the two notorious product defense firms Gradient and Exponent gave testimonials and testimony across the country in favor of smart meters.
Yes, it is difficult to believe, but utility regulators,[20] legislators, and politicians across the country have endorsed the roll-out of wireless utility meters assuming that they are safe, based on the interpretation of the science by the same scientists who are still defending air pollution, asbestos, tobacco, toxic chemicals and other products.[21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26]
As leading environmental groups and regulators continue to promote smart meters to address the health and environmental consequences of the fossil fuel model, they have incredulously ignored the fact that they are enabling another wave of environmental and health assaults.”
3) A member has found another power surge that resulted in major appliance damages, this one in Massachusetts. A lawyer notes that appliance damage like this, due to a power surge, is pretty rare. But I suspect if he checks, he will find that it is becoming more common now that there are so many smeters.

Residents battle Eversource to pay for damages after strong power surges

Report from Washington:
32 meetings in two days!
Last Thursday and Friday, a team from Grassroots and Americans For Responsible Technology descended on Washington to bring the science on wireless radiation to members of the House and Senate Commerce Committees that have jurisdiction over the Federal Communications Commission.
We brought with us our (very heavy) Digests of Independent Science, which contain hundreds of pages of peer-reviewed, published studies showing biological impacts from exposure to RF microwave radiation. We also brought thumb drives with all the studies and an automated index.
We met with legislative directors and aides, and discussed the nature of 5G, the requirement for dense deployment of antennas, and the fact that this will result in widespread involuntary exposure of Americans without their knowledge or consent. We discussed the long-outdated exposure guidelines of the FCC, and the fact that no federal agency is currently authorized to consider the health impacts of deployment.
Our meetings were serious and productive. A number of people told us (off the record) they were glad we were doing this, and several told us they appreciated the professional presentation and thoughtful discussion.
Our bottom line ask was that members of Congress consider writing a letter to the FCC asking them to stop the rollout of 5G until the scientific evidence of harm has been fully evaluated by competent professionals. We are following up with our contacts this week, ahead of the FCC meeting on the 26th.
Meeting? What meeting?
The wireless companies and their friends at the FCC have decided that Congress moves too slowly, and they’re afraid that the STREAMLINE ACT wont be passed this session. Meanwhile, more and more studies and articles about RF microwave radiation are coming out, and communities all over the country are balking at the deployment of 5G.
So the FCC has decided to speed up the “race” to deploy 5G by unilaterally pre-empting local control over the placement of 5G equipment in every community in America. The new FCC rule, which is likely to be approved in a public meeting on the 26th of September, will do pretty much everything the STREAMLINE ACT was supposed to do.
Several organizations of local officials have vowed to sue the FCC if the rule is approved, so it may not go into effect right away. This will give us time to continue our efforts to educate lawmakers on this issue.
A New Video Just For You!
Push-back against 5G deployment:
We have a brand new video you can share with your colleagues, friends, family, neighbors and anyone else who may be uninformed about 5G. We’ll be boosting this video on social media over the next few weeks, targeting specific legislators in their home districts. We hope you like it!
Thank You!
Your generous contributions have made the production of the new video and our trip to Washington possible. We are extremely careful about spending money, and use every opportunity to squeeze as much as we can out of every dollar. We are deeply grateful for your support and encouragement.
– The Grassroots Team
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