[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Siting Legislation – AT&T (John Donovan) – BCCDC – Bills – Cell Phones – Children – Cyber Espionage – Data – Disability – DNA – Doctor Ann Lee Testimony – EHS / ES – Electric Utilities & Telecoms – Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – ELF EMF – FCC – FDA – FireEye Inc. (John Watters) – GoFundMe – Green Revolution – Hacking – Health – Hidden Dangers by Jerry Flynn – Huawei – Jerry Flynn Letter to Bonnie Henry, Jane Buxton, SFU, Tom Kosatsky, UBC, UVic re Free Wi-Fi in Hospitals – Joseph M. Mercola – Lu Kang – Malcolm Turnbull – Martin L. Pall – Microwave Radiation – Nina Beety (Smart Meter Harm, Wireless Radiation Alert Network) – Peter Dutton – Physicians for Safe Technology – Privacy – RF EMR – Ronald M. Powell – Safety – SB 649 – Security – Smart Appliances – Smart Cities – Smart Grid – Smart Home – Smart Meter Fire (Lori Tucker) – SMPS – Studies – Town Hall Meeting re Telus Microcells (Kevin Proteau) – VGCCs – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices – ZTE | Penticton & Vancouver Island, BC – Canada – Canberra, Australia – Beijing, China – EU – Japan – Palo Alto & Mountain View, California & Boston, Massachusetts & Michigan & Austin, Texas & Washington, USA] & Book & (videos) & Websites
1) Another smeter fire that caused major damage reported on webpage of a California group, Stop Smart Meters! I contacted the victim who lives in Washington state. She will be forwarding any fire report she can get.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“On July 6, 2018 the “smart” meter behind my mobile home, 2 feet from my bedroom, exploded and burned my storage shed and half of my mobile home. I lost three beloved cats in the fire as well as nearly everything I owned. I am still sifting through the ashes of what’s left of my bedroom trying to find valuables that I had in there. It’s a grueling process and every day rips your heart out. I live in a mobile home park and the owner has given me a beat up used travel trailer to live in of which I’m very grateful. She also rented a container for me to put things in that I salvaged from the fire but I need to wash the sit off of anything on keeping before it goes in the container so it doesn’t just stink like fire and smoke. Problem is she wants it done in the next two days and I’m 65 years old with COPD chronic asthma and a bad shoulder. I can’t do things on her time schedule. I do have an attorney but I could not find one who had prior knowledge about Smart Meters. That concerns me. The meter was removed and taken by the city police into evidence. I will keep you updated I’m sure it will probably take a couple of years to get any kind of a settlement if I win. The fire chief did say the fire was caused by the smart meter.”
2) A public meeting is scheduled for October 10 in Penticton to help alert people about 5G. Money is being raised to support the effort to make this meeting an important step toward banning microcells outside homes in BC.

“The money fund-raised from GoFundMe will be used for multi-media advertising purposes, leaflets, posters and guest speakers if required, so that we can have a big turn out for our Public Forum on the health/safety and privacy concerns on the new 5G micro-cell installations scheduled for October 10 2018 at 7:00pm at the Cleland Theater in Penticton B.C Canada”.
3) Australia has joined other countries who have considered Huawei a security risk and banned this Chinese company from working in and supplying equipment for the telecom industry. Why hasn’t Canada?

China Furious After Australia Bans Huawei From Mobile Network Project
“…Australia banned Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies from supplying equipment for a 5G mobile network, citing risks of foreign interference and hacking which Beijing angrily dismissed as an “excuse” to tilt the playing field against a Chinese firm.
The decision aligns Australia with the United States, which previously restricted Huawei and compatriot ZTE Corp from its own market for similar “security” reasons.
The surprising move – which has already antagonized Australia’s biggest trading partner – follows advice from security agencies, and signals a hardening of Australia’s stance toward its biggest export market as relations have soured over Canberra’s allegations of Chinese meddling in Australian politics.
In a statement on Thursday, the government said that national security regulations typically applied to telecom carriers would now be extended to equipment suppliers: “firms who are likely to be subject to extrajudicial directions from a foreign government” would leave the nation’s network vulnerable to unauthorized access or interference, and presented a security risk, the statement said according to Reuters.”
4) A week after Australia banned Huawei devices for security reasons, Japan is considering similar action. Why is Canada still allowing Telus to put Huawei transmitters near our homes and allowing it to have access to our grid?

Now Japan considers ban on Huawei and ZTE networking hardware
“The Japanese government is considering a 5G ban on Huawei and ZTE communications equipment on security grounds.
The news comes just a week after the Australian government introduced such a ban – without naming the two companies – which drew threats of retaliation from China’s Ministry of Commerce, amid even more threatening language in China’s state-controlled press.
The US, meanwhile, has already barred Huawei and ZTE hardware, including networking equipment and smartphones, from public-sector IT systems, and put pressure on major US telecoms companies not to deploy Huawei and ZTE hardware in their networks.”
5) We must spread the word about 5G technology’s many dangers, in addition to it being provided by Huawei. A rather long article but one with lots of thought-provoking information and well worth the read. Please consider sending this article, along with your concerns regarding Huawei, to your City Councillors, your MLAs and your MPs, all of whom could help stem this program. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/contact/]

“When the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) approved the use of 5-G microwave communication technology in 2016 and approved the use of microwave frequencies in the 30 Ghz range, [1], they opened the door to even higher levels of human illness and severe disability for American children and adults.”

From: Jerry Flynn (name given with permission)
Sent: August 31, 2018
To: presidents.office@ubc.ca; dpo@sfu.ca; pres@uvic.ca; mark.tyndall@ubc.ca
Cc: bonnie.henry@gov.bc.ca; bog.ubc@ubc.ca; iforsyth@sfu.ca; usec@uvic.ca; ubchealth.admin@ubc.ca; nicole_shin@sfu.ca; rodden@sfu.ca; chancellor@sfu.ca; Tom.Kosatsky@bccdc.ca; jane.Buxton@bccdc.ca
Subject: Vancouver Island Hospitals could be getting free Wi-Fi!
The above is a classic example of how trusting, uninformed and completely defenseless British Columbians will pay dearly for this province not having its own resident ‘expert’ in non-thermal ELF EMF and RF EMR! Unbelievably, there is no one in BC who knows enough about the known hazards of non-thermal radiation to stand up to Telus and say: NO! What’s the point of having a PHO or a BCCDC?
Google: “Physicians for Safe Technology” to see what doctors and scientists say. There is a mountain of evidence, if only mainstream news media would allow you to see it!
J.G. Flynn, Captain (retired), author of the book: “Hidden Dangers”