[Allan Pacey – Analogs – BC Hydro Meter Safety Incident Report – BCUC – Brain – Cancer Societies Misinformation – CDC – Cell Phones SAR (Apple iPhones 7 & 8, Huawei, OnePlus, Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, Xiaomi, ZTE) – Children with Cancer UK – DE – Doctor Erica Mallery-Blythe – EMR Australia – Environmental Pollution – False Readings – Faulty Smart Meters – FCC – FDA – Fiorella Belpoggi – German Federal Office for Radiation Protection – Hacking – Higher Bills – IARC – ICNIRP – John Horgan – Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline (Federal Court of Appeal Decision, Petitions) – Male Infertility – Measurement Canada Seal Expiry Date – Michelle Mungall – NCI – NIEHS – Norman Hutton Reply to Gord Doyle re BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removal Letter & Opt-out Fees – PhoneGate – Power Surge Protection – Privacy – RF – Richard Stevens – Sarah Martins da Silva – Security – Sharon Noble‘s Fires Report – Smart Grid Mesh Network – Smartphones – Sperm (Calcium, CatSper Channels) – Studies – Surveillance – Tracking – WHO | BC – Alberta – Canada – Australia – China – Scotland – South Korea – UK – USA] & audios & Petitions & Websites
1) In response to my fire report, BCUC requires BC Hydro, for 3 years, to report on each “incident” involving a smeter. Here is the report for the period of January 01-June 30, 2018 during which time 30 smeters overheated or failed in some way, putting homes and lives at risk. There are also some additional incidents from prior periods that were not included in previous reports.
How many more “incidents” must occur before BC Hydro, Michelle Mungall or John Horgan acknowledge that these smeters are fire hazards? What happens next year when incidents are no longer reported? How can we be sure that all incidents are reported – they weren’t being tracked by BC Hydro before?

2) A very interesting conference will be held in the UK next month. Sure wish we could have a conference like this in our area.

Cancer in Children and Young People 2018
“Children with Cancer UK are holding a three day conference in September on the causes of child, teenage and young adult cancer, and the way forward regarding both its treatment and prevention. There will be speakers from a number of disciplines, covering environmental exposures, diet and other lifestyle issues, the role of melatonin in cancer prevention and treatment, and progress on the development of both traditional and alternative treatment therapies.”
3) A doctor in Scotland is trying to figure out why sperm counts have dropped by more than 50% in the last 30 years. No mention of EMR at all, but she is wondering if “pollutants” could be the cause. She’s trying to find a pill that will fix things. Why not find the cause and remove it? Granted, EMR may not be the only cause but studies have shown it to be a major one and avoidance of RF (especially cell phones in pockets) could help significantly – but men are not being told by the industry, the health providers, or the agencies responsible for ‘protecting’ us.

Sperm Counts Have Dropped 50 Percent. Can She Find a Fix?
“When a team of researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York paged through thousands of scientific studies on human fertility published from 1981-2013, they discovered something shocking: The average sperm count for men in Western countries had dropped by 50 to 60 percent, and so far, experts remain at a loss as to how to treat this potential male fertility crisis.”
or https://tinyurl.com/ycxma3yr
4) Newsweek article about cell phones which, while implying there is a cancer risk, leaves a whole lot out. First, why do they quote industry sources – the Cancer Societies? Second, why no mention of the recent major studies, or Phonegate which showed that the levels actually emitted by cell phones exceeded the “marketed” levels.
These Are the Cellphones That Emit the Most and Least Radiation
“Smartphones have become ubiquitous in our everyday lives, and we are rarely without them. But this constant physical contact with our devices has sparked concerns in some quarters that they might pose a health risk in the long run as a result of the radiation that they emit.
While the science on the risks of prolonged exposure to phone radiation remains inconclusive, two infographics produced by the consumer data firm Statista could help you decide which handset to choose if you are concerned about possible radiation exposure.”
5) The most recent newsletter from a group in Australia, with many very interesting articles. Some great ideas for comments to ICNIRP regarding their draft guidelines.

6) Non-smeter and non-RF. The court decision is in on the Kinder Morgan pipeline and the Appeal Court overruled the Federal government’s approval of the project. But the Feds say they will carry on, and will purchase this bankrupt US company with $4.5 billion of our dollars. This money could be spent on medicare, schools, infrastructure – so many things that would help Canadians. There are petitions to sign and lots of info below.
Kinder Morgan moving to suspend construction on Trans Mountain pipeline project following ruling by Amy Judd – Global News BC – August 30, 2018:
– https://globalnews.ca/news/4419167/trans-mountain-suspending-pipeline-construction/
Federal Court of Appeal quashes construction approvals for Trans Mountain, leaving project in limbo – Indigenous groups had opposed $7.4B project by John Paul Tasker – CBC News – August 30, 2018: – https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/tasker-trans-mountain-federal-court-appeals-1.4804495
Dogwood Petition – There’s still time to stop Trudeau’s disastrous pipeline bailout:
– https://dogwoodbc.ca/petitions/tax-dollars-oil-tankers/
SumOfUs Petition – Federal courts just quashed the Trans Mountain pipeline permit approval. It’s time Trudeau honour the court’s decision and stopped the project.
– https://actions.sumofus.org/a/federal-courts-just-quashed-the-trans-mountain-pipeline-permit-approval-it-s-time-trudeau-honour-the-court-s-decision-and-stopped-the-project
Stand Earth Petition – Trudeau: it’s time to walk away from Trans Mountain – Make a phone call to Trudeau:
– https://www.stand.earth/Call-Trudeau

Norman Hutton (name given with permission)
Account No. XXXXXX
August 28 , 2018
Dear Gord,
I received your letter dated August 22, 2018 without a return address on the letterhead; fortunately, it was on the envelope which I did not discard.
In regard to having the meter exchanged from an analog to a smart meter; no, thank you! I do not wish to comply with your request for the following reasons:
(1) The analog meter that was installed a few years back by B.C. Hydro, to replace one that was requiring recalibration, should not require a test for measurement at this early date. In previous years, I don’t remember any analog meter on my residence ever going through the measurement procedure unless there was a complaint. However, if you do wish to replace my present analog meter with another “pre-tested” analog meter, that is fine by me. According to your letter, it is my understanding that the installer that worked on B.C. Hydro’s behalf did not realize the meter he was installing would require replacement within a few years. When this replacement analog meter is installed, I suggest that the installer take note of the “seal expiry date” and avoid an early replacement and avoid more labour costs.
(2) It has been recorded in type and in video, over the years, that smart meters are not foolproof when it comes to causing a fire; in fact, buildings have been burned to the ground and others suffered major damage.
(3) Unlike the analog meter, smart meters do not, as far as I know, have any surge protection, and in case of a “spike”, the electrical and electronic devices may suffer major damages in the residences served.
(4) The smart meter is, in my (and others) opinion, an unauthorized surveillance device that records the time and use of electrical devices for twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week, and so on! It does not appear to have any protection from hacking, and of course is subject to interference from unknown sources. I don’t believe that B.C. Hydro requires this private information for billing purposes.
(5) Quite a number of these smart meters have given false readings and have presented extremely high bills to the consumer. If the consumer complains, he has to pay the cost of having the faulty meter checked out. When the meter is removed from location, the faulty smart meter apparently resets itself, so no fault can be found.
(6) The RF radiated and the dirty electricity produced may or may not be hazardous to the health of those residing in the home or in close proximity thereof. Since I have been recently diagnosed with a heart condition, and in my senior years, I ask you why should I take a chance? I prefer to err on the side of caution, and would advise others to do the same.
(7) The “Smart Grid” has worked without my participation in the past, and no doubt it will continue in the future.
I will accept a replacement analog meter and continue to pay the $32.40 per month, which I term nothing more than “extortion”. There will be no problem in accessing the facility for the change-out.
Since your letter states that B.C. Hydro no longer has a stock of legacy meters, it causes me to wonder what B.C. Hydro did with all the legacy meters that were removed in the past. Did B.C. Hydro destroy them? I believe that you are in error. I do not believe that B.C. Hydro would burn the bridges behind them. I will, of course, await until another legacy meter has been removed, and has gone through the required tests by Measurement Canada, and “re sealed”.
Thank you,
Norman Hutton (retired electrical journeyman)
The cost of wireless convenience: EHS, infertility, cancer.
Sent from my wired computer, with all wireless functions disabled.