[3G – 4G – 5G mmW Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Siting – Active Denial Military EMR Weapons – American Cancer Society (Stephanie Winn) – Auditor General of BC (Carol Bellringer) – AVs – BC Hydro (Opt-out Fees, Rates) – BCUC – Brain Cancer – CBTA (Kevin Mottus) – CDC – Cell Phones – Center for Safer Wireless (Desiree Jaworski) – Children – CPUC – CTIA – Doctor Joel M. Moskowitz – ElectroSmog – EMR – Eyes – FCC (Neil Grace) – FDA – Firefighters’ Exemption from SB 649 – Health – Heart Tumours – IARC – International EMF Scientist Appeal – IoT – Itron – Leeka Kheifets – Mesh Grid Network – NTP (Michael Wyde) – PG&E – RFR – Right to Know – Safety – Skin – Smart Appliances – Smart Meter Shielding Protection – Syed Faraz Hasan – Transmissions per Hour & per Day – UN – WHO – Wi-Fi – Wireless | Kamloops, Kelowna, Kitamat, Penticton, Terrace, BC – Victoria, Australia – France – New Zealand – California, USA] & (videos) & Websites
1) From a member re. microcells: Please share this information widely with people who live in these areas.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=13970
While the media talks about 600 fires in BC, few hear about the new small cell antennas.
PENTICTON, BC – http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=13970
KITIMAT, BC – http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=13981
BC North / Interior (Kamloops, Kelowna, Terrace, Kitimat, Penticton) – http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=11975
2) An industry magazine warns about 5G’s hurdles, many of which result from failure to take reasonable measures to determine safety.

– https://www.pcmag.com/commentary/363244/the-problem-with-5g
The Problem With 5G
The technology might be the problem, but even worse for the companies behind it is the perception that 5G is already unsafe before they even get it on a single pole.
“I’m not saying this because the technology does not work. It’s a bad bet because so little is known about the effects of millimeter waves (30GHz-300GHz). While these frequencies only permeate a small fraction of the human epidermis (the skin), the effect on the cornea, in particular, needs serious research.
Because the industry is too cheap to study the health effects of the technology itself, it lets this sort of product out the door despite the fact that it has already been weaponized by the military. These frequencies are so poor at travelling long distances, they need a transmitter on nearly every telephone pole and light pole to make 5G work.
5G is already getting [some bad publicity, which could result in everything from bans on the technology to equipment destruction by vigilantes.”
https://www.pcmag.com/commentary/363244/the-problem-with-5g IT against 5G
[(video 20:47) FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Talks Net Neutrality, 5G by PCMag – YouTube – February 27, 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g4Yx_xPOlA]
3) Others are also outraged about the Cancer Societies’ lack of concern about (even support of) the telecom industry’s products. We must make our voices heard and one way to do so is to stop donating to these agencies until they support us.

California Lawmakers And American Cancer Society Want To Protect Kids From Soda But Not From Exposure To Harmful Cell Phone Radiation, WiFi, And Electrosmog
“The hypocrisy is that many California lawmakers as well as The American Cancer Society are making little to no effort to protect children from exposure to harmful cell phone radiation, WiFi radiation, and Electrical Pollution (Electrosmog) despite research proving that exposure can also contribute to (if not cause) cancer, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, nonalcoholic liver disease, tooth decay, cavities and much more.”
4) The Auditor General just released an explanation of the audited financial report for 2017-18. In this summary, page 13, it identifies accounting deviations that BC Hydro is granted by the government, one of which is basically ignoring the requirement that a third party (BCUC) is involved in setting rates and fees.
As we know, the government has instructed the BCUC, via BC Hydro, what the opt-out fees should be. The financial justifications were scant and no accounting has been provided to confirm the need for the fees or how they have been used. Given this practice of having the government set the fees, why hasn’t the NDP explained why BC Hydro’s opt-out fees are just about the highest in North America?

Understanding Our Audit Opinion on B.C.’s 2017/18 Summary Financial Statements. (20 pages)
or https://tinyurl.com/ybbeqh3p
5) Please see below a letter from a colleague in Australia who has sent a report about their smeters which includes the number of signals / emissions per hour that were being emitted. This is even higher than what PG&E finally had to admit to, during its testimony before the California Utilities Commission, which was a maximum number of more than 190,000 per day.

We have never been able to determine, with certainty, how many pulses of EMR BC Hydro’s ITRON smeter emits per day, but we know there are many more than BC Hydro admits.

The Victorian State Government (Australia) commissioned a technical study that looked at the three types of smart meter networks used in Victoria. The 2015 report, “Quantifying Smart Meters RF EME Levels in Victorian homes”, showed that the meters that they studied in the mesh networks were transmitting up to an average of 15,396 times per hour. In the 3G smart meter network (where the meter is going to a tower), the worst case scenario was a meter that was transmitting an average of 176,201 times per hour (!). See http://www.smartmeters.vic.gov.au/about-smart-meters/reports-and-consultations for links to the report. The traffic profiles are shown on pp. 80-81 of the report.
The authors of the study said that this meter was at a rural site where the mobile phone signal coverage was very poor (p. 17), which is why it kept transmitting (as it wasn’t receiving confirmation that the data had been received). Given that the study only looked at six 3G smart meters, there could be 3G meters that are transmitting even more frequently. So although the number of transmissions for a mesh smart meter will drop when it doesn’t have a good communications path, the opposite occurs with 3G / 4G smart meters – meaning if this sort of network has been deployed, putting any sort of guard on the meter would be counter-productive.
Best wishes …