[Apple iPhones – Cancer (Skin, Testicular) – Cancer Societies – CDC – Cell Phone Antennas – Cell Towers – Children – Cordless Phones – DNA – Doctor David McLean – EHS / ES – EMFs – EPA – Ethics – FCC – FDA – Hacking – Health Canada – Huawei P9 & Mate 10 Pro Smartphones (Sarah Elshamy Instagram) – IARC – Interference with Medical Devices – Interphone – James McNamee – Marketing – Mary McBride – Misinformation – NCI – NIEHS – Samsung Galaxy 8 – SAR – Security – Smart Meters RF Microwave Radiation – Studies (NTP, Ramazzini Institute) – Ted Gansler – Tumours (Acoustic Neuromas, Brain, Breast, Gliomas, Meningiomas, Salivary Glands) – WHO – Wireless Devices | BC – Canada – Denmark – Italy – Sweden – UK – USA] & (video)
1) A member found an example of Huawei’s ethics which, in addition to cyberhacking, includes misrepresentation and false advertising.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Huawei was caught using a pro camera to fake smartphone photos (again)
“Huawei might make decent smartphones, but its marketing and advertising campaigns have, multiple times, been struck by controversy. That continues today, as an actor’s social media post revealed that the company faked smartphone photos with a professional DSLR camera for an advertisement in Egypt.”
2) We have to shame Health Canada into providing Canadians with honest and current info about the dangers of microwave radiation. As I’ve shared, there is no mention of the NTP or Ramazzini studies and, instead, promote a short mouse study by the head of the division, James McNamee, saying it is one of the most significant studies ever done. But equally dishonest and dangerous are the American/Canadian/BC Cancer Societies. People should be able to trust these agencies, which supposedly exist to reduce/prevent cancers, but they can’t. Information is old, inadequate, misleading, and just plain wrong.

– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/the-secret-inside-your-phone-by-wendy-mesley-cbc-marketplace-march-24-2017/
Here, for example, from the BC Cancer Society website, written by the “distinguished scientist” Mary McBride who allowed people to believe she was a “Dr.” — whether MD or PhD was never clear — when she is neither.
“The evidence, therefore, does not support a conclusion that RF fields, whether from cell phones or Smart Meters, can cause brain tumours in adults. There is so far little direct human data on those with more than 20 years’ cell phone use, and limited information on risk of other cancers, but the limited information we have is generally negative. There is also no direct information on children. More studies, to address these gaps in our understanding of RF and cancer risk, are underway. However, the extensive laboratory research to date has not identified any mechanisms that could operate in either adults or children that would lead to an excess risk of tumours in general.”
And this from the American Cancer Society when seeking info about putting cell phones in bras:
“There are a few known instances of breast cancer in young women who have kept cell phones in their bras. (Even when cell phones are not being used for conversation or texting, if they are on then they still periodically emit low energy electromagnetic signals to stay in touch with nearby cell towers.) Because breast cancer is an uncommon and tragic occurrence among young women, these cases have received significant attention on television and on the Internet. But it is the nature of these media to emphasize unusual events, so of course we don’t hear much about the millions of women and men who carry phones close to various organs and still remain healthy. [more]…
I don’t blame the patients described in these stories (or their families, friends, and even their doctors) for proposing a cause and effect relation – that carrying cell phones in their bras caused their breast cancer. It is an essential part of human nature to attempt to make sense out of such tragic events. Conclusions based on single cases or a few cases are sometimes true and sometimes are not.”
I hope we can begin a campaign of awareness about the dangers of microwave radiation, AND the dangers of Health Canada and the Cancer Societies. Sorry for the tirade but this is all on the websites now, after all the great studies done over the last 5-8 years.
In looking for info about cell phones, hoping to find good info about the NTP study, here is what I found: