[American Cancer Society – Animals – ATSDR – Camille Scott – Cell Phones – Charla Lord – Dan Jenkins – DeWayne Johnson (NHL Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Timothy Litzenburg) – Doctor Olle Johansson – Donna Farmer – Doomsday Clock – EMF – EPA (Jess Rowland) – European Chemicals Agency – F. Nouri – Glyphosate (Probably Carcinogenic) – G.R. Hatam – Health – IARC – INIRPRC – M. Moradi – M. Taheri – Manipulation & Misinformation (Ghostwriting) – Monsanto Lawsuits (400 MDL & 4,000+ Cases, Cancer, Christine Sheppard, Roundup) & Let Nothing Go Monsanto Papers Unsealed Discovery Documents – National Pesticide Information Center – NIH – Plants – Product Liability – RF Radiation Makes Bacteria Antibiotics Resistant – Right to Know Safety Risks – S. Mansouri – S.M. Mortazavi – Scott Partridge – Studies – Tobacco (Lung Cancer) – WHO – Wi-Fi – William F. Heydens – Wireless (Biomedical Experiment, Whole-body Exposure) | Canada – Australia – China – EU – France – Germany – India – Italy – Japan – New Zealand – Russia – Saudi-Arabia – South Africa – Sweden – Turkey – UK – San Francisco, California & Hawaii, USA] & (video)
1) Jury finds ingredient in Roundup responsible for man’s cancer. The history is typical – twisted science to offset real science, denial, obfuscation, and failure to alert their customers. This could prove to provide an outline for future wireless lawsuits.
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– https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/10/health/monsanto-johnson-trial-verdict/index.html
Jurors give $289 million to a man they say got cancer from Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller
The big questions at stake were whether Roundup can cause cancer and, if so, whether Monsanto failed to warn consumers about the product’s cancer risk. The jury sided with Johnson on both.
In March 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said the key ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, is “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

“For the herbicide glyphosate, there was limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans for non-Hodgkin lymphoma,” the report states.
But Monsanto has long maintained that Roundup does not cause cancer, and that the IARC report is greatly outnumbered by studies saying glyphosate is safe…
While it was medically impossible to prove Roundup caused Johnson’s terminal illness, it’s also impossible for Monsanto to prove Roundup did not cause his cancer…
“You can’t take a lung cancer tumor and run a test that proves that tobacco caused that cancer ... You’re seeing the same thing here,” Litzenburg said. “I think we’re in the beginning of that era of this dawning on us as a country — as a public — the connection between these two things.
2) Dr. Olle Johansson continues to warn about the many dangers presented by exposure to wireless radiation. This warning is about bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics after exposure to Wi-Fi.

Olle Johansson – http://vetapedia.se/olle-johansson-associate-professor-ki/
Associate professor: Wireless radiation – the biggest full-scale biomedical experiment ever done on Earth
“Recently, Taheri and coworkers [cf. Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28203122; see also Johansson O, “Bacteria, mobile phones & WiFi – a deadly combination?”, Nya Dagbladet 31/5, 2017, have demonstrated that bacteria exposed to cellular and WiFi radiation became antibiotic resistant.
This risk is something I have been sharply trying to alert people to for decades, but I have usually spoken for completely deaf ears. If Taheri’s and collaborators’ findings are true then the 10,000,000 extra cases listed above may appear like lukewarm soup, and the United States “Doomsday Clock” may in the future no longer have any function at all because there is no longer anyone who can press the red button …”
https://newsvoice.se/2018/08/wireless-radiation-biomedical-experiment/ [link is slow to load]