[Analogs – BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removals & Failed Installation Fee – CBC Marketplace Investigations – Cyber Attacks – FortisBC – Hackers – Health Canada – Homeland Security (Jonathan Homer) – ICNIRP (Send Comments re RF EMFs Guidelines Update) – James McNamee – Measurement Canada Certificate Expired Notification Letter – Military Intelligence – Move Smart Meters Away from House (Fires) – Opt-out Fees Chart – Safety – Security – Smart Grid – Studies – Wireless Devices | BC – Canada – Russia – California, USA] & (videos)
1) CBC Marketplace, where Wendy Mesley revealed the problems with cell phone warnings in 2016 and years ago did a program about Wi-Fi in schools, is asking for ideas for the next season. I have sent an email about Health Canada’s deception, showing nothing on its website about recent studies (NTP, Ramazzini) and instead implied radiation is safe by reporting McNamee’s 5 day mouse study. If enough of us ask for more investigative reporting on wireless devices, Health Canada, 5G, Huawai, smeter fires, etc. perhaps CBC will take these topics on.
(click on photos to enlarge)

What should we investigate next?
Our TV season has wrapped until the fall. Miss an episode? Watch Marketplace investigations on demand here. We are busy working on new stories and want to hear from you. What do you think we should investigate next? Email us at:
2) BC Hydro requirements/costs to consider re. moving the smeter to a pole to reduce the threat of fire. As I receive more info, I will share.

3) An updated Smart Meter Opt-Out Chart with Fees is available at:

Just take a look at the details and you will see 2 major things:
1 – Our fees are just about the highest in North America;
2 – Many utilities allow their customers to keep their analogs. BC Hydro lied to us when it said that everyone must have an analog for the system to work. No, this is not true. Also, BC Hydro says that analogs are no longer available. If this were so, would California allow this? There is no justifiable reason for BC Hydro and FortisBC to insist that we cannot keep our analogs.
4) More regarding the Russian hacking of the USA power grid. Our politicians and boards of utility companies need to enlist experts to make the grid as secure as possible. But as many cybersecurity experts have noted, digital/wireless components make the grid much more vulnerable. Our grid’s easiest entry point is the smeter.

How Russian hackers accessed U.S. systems with ease
“The Russians targeted mostly the energy sector but also nuclear, aviation and critical manufacturing, Jonathan Homer, head of Homeland Security’s industrial control system analysis, said during a briefing Wednesday.
They had the capability to cause mass blackouts, but chose not to, and there was no threat the grid would go down, the officials said. Instead, the hackers appeared more focused on reconnaissance.”
5) ICNIRP is asking for the public to send comments and concerns regarding their draft of the updated guidelines for EMR exposure. This guideline is the one used by many agencies and influences many others, eg. WHO. Keep in mind that ICNIRP guidelines have been developed and maintained by many industry and military people who do not necessarily share our concerns. Many have been engineers or physicists with few, if any, medical researchers. Here is the current membership of the review panel: https://www.icnirp.org/en/about-icnirp/project-groups/details/pg-hf-dosimetry.html
I doubt very much that this panel will take comments/suggestions from laypersons seriously, but this is an opportunity for us to voice our concerns. And numbers could count seriously. This notice has been sent to many groups, I’m sure. I hope you will consider reading the draft (https://www.icnirp.org/cms/upload/consultation_upload/ICNIRP_RF_Guidelines_PCD_2018_07_11.pdf ) and sending them your thoughts. Please note the deadline of Oct. 9.

ICNIRP Consultation review Deadline OCT 9
The draft of the ICNIRP Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) is now ready for public consultation. The draft is comprised of the main guidelines document, and two appendices.
As part of the development of the guidelines, ICNIRP has regularly given draft guidelines presentations to encourage critique and discussion from the many experts who are not members of ICNIRP. From this interaction we believe that the draft guidelines have developed substantially, and in particular into a logical, rigorous and transparent means of providing safety for both general public exposures and workers exposed to radiofrequency fields as part of their occupational duties. Now we expect through this Public Consultation to receive the detail required for further robust critique of this public health document.
Please fill the form and provide your comments using only the template available below.
The consultation process opens on 11 July and terminates on 9 October 2018. After the 90 days consultation period, all comments will be reviewed by the ICNIRP members for finalization of the draft. Information regarding the publication date will be displayed on the ICNIRP website in due course.
At the end of the consultation phase, ICNIRP reserves the right to publish all comments. With your explicit consent, your identity (i.e. your last and first name, and when relevant your affiliation and organization) will be added.
Otherwise, the comments will be shown anonymously. When all comments have been considered, a short feedback will be provided via the website on how ICNIRP dealt with the comments. For time constraints, though, no individual replies will be formulated. Please note that insulting comments or such comments not related to the documents in consultation will not be published. Also the deadline of 9 October (UTC +2) will be strictly applied.