[Blue Light (Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Obesity, Prostate Cancer) – Brain GBMs – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – DE – Doctor James McNamee – FCC – Heart Schwannomas – Melatonin – Mount Shasta City Council (Kathy Morter) – NTP – Pacific Power Opt-out – PUC – Ramazzini Institute – Remote Disconnect Switch (Air Conditioner, Appliances) – RF Microwave Radiation – Sharon Noble Letter to Mark Hertsgaard, Mark Dowie re Health Canada Safety Code 6 Misinformation – Sleep – Smart Meters – Studies – WHO – Wi-Fi in Schools – Willful Negligence – Wireless Devices | Canada – Spain – Fresno & Mt. Shasta, California, USA] & (videos)
1) A member has been busy sharing information with friends and, recently, she has been getting great feedback. One has just sent her a short video showing RF coming from a cell phone that she thought others might find interesting. This shows how strong word of mouth is. It IS our best weapon.
2) Many studies show that blue light from various screens, e.g. computers, TV, reduce melatonin production. Now studies are linking blue light and reduced melatonin with prostate cancer. Melatonin is a natural antioxidant so reduction by blue light, or by exposure to EMF (which has been confirmed in studies) should be avoided.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Night Time Light Exposure – Not a Bright Idea
New research shows that blue light exposure significantly reduces the amount of melatonin secreted by the brain’s pineal gland. This has obvious detrimental effects on both the duration as well as quality of sleep. Reduced quality of sleep has been associated with a number of issues including obesity, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease...
The researchers found that comparing those with the highest exposure to blue light to those with the lowest, the risk of prostate cancer was more than doubled. The risk was almost tripled in men who had high levels of light in their rooms when they slept in comparison to men who slept in “total darkness.”
[(video 02:11) – https://www.drperlmutter.com/sleep-soundly/]
3) Mt. Shasta, California, is resisting smeters, with the Mayor and Council passing an emergency resolution to address this program. California PUC already has passed a regulation allowing people to opt out, to keep their analogs, yet it seems Pacific Power is attempting to force smeters on homes.

– http://www.mtshastanews.com/news/20180724/smart-meters-are-coming-to-siskiyou-county
Mount Shasta joins other California cities against smart meter installation
“The Mount Shasta City Council passed an emergency resolution, joining with other California cities, to appeal the installation of smart meters and for the state’s Public Utility Commission to allow cities to opt-out.
A special city council hearing was held last week with citizens claiming that smart meters are hazardous to their health and create “dirty electricity”.
The entire installation process was called “failed” by Mount Shasta Mayor Kathy Morter. Citizens of Mount Shasta and Siskiyou County are now calling for support and action on the issue.”
4) In Fresno, California, someone with a smeter had her air conditioner turned off remotely because of the need to conserve energy during this heat spell.

“We also heard on Bill Meyer’s radio show this morning about a woman who lives in Fresno, California.
She has a Smart Meter. (Bill’s show is on around 8:00 a.m. here:KMED 1440 a.m. in Southern Oregon)
It’s been over 100 degrees in her area, and yesterday her air-conditioner suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason.
She called her electric company and was told: “We have to turn off your air-conditioner” every day from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to conserve power.””

Subject: The inconvenient truth about cell phones that even Health Canada hides
Dear Mr. Hertsgaard and Mr. Dowie,
(Mr. Hertsgaard, I do not have Mr. Dowie’s email address. Would you please forward this to him? Thank you.)
I have read with great appreciation your articles in The Nation and The Guardian about cell phones and the dangers that are being hidden from the public.
Because of your concern about the deception that the telecom industry is perpetrating on its customers, I thought you might be interested in learning that health agencies are similarly guilty. I live in Canada and the agency with which I am most familiar is Health Canada, but I am sure the FCC is equally culpable of this willful negligence.
For years many activists have been pleading with Health Canada to revise its RF exposure guidelines (Safety Code 6) which are based on heating only, and to implement the precautionary principle, especially where children are concerned. The consistent response has been that there is no clear evidence of harm and so long as the exposures are under Safety Code 6 levels, all is fine.

– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/the-secret-inside-your-phone-by-wendy-mesley-cbc-marketplace-march-24-2017/
But recently I discovered that not only is Health Canada misleading in this regard, but they are also hiding scientific evidence from the public they are supposed to be protecting.
As you know 2 major recent studies (the NTP and the Ramazzini studies) have been completed and show consistent evidence that prolonged exposure to cell tower and cell phone radiation can lead to increased health problems, including glioblastomas and schwannomas of the heart. In reviewing Health Canada’s website, there is no reference to these studies whatsoever.
And to mislead people even further, as they have done in the past, Health Canada presents its “studies” in an attempt to offset other independent, peer-reviewed studies, such as the NTP and the Ramazzini, which usually are at odds with the desired status quo. The most recent example is that Health Canada’s website shows that at the same time the NTP study was revealing its initial findings, Dr. James McNamee released a short study (5 day) which purports to show that there is no evidence of harm from exposure to RF fields.
McNamee JP, Bellier PV, Konkle AT, Thomas R, Wasoontarajaroen S, Lemay E, Gajda GB. Analysis of gene expression in mouse brain regions after exposure to 1.9 GHz radiofrequency fields. Int J Radiat Biol. 2016 Jun;92(6):338-50
“The current study provides the most comprehensive analysis of potential gene expression changes in the rodent brain in response to RF field exposure conducted to date. Within the exposure conditions and limitations of this study, no convincing evidence of consistent changes in gene expression was found in response to 1.9 GHz RF field exposure.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27028625 ”
For whatever reason, the health agencies that exist to protect the public are failing in their duties, and enabling the proliferation of this dangerous technology.
I hope that you will investigate my assertions and, once you confirm them, that you will shed light on these deceptions. If you believe I might have more information that could prove useful, please let me know.
Regards, and thank you very much for your efforts to educate people on the topic of cell phones and microwave radiation.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
~ Dr. Annie Sasco