[5G Microcell / Small Cell Antenna Siting Legislation – Alexis Corbière – ARCEP – Bill Cook – Cell Towers – Children – Digital Addiction – Duncan Thomas – EMF – Emmanuel Macron – Environment – EPRI (Leeka Kheifets) – FCC – Firefighters – Geomagnetic Resonances – Grassroots Environmental Education (Doug Wood) – Health – Hoax – IoT – Jean-Michel Blanquer – Legal – Letter to John Horgan, Murray Rankin, Andrew Weaver re Huawei & Security – Louis Slesin – NIOSH (Joe Bowman) – Nomophobia – Patrick Colbeck Testimony – Power Lines (Childhood Leukemia) – Real Estate Property Values – RF – Safety – Smart Cities – Smartphones – Studies – Surveillance – Telus – WHO – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wildlife – Wireless Devices | Vancouver, BC – Canada – Australia – France – South Korea – UK – Sacramento & San Francisco, California & Michigan, USA] Phone Conference & (videos) & Websites
1) A couple of weeks ago, I saw this article and I checked with someone who has worked with firefighters in California for many years, helping them in their battles to keep cell towers off of and away from fire stations. She told me that this is totally untrue. In fact, Sacramento does not have 5G cell towers – yet. Thanks to those who sent this to me. I fear it won’t be long before we see articles like this about people like us !!
Firefighters Suffer Neurological Damage After Contact With 5G Cell Towers by Baxter Dmitry – YourNewsWire.com – July 12, 2018: https://yournewswire.com/firefighters-neurological-5g-cell/ (a hoax)
2) Some feedback about the international conference call on 5G last Sunday. Organization to raise awareness and fight this intrusive, dangerous technology is occurring in the USA. Hopefully, we can learn from this group’s efforts and begin our organizing efforts in Canada because we face the same telecom push, failure of the various governments to intervene, and the potentially health-threatening increase in RF proliferation.

Grassroots organizing to defeat health-harming, unproven-safe 5G wi-fi rollout
“5G is about streaming videos and games to compete with Internet access providers! It is the all-important main cog in the wheel of the Internet of Things, which claims will make everything ‘smart’, especially smart cities, which means only more surveillance and control mechanisms over everyday life!
The most interesting aspect of 5G is that those who want it actually may not want the adverse side effects that will occur from being exposed to it 24/7/365 with no relief anywhere!
Sunday night’s conference call was about building a grassroots movement to educate Congress and the public about wireless radiation, which the wireless (microwave industry) has kept a tight lid on the real—not consensus—science for decades!
Why is a grassroots movement necessary?
The wireless/microwave industry wants to erect small cell towers to provide 5G anywhere a provider wants, but without having to take into consideration health, zoning, or any other type of consideration or complaint from consumers, homeowners, local and state agencies and governments!”
3) French schools will be free of internet-connected devices for students up to age 15 this September, even though there was a 2010 law that already banned use of smartphones during classes. This action seems to have been due to concerns re. addiction. No matter the reason – a fundamental role of educators is to protect children. Never heard this in Canada !!

France bans smartphones from schools
“French children will have to leave their smartphones and smart devices at home or switched off when they are at school starting in September.
The ban on smartphones as well as other kinds of internet-connected devices, such as tablets, applies to schoolchildren between 3 and 15 years of age, and was passed by lawmakers on Monday. French high schools, or lycées, with students 15 and older, will get to choose whether to adopt the phone ban for their pupils.
“We know today that there is a phenomenon of screen addiction, the phenomenon of bad mobile phone use… Our main role is to protect children and adolescents. It is a fundamental role of education, and this law allows it,” said Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer on French news channel BFMTV.”
4) A tribute by Louis Slesin to a man who was a rarity – he spoke out with integrity and guts. I am including this because it includes an example of a truly honest scientist confronting a twisted one, one who has worked for the industry for years and who, like so many others, misrepresents the risk of EMF, this from transmission lines. We need more people like this brave man.

Hail and Farewell
NIOSH’s Joe Bowman Dies at 73
An Expert on Exposure Assessment, He Never Gave Up
From: X
To: Murray.Rankin@parl.gc.ca; Office PREM:EX OfficeofthePremier <premier@gov.bc.ca>; andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca
Sent: July 31, 2018
Subject: BC Vulnerability to Huawei
By now it should be evident to anyone on the planet that the new form of global aggression is cyber. Huawei has provided all the transmitters for Telus’s microcells and is a partner in the pilot projects for 5G in Vancouver. I draw your attention to the article in the Globe & Mail.
What is the provincial government doing to ensure our security? Are you working with the federal government?

Morning Update: Ottawa’s worries grow over Huawei’s global ambitions
Canadian officials will not say what measures Canada might take against Huawei, but the senior government insider said national-security officials have been consulting their counterparts in Australia, which is reportedly preparing to ban Huawei from supplying equipment for its planned 5G wireless network. Huawei has already been virtually shut out of the giant U.S. market because of national-security concerns and effectively banned from that country’s future 5G network.
Here is the entire article.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
~ Albert Einstein