[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting Legislation – AAP – American Cancer Society (Doctor Otis Brawley) – Analogs – BC Hydro – Big Tobacco Tactics – Bills (DE, Higher Consumption) – Catherine J Frompovich – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Chris Baker – CMP Smart Meters Overbilling Class Action Lawsuit (Docket No. CV-18-324, Lipman & Katz, Mark Levesque, Trafton, Matzen, Belleau & Frenette) – Digital Addiction – Duke Energy (Jason Walls) – EWG (Olga Naidenko) – FCC – FDA – Frank Leferink, University of Twente Study re False Readings caused by Rogowski Coil (higher) & Hall Sensors (lower) & EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility – HAN – Health Canada – IAFF – Inaccurate Smart Meter Testing – Insurance Liability (Lloyd’s of London) – ISED – LAN – Media – Mesh Network (Daisy Chaining) – Meter Readings & Estimates – Military – NGO Phonegate Alert – Precautionary Principle – Privacy – RFR Classification – Send Article re Site C to John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, MLAs – Smart Appliances (Surveillance) – Studies – WHO – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices | Peace River Valley, BC – EU – France – Netherlands – Maine & Asheville, North Carolina & Pennsylvania, USA] & (videos)
1) More info about the class action lawsuit customers are starting in Maine, charging that the utility company illegally overcharged customers after the smeter program was implemented.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://www.activistpost.com/2018/07/ami-smart-meter-overcharges-overbillings-class-action-lawsuit.html
AMI Smart Meter Overcharges & Overbillings Class Action Lawsuit
“How can that be when, in reality, utility companies are billing customers for the electricity the utility sends to monitor the customer, which was never factored into utility bills rendered by analog meters for decades! Analogs only recorded what customers actually used; whereas AMI SMs record as customer usage the following:
Electric power spikes, aka “dirty electricity” or sinusoidal waves, sent as often as every 15 seconds.
Electric power signals to monitor “smart appliances” you have in your home. The AMI SM sends out electric signals until it finds a smart appliance to hook up with. Did you know that?
Electric power to send signals back to the utility of what it finds from the surveillance of your smart appliances; what those appliances were doing and the times—as often as utility AMI SMs computer programs are written to send that information over HAN or LAN networks to cell towers or other networks.”
2) More billing issues in North Carolina, where cellular connectivity is poor. Are there similar problems in BC? Electrical Engineers have told me that when the utility removes the smeter to “test it”, the software settings reboot, going back to factory settings. This means any testing is inaccurate and will not show if there might have been a problem or interference at the home. This is why the utility can say the meter is working as it should, “no problem”. The only ways to test accurately, according this EE, is to have the utility have its equipment at the site, testing for several hours which, of course, BC Hydro won’t do. Or there can be an analog installed measuring the usage along with the smeter to compare.
News 13 Investigates: Duke Energy’s smart utility meters not without problems
The state’s utility commission said between January and May, it received 30 consumer complaints related to new smart meters. In a third of the cases, the utility commission requested Duke go back and test the meters, and not once did Duke or its contractors find a meter out of compliance.

After months of back and forth, Duke threatened to cut off the Bakers’ power, insisting a water leak was to blame for the large bill, meaning the increase was Baker’s fault and responsibility. During that time, Duke also changed Baker’s meter several times.
3) I would highly recommend the video (09:54 minutes) at this link. It demonstrates that the USA FCC is ignoring/misrepresenting the scientific evidence while promoting wireless radiation. When its US counterparts are doing this, it makes it very easy for Health Canada and ISED to do the same in Canada.
The Telecom Industry (“Big Wireless”) and Those Who Support Them Don’t Care About “The Precautionary Principle.” There is No Love in Not Caring about Harm from Radiation Exposure
“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates new technology; HOWEVER, they are NOT a health organization. FCC employees cleverly defer to the FDA to avoid being held accountable for harm caused by exposure to technology. So – like the FDA – The FCC doesn’t care about harm either.
Many U.S. elected officials don’t seem to care either. This all becomes more obvious and ridiculous every day since Big Wireless has never said their products were safe. They’ve simply used outdated legislation and “Big Tobacco” tactics do keep the unsuspecting public buying their products.”
4) Re. Site C. The history of the Peace River Valley, its geological history, is very interesting. Given its fragility and instability, which has been known for a long time, why on earth would BC Hydro want or be allowed to dam this river? It seems pure lunacy and very dangerous. I believe this article should be sent to every MLA, and especially to Premier Horgan and Minister Mungall, and ask them. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/]
The Lifetime of a Dam

Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.”
~Nicholas Nassim Taleb