[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Accuracy – AT&T – Barbara Bry – Cell Towers – David Akin – David Glass – Eduardo Luna – EMF – Higher Bills (Complaints, Errors, Estimates, New Computer System) – Independent Rates Oversight Committee – Ingrid Alverde – ISED – Kevin Faulconer – Lee Ann Jones-Santos – Lisa Tennenbaum – Meter Reader Misreads – Mueller Water Smart Meter Problems (Data Network, Failures, Jerry McCormick, Radio Equipment, Replacements, Warranties) – My Street, My Choice! (Helen Grieco) – Padre Dam Municipal Water District (Allen Carlisle) – PG&E (Deanna Contreras) – PUC – PUD (Lack of Transparency, Public Records Act, Vic Bianes) – Site C (Amnesty International [Alex Neve], First Nations, Lawsuits) – Stacey LoMedico – Stop Kinder Morgan Buyout (Elizabeth May – Green Party of Canada Petition & Letter-writing Campaign re Trans Mountain Pipeline) – Verizon – Wireless | Peace Valley, BC – Canada – Petaluma & San Diego & Santa Rosa & Santee, California, USA] & (videos) & Website
1) An audit in San Diego concluded that there were problems with the smeters for water and the smeter program and warned that with more smeters installed, the problems could increase. Unfortunately, no details were provided. Apparently, San Diego is not the only city reporting problems.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Audit Finds Thousands of Bad Water Bills, Hints at Other Problems
Auditors, for instance, found issues with the city’s $60 million “smart meter” program but don’t go into them. They may get to those problems in another future audit.
It found those issues were not a large factor in the billing errors, but it did find that some of the new meters were causing problems. The meters are supposed to improve meter accuracy, provide real-time data on water use and eliminate the need for human meter readers, but San Diego and other cities appear to be having problems with them. The auditors’ findings don’t explore whether using more smart meters – as the city plans to do – might cause more problems or be a waste of ratepayer money. The whole point of smart meters, after all, is to automate a process rather than complicate it further.
Instead, the auditors merely said, “We should note that similar issues will likely continue as [the water department] moves forward with implementation of its [smart meter] program. To that end, [the department] should ensure that these issues are continuously monitored and quickly resolved to reduce billing impacts to customers.”
2) Site C is not a done deal. Lawsuits continue and now, pressure from groups like Amnesty International. What short-sightedness and hypocrisy on the part of the NDP!!
BC actions in Site C injunction case a blatant betrayal of its promise to uphold Indigenous rights
““The legal tactics being employed by the BC government amount to a complete disregard for the rights of Indigenous peoples in favour of building Site C at all costs,” said Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International. “Not only would these cynical legal tactics deny First Nations the opportunity for a just resolution of the still unaddressed question of Treaty rights violations, the province’s position is brazenly at odds with the Premier’s repeated public commitments to reconciliation and respect for the rights of Indigenous peoples.””
3) Cell towers and microcells/small cells are proliferating everywhere across North America with industry installing transmitters without regard to municipal concerns. To get ahead of them, Petaluma, CA, decided to establish policies to control siting. Hopefully, the federal government will not overrule them.
Canadians should consider taking similar action, to voice their concerns, demanding that their homes are not subjected to more EMF emissions by unrestricted installations of microcells by working with their local Councils to implement bylaws, restrictions, policies, etc. Canadians are allowed by ISED (formerly Industry Canada) to establish Antenna Siting Consultation Policies and some communities in BC have them. Councils can require notification and consultation. Regarding cell tower siting, for example, if there is no policy in place, then the companies are required to notify only those within 3x the height of the tower. A policy could require a greater area for notification. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/more/5g-enodeb-microcells-small-cells/]

Petaluma Sets Cell Phone Tower Policy
“Rather than getting caught flat-footed, Petaluma officials recently took proactive measures to rework the telecommunications chapters of the municipal code, implementing zoning ordinances with strict regulations for when wireless carriers like AT&T and Verizon try to expand in the city.
Last week, the city council enhanced a series of requirements approved by the planning commission earlier this year that amends the city’s guidelines for cellular equipment. Around Sonoma County, cities like Santa Rosa have been dealing with the fallout from construction of small cell facilities, which are various antennas that can be attached to utility poles and operate at high frequencies to deliver data faster.
With Mayor David Glass abstaining due to financial investments in various telecom companies, the Petaluma City Council unanimously adopted a series of stringent regulations that limit how close small cell towers can be to residential areas, and established guidelines aimed to reduce their physical and visual impact.”
[My Street, My Choice! – http://mystreetmychoice.com/]

From: “Elizabeth May, MP” <admin@elizabethmaymp.ca>
Sent: July 27, 2018
Subject: It’s not too late to take action against the Kinder Morgan buyout
As always, the support of the Green Party of Canada has been invaluable in enabling me to hold the government to account on such a large number of issues. For more information on their work, or to get involved, please visit: https://www.greenparty.ca/. | |||||
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Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
~Arnold Schopenhauer