[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Siting Legislation & Tactics Conference – Arūnas Vinciūnas – BCCDC – BC Hydro Review (Costs, Deferral Accounts, Fire Insurance, Opt-out Fees, Smart Meter Replacements) – BCUC – Cell Phones – Chris O’Riley – Corruption – Defamation of Scientists – Doctor Bonnie Henry – EMF – Environment – European Commission – Falsehoods – FCC – FDA – Flaws – Grassroots Environmental Education – Harvey Elwin – Health Canada – ICNIRP – John Horgan – Martin L. Pall – Michelle Mungall – Mike Kroecher – Misinformation – Mr. Ryan – National Cancer Institute – NDP – Omissions – Rick Koechl – Roland Willson – Sarah Cox – SCENIHR – Site C (FOI Redactions, Peace River Hydro Partners [Acciona S.A., Petrowest Corp., Samsung C&T Corp.], Progress Reports, Risks, Secrecy, Technical Advisory Board, Treaty Rights) – Studies – Transparency – VGCCs – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | Peace River, BC – Canada – China – EU – South Korea – Spain – USA] & Phone Conference & Website
1) I have been told by members who are familiar with “Grassroots” that it has been very active in environmental issues with experience that could really help those working re. EMF and 5G. Below in Letters is info on how to participate in the conference call on Sunday. Their website shows that they have been involved in many issues, and wireless is one.
To continue to make progress against the industry and the government, we need to work with groups like this. A transcript of the call will be made available but it probably would be a good idea to RSVP to get on their mailing list even if you can’t make the Sunday call.
2) Here is another paper by Dr. Martin Pall on “8 distinct types of great harm caused by EMF exposures and the mechanism that causes them.” I have read only the first few pages but this is a fabulous resource paper that explains what happens and how, with references galore. It is hard to understand, with detailed information like this, how EMF exposure is ignored by Health Canada, Dr. Bonnie Henry, the BCCDC, and others.
(click on photos to enlarge)
3) Remember when we heard that the NDP was going to have a complete review of BC Hydro, its policies, its finances, its programs?? Wonder if that will include us getting answers to our many questions about the smeter program and its real costs, e.g. the total extortion received and the costs associated with reading “legacy” meters, the cost for replacing smeters every 5-7 years, the costs to pay insurers for fire claims, etc.

Rick Koechl & Mike Kroecher: Will reviews sweep BC Hydro problems under the rug?
4) Re. Site C: another excellent article by Sarah Cox.. A must read. It appears that predictions by the experts who recommended against this project are coming to pass. Costs increasing and delays. But why the secrecy? I wonder if the Chinese company is still involved in the significant design work.

Site C dam facing ‘extremely high probability’ of major construction delay: expert witness
“Elwin, who has held major leadership roles with large multinationals working on hydroelectric projects around the world, based his report in part on confidential BC Hydro documents released on condition that some information about the Site C project not be disclosed outside the courtroom. Sections of the report are accordingly redacted.
In an affidavit filed earlier as part of his expert testimony, Elwin describes the high level of confidentiality surrounding the Site C project as “extraordinary” and says he has never encountered such secrecy during his five decades designing, developing and managing large hydroelectric projects, including during his work on China’s Three Gorges dam, the world’s largest hydro facility.
Elwin’s report identifies seven “major risk issues” responsible for current and future construction delays on the Site C dam, which would flood 128 kilometres of the heritage Peace River and its tributaries, forcing families from their homes and destroying Indigenous gravesites, hundreds of protected archeological sites, some of Canada’s best farmland, and habitat for more than 100 species vulnerable to extinction.
Site C is the largest publicly funded infrastructure project in B.C.’s history, with a price tag that has already ballooned from $6.6 billion to $8.8 billion and climbed by a further $1.9 billion late last year…
B.C. does not need power from the Site C project and the NDP government has said electricity from the Site C dam will be sold on the spot market for less than it costs to produce, leaving BC Hydro customers to make up the difference.”

From: “daw” <daw@grassrootsinfo.org>
To: “daw” <daw@grassrootsinfo.org>, “Patti Wood” <pjw@grassrootsinfo.org>
Sent: July 27, 2018
Subject: Conference Call Instructions for Sunday‘s Call
Conference Call Information
Topic: Wireless Technology in America
Time: July 29, 2018 9:00 PM Eastern Time, 6:00 PM Pacific Time
Thank you for your interest in this conference call. We will be using ZOOM to host and manage the call.
For the best experience, we strongly urge you to use a landline phone to connect to the audio portion of the meeting, and then log on to Zoom to have access to the chat function to ask questions or add comments.
You will have to download the Zoom app if you don’t already have it.
* * *
On Sunday, please follow these simple steps:
1. Dial +1 408 638 0986 or +1 646 876 9923.
2. Enter the meeting ID 441 756 672 when prompted, followed by the # sign. When asked for a member ID, just press # again. You will enter the meeting.
3. Open the Zoom app or click on https://zoom.us/j/441756672. Enter the 9-digit meeting ID 441 756 672.
When prompted, click “Join by phone.” You will then be prompted to enter a new code on your phone.
* * *
Please note: you do NOT need to use Zoom to join the conference call. If you wish, you can email questions or comments to us during the call.
Look for an additional email in the next 24 hours with an agenda and information for those who wish to make a short presentation about their work.
Patti & Doug
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Knowledge is Power.”
~ Sir Francis Bacon, 1597