[AAEM – Accuracy (Weather) – Andy Daga – BC Hydro – Benefits – Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – Costs – Dakota Mitchell – DNA – Doctor Anthony Miller – Dietrich Klinghardt – EHS / ES – EMFs – EUB – EVs – Frank Leferink, University of Twente Study re False Readings caused by Rogowski Coil (higher) & Hall Sensors (lower) & EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility – FTA – Gilberto Leon – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Heart EKGs (Elster, Landis+Gyr Focus, Warren Woodward) – Higher Bills (Mike Wagner, Alliant Energy) – Integrated Roadways (Smart Highways) – Jerry Flynn Letter to Media, RDN Council, Vancouver Council re BC Hydro Substation (Lord Roberts Elementary School Annex) – Magda Havas – Mary Wolfe – Michael Repacholi – NB Power Smart Meters (Business Case Reapplication, Gaëtan Thomas) – NTP – Physicians for Safe Technology – Rick Doucet – Safety – SGIN Smart Grid Innovation Network (Siemens Canada) – Stantec – Wenatchee Buses – Wireless Charging / Power Transfer (Momentum Dyamics Corp., Navigant Research, Qualcomm, Toyota, Wave Inc., WiTricity) | Nanaimo & Vancouver, BC – New Brunswick – Ontario – Australia – Germany – Israel – Sweden – Switzerland – Clinton, Iowa & Baltimore, Maryland & Chattanooga, Tennessee & Wenatchee, Washington, USA] & (videos) & Website
1) Charging electric cars through panels in the road would increase exposure to EMFs for anyone traveling on it.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://www.naturalhealth365.com/wireless-emf-pollution-2602.html
NEW wireless electric vehicle technology will threaten driver and passenger health
“In March, engineers in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder announced they have developed a concept for wireless power transfer that uses very high frequencies to send energy to vehicles in motion.
The system requires the use of charging plates embedded in the road. Because cars are moving over them at a high rate of speed, engineers say that the plates – possibly located in special “charging Lanes” – would need to be installed every few meters.
The fact that there would be a 12-centimeter air gap between the roadway and the vehicle means the energy has only a small capacitance through which to be transferred. In the words of one of the researchers, this necessitated an “increase (in) the frequency of the electric fields.”
The team reported that they are using about 1,000 watts, in megahertz-scale frequencies, to send energy across the gap.”
[Momentum Dynamics–‘Who We Are’ – YouTube – July 29, 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoB3l8GpY5I&feature=youtu.be]
2) The utility in New Brunswick doesn’t seem to think the problem is with the smeter program that resulted in the Utility Board rejecting their application deciding the benefits don’t justify the costs. The problem is that the “business case needs fixing” and the CEO says they will work on it, even if the benefits can’t be quantified….. Just as BC Hydro changed things, like how much energy is being stolen by grow-ops, increasing the amount as the business case needed it.

NB Power continues push for smart meters after EUB dismissal
“”When you look at where you are today most regulators in the country and in North America … it’s difficult for them to actually look at, ‘How do we invest in things that are 10 to 12 year payback?” he said.
Thomas said the utility will return to the drawing board to make a stronger business case for smart meters, adding the EUB ruling has allowed the utility to prepare for the future, which will help bring the regulator onto the smart meter band wagon.
Reapplication could take between six and 18 months.
“We believe the regulator will see the benefits when we bring it back forward in the future,” he said.
He said some of the major benefits are hard to quantify right now, such as knowing exactly when customers are out of power and discovering other problems on the grid when power is restored.
But he said those benefits will be included in the new business plan and will be worth millions of dollars down the road.”
3) People in parts of IIowa are seeing large increases in electricity bills since smeters were installed. Of course, as in BC, the weather…. If only people had analog meters to run alongside smeters for comparison purposes.

– http://www.kwqc.com/content/news/QCA-customers-upset-by-high-power-bills-489115311.html
QCA customers question high power bills
““Previous bill was $300 and this month it’s $449,” Mitchell said. “And we never did or ran anything different.”
Mitchell and other Alliant Energy customers in the Clinton, Iowa area are upset over higher bills, and some suspect that recently installed smart meters are to blame.
So many have complained to Iowa State Rep. Mary Wolfe, D-Clinton, that Wolfe is formally seeking answers from Alliant.
Wolfe says she has received more than a hundred comments to a Facebook post that reads, “If you’ve experienced a big jump in your Alliant bill following the installation of a new “smart” meter that you sincerely believe is not attributable to seasonal increased usage (e.g., more AC usage due to heat) please respond below.””
4) An article that is making the rounds, and a member asked me to share, nicely summarizes some of the major issues with smeters. The “new research” with the EKG monitor was done and shared in an update last year and it is available at:
Evidence is UNDENIABLE: Smart meters cause massive changes to the heart
“An expert in smart meter microwave transmission power has published new research showing that, contrary to the official government narrative, the radiation emitted from smart meters directly interferes with normal heart function.”

– https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/projects/west-end-substation/bch-west-end-sub-spring-2018-discussion-guide.pdf
Re. BC Hydro’s plan to build a transformer under a school and park in Vancouver.

From: Jerry Flynn
Sent: July 22, 2018
To: bill.veenhof@shaw.ca; ian.thorpe@nanaimo.ca; alecmcpherson@shaw.ca; maureen_young@shaw.ca; bobrogers4areaE@telus.net; fjfell.at.rdn@gmail.com; jstanhope@shaw.ca; bill.mckay@nanaimo.ca; bill.bestwick@nanaimo.ca; jerry.hong@nanaimo.ca; jim.kipp@nanaimo.ca; gordon.fuller@nanaimo.ca; bill.yoachim@nanaimo.ca; CouncillorOates@parksville.ca; councillor.colclough@lantzville.ca ; mayor@qualicumbeach.com
Subject: FW: Vancouver Parks Board are being duped / misled about the known – but suppressed – dangers of even very weak Magnetic fields!
RDN Chairman Veenhoff and RDN Directors,
Find out who is lying – repeat – lying to you! And to us, the people who elected you, in part, to protect our health and safety! A blind person can see the evidence; if only you would LOOK! Those who refuse to look, should RESIGN in disgrace!
Jerry Flynn
Bowser, BC
= = =

From: Jerry Flynn
Sent: July 21, 2018
To: publiceditor@globeandmail.com; hmunro@postmedia.com; educ.minister@gov.bc.ca; stuart.mackinnon@vancouver.ca; ‘catherine.evans@vancouver.ca; john.coupar@vancouver.ca; casey.crawford@vancouver.ca; sarah.kirby-yung@vancouver.ca; erin.shum@vancouver.ca; michael.wiebe@vancouver.ca; CLRaffleck@vancouver.ca; CLRball@vancouver.ca; hector.bremner@vancouver.ca; CLRcarr@vancouver.ca; CLRdegenova@vancouver.ca; CLRdeal@vancouver.ca; CLRjang@vancouver.ca; CLRlouie@vancouver.ca; CLRreimer@vancouver.ca; CLRstevenson@vancouver.ca
Cc: Gord.Johns.C1B@parl.gc.ca; scott.fraser.MLA@leg.bc.ca; premier@gov.bc.ca; AG.Minister@gov.bc.ca; PSSG.Minister@gov.bc.ca; MCF.Minister@gov.bc.ca; EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca; HLTH.Minister@gov.bc.ca
Subject: Vancouver Parks Board are being duped / misled about the known – but suppressed – dangers of even very weak Magnetic fields!
Magnetic fields are known to CAUSE cancers and many other chronic illnesses! Tragically, North America’s news media have kept the public unaware of the legal battles that have occurred in other jurisdictions around the WORLD, view:
Other FACTS elected officials need to know include, in part:
- The average exposure in most homes in Israel and abroad is less than 0.4 mG (milli Gauss)!
- The average magnetic field level found in homes (Hydro Quebec) says is 1.5 mG!
- US Environmental Protection Agency recommends exposure to 0.5 mG to 2.5 mG! mGhttps://www.safespaceprotection.com/emf-health-risks/emf-health-effects/emfs-in-the-home/
- Magnetic Fields Recommends <2 mG, preferably <.2 mG! http://www.best-emf-health.com/emf-emissions.html
- Swiss Powerline Standard – 2.5 mG!
- Swedish Safety standard 1.0 mG! http://www.scantech7.com/emf-rf-magnetic-electric-field-sound-noise-radiation-safety-levels-dallas-fort-worth-houston-austin/
- In Australia: living rooms averaged 0.6 mG; Youngest child’s bedroom averaged 0.5 mG;
Majority of homes <2 mG: and, 2% of homes had 4 mG but were <50 metres to HV transmission lines! https://www.arpansa.gov.au/research/surveys/survey-of-residential-power-frequency-magnetic-fields - In Germany, homes not located near power lines, magnetic fields may be up to 0.2 mG!
In 1986, it was found that household 60 Hz magnetic fields CAUSE cancer cells to grow by up to 1600 %!
A 1992 Swedish study showed that children who lived within 300 meters of a 220 or 400 kV power line in homes with ambient (i.e. normal or continues) levels of magnetic fields of >1 mG had 2 times the incidence of leukemia; those living in homes with normal magnetic field levels <2 mG had <3 times; and those normally exposed to >3 mG had <4 times the incidence of leukemia!
and The great Power-Line cover-up pp255 [http://www.paulbrodeur.net/currents_of_death_119779.htm]
In 1995, the U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection, in a draft report, a committee of 11 U.S. EMF experts endorsed a 2 mG limit for magnetic fields in daycare centers, schools and houses!
In 1996, it was found that Ontario Hydro workers exposed to high levels of magnetic and electric fields have 11 times the expected rate of leukemia!
In 1999, an Ontario Hydro study found that Magnetic Fields CAUSE cancer! This contradicts an earlier BC Cancer Agency study (conducted by the controversial, ‘Master’s-educated’ Mary McBride). (It was CTV who discovered that she is not a PhD., as she had allowed everyone to address her for decades!)
In 2005, Israeli Prime Minister’s Office (5 rooms) had to be vacated when it was discovered the ambient level of magnetic field was in the 20-30 mG range – which is 10 times higher than allowable levels!
In 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publicly acknowledged that power line electric and magnetic fields are a “serious threat” to health, and said: “more and more people living near high voltage lines have reported severe symptoms and even life-threatening diseases”!
In 2012, the BioInitiave Report concluded that powerline 60 Hz magnetic fields are a Group 1 “Known” carcinogen!
BC Hydro’s previous Pres./COO, Jessica McDonald, showed her ignorance of the truth by naively volunteering that BC Hydro’s substations emit up to 100 mG! BC Hydro’s current Pres./COO, Chris O’Riley, also seems not to be aware of the truth!
Note: The ‘safe’ 2000 mG Magnetic field, to which BC Hydro alludes, was set in 2005, by the infamous and globally reviled Dr. Repacholi who, in 1979, had been the architect of Health Canada’s globally vilified Safety Code 6. Next, he moved to the WHO, where he was in charge of their electromagnetic radiation group. While at the WHO, he helped create what is now the corrupt ‘agency’ that established – for the world – today’s obscenely high 2,000 mG ‘safe’ level for public exposure and 10,000 mG for occupational exposure! It is known that he personally invited eight (8) electric utility representatives to join (and help) him establish what are today’s obscenely and dangerously high – but industry friendly – ‘safe’ Exposure Limits! One must presume that BC Hydro’s President and COO is unaware of this!
Contrary to what BC Hydro would have you believe, although electric fields can be shielded (to protect the public), no commonly available material can shield magnetic fields (lead, concrete, metals, lumber, etc.)!
Stantec’s conventional electrical engineers are not trained in non-thermal electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation. I strongly urge all decision-makers to contact a non-industry scientist who works in this field. Two of Canada’s premier scientists are Dr. Anthony Miller (professor emeritus at Toronto University) and Dr. Magda Havas, Assistant Professor at Trent University. Other experts can be found at Physicians for Safe Technology, whose website is:
J.G. Flynn, Captain (Retired)
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.”
~ Voltaire