[Airplane Mode – American Brain Tumor Association (Elizabeth Wilson) – BC Therapeutics Initiative – Benefits – Bills – Brain Cancer (Children, GBM Glioblastoma Multiformes, Gliomas, Meningiomas) – Canada Health Act – CBTRUS (Jill Barnholtz-Sloan) – CDPH Guidelines – Cell Phones – Costs – Doctor Devra Davis, EHT – Doug Ford – EUB Decision re Smart Meters – Fraser Institute – Gordon Campbell – Health – Hearing Aids (Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Disabled, Costco) – Heart Schwannomas – IARC – Joel Moskowitz Lawsuit – Julian Cyr – NB Power (Gaetan Thomas) – NTP – Ontario Health Coalition – Private for-Profit Clinics – RF Microwave Radiation – Right to Know – Studies – WHO – Write to BCHRT & Walter Rilkoff re BC Human Rights Tribunal & Decision | BC – New Brunswick – Ontario – Belgium – France – Israel – UK – Berkeley, California – Connecticut – Maryland – Massachusetts, USA] & (video)
1) New Brunswick Energy and Utility Board rejected the application for a smeter program on the same basis that the BCUC rejected the program in 2008 – the benefits do not justify the costs. Unfortunately, they did not consider the health issue significant, but there is no way to tell what type of info was provided and by whom. We have yet to see any evidence that the program in BC could be justified. In its applications and business case, BC Hydro relied heavily on grow-ops and the costs of energy theft increased as the business case required support.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/eub-denies-nb-power-request-to-deploy-smart-meters-across-province-1.4755023
EUB denies NB Power request to deploy smart meters across province
In a stinging rebuke Friday the Energy and Utilities Board rejected NB Power’s application to deploy smart meters to its entire customer base, ruling the utility has not presented a solid enough case to justify the $100 million project.
“The Board is not satisfied of the prudence of the AMI (smart meter) capital project,” read the EUB’s 39-page decision, which follows hearings held last winter and spring…
But in its decision, the board was unconvinced by the rescue attempt and said all the evidence supported the original application’s fatal acknowledgement that the cost of adopting smart meters would be higher than the benefits it would generate.”
2) A new article by Dr. Devra Davis. Brain cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths in children and young adults.

“Bad Luck” Cannot Explain More Cancers in Young Adults and Teens
“What’s driving the push to reduce phone radiation exposures? The World Health Organization reports a global increase of 13% in childhood cancer incidence. In the United Kingdom, rates of the same type of malignant brain cancer increased in regular cell phone users have risen while those of other forms of brain cancer have dropped. United States rates of malignant brain tumours have now surpassed leukemia as the top cause of cancer deaths in adolescents and young adults. Growing numbers of neurosurgeons believe that part of the explanation for this surge in gliomas lies in our love affair with phones. We have to ask whether they are right: does the unprecedented use of cellphones underlie these perplexing increases?”
3) Friends in Ontario are not happy about “our” rejects moving there. It seems almost an even trade. They sent us Perry Kendall and we sent them Gordon Campbell….

Health Coalition Readies for Major Fight Ahead as Arch Health Care Privateer Appointed to Head Doug Ford’s Fiscal Review
“Not only does he have an abysmal record on financial matters, but former B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell, whom Doug Ford just appointed to lead the fiscal inquiry in Ontario, is perhaps the biggest enemy of public health care in Canada. B.C. is now Canada’s ground zero for health care privatization and user fees charged to patients, mainly as a result of Gordon Campbell’s policies while in power.
The Ontario Health Coalition is raising the strongest possible objection to Premier Ford’s appointment of Mr. Campbell. The Coalition has called for a mass rally to demand improvements to public health care services, no cuts and no privatization on October 23.
“Things just got very serious very quickly,” said Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition. “We are warning Doug Ford that if he tries to do here what Gordon Campbell did to public health care in British Columbia, he will have a fight on his hands the like of which he has never seen.”
It must be noted that Gordon Campbell wiped out a $1.5 billion surplus he inherited when he took government, then went on to post the largest deficits in the B.C.’s history to that time, and he added $20 billion to the province’s debt. He has been lauded by the extreme right-wing Fraser Institute which has received funding from U.S. private interests and has relentlessly advocated to bring down public health care and other social programs in Canada.”
4) Should anyone wish to write to the Human Rights Tribunal about the unbelievably bad decision against allowing a child to attend a Wi-Fi-free school room, here are the addresses.

The “panel” was Walter Rilkoff <walter.Rilkoff@gov.bc.ca> and the
HRT direct email is <BCHumanRightsTribunal@gov.bc.ca>
Any person reading this decision will, I’m sure, conclude that Mr. Rilkoff reached the decision that EHS doesn’t exist because he didn’t review the evidence which was provided by some of the most highly regarded experts on the topic. In fact, he admitted:
“[30] In their response to the application, the Complainants introduced two thick binders containing “54 publications relevant to the issues at hand”.
[31] For the most part, the publications are hearsay. Moreover, if I understand why they are being proffered, it is to somehow establish that T’s symptoms arise from the presence of electromagnetic or microwaves. The Tribunal can accept evidence not admissible in a court of law but is generally reluctant to accept hearsay evidence on a central point, unless it is expert evidence
[69] Unfortunately, there is no way to evaluate the articles submitted. They are often highly technical and it is not apparent whether they are peer‐reviewed articles from reputable scientific journals.. While the Complainants say they will call an expert if this complaint proceeds to hearing, they do not identify the expert or the expert’s credentials. No expert report is provided. Applications to dismiss are decided on the basis of materials presented.”
5) A few months ago, several people asked me if there were hearing aids that did not have Wi-Fi functions to communicate between the left and right component. At that time, I could find nothing that was available in North America although they were in Europe. Now, many makes have the ability to have the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth function disabled. It is done via software at the time of fitting. In fact, a new hearing aid that is sold at Costco is one.

Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Resistance is fertile