[4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting – Aptilo Networks (Paul Mikkelsen) – AT&T – BBB – Big Tobacco – Brain Tumours (Acoustic Neuroma, DIPG [Zoey Daggett], Gliomas, GBM [Joseph Robinette Beau Biden III], Tracking, Victims) – CBTA (Ellie Mark) – Cell Phones – CERENAT – Charter – Children – Cisco – Comcast – Cox – CTIA – Dewayne Lee Johnson Lawsuit (Media, Monsanto Roundup Ranger Pro Glyphosate, non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer, Suzanne Bolanos) – EMF (ODC Enzyme) – EPA (Jess Rowland) – FCC (Tom Wheeler) – Hawaiian Electric (Opt In) Customer Grid-Supply Plus (CGS+) Solar Program – Health – IARC – Joe Biden – Lennart Hardell – NTD Birth Defects (Angel Leigh Coates) – RFR Microwave Radiation – RF Safe – Right to Know – SAR – Smartphones – Sprint (Robert Kingsley, SpiderCloud LTE) – Studies – Suddenlink – Telus Fibre Optics (Wi-Fi) – The BabySafe Project – Verizon GridWide – WHO – Wireless Devices | BC – Netherlands – Berkeley & San Francisco, California, USA] & (audio) & (videos) & Websites
1) Another brain cancer victim – a 5 year old girl. She had diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG), not glioblastoma (GBM).
I am going to expand Ellie Mark’s spreadsheet to include those “notable” people missed and other victims as well. I also am going to track different types of brain tumours. Some, like DIPG, may or may not be associated with EMR but at this point, if nothing else, the victims deserve to be tracked. Once I have it updated as much as possible, I will share and put on our website – and it will be maintained.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://ca.style.yahoo.com/parents-share-heartbreaking-photo-dying-five-year-old-daughter-163141395.html
Parents share heartbreaking photo of dying five-year-old daughter
“The heartbreaking photo, showing Zoey laying across her parents lap, with their dog there with them, was taken just hours before Zoey died after a battle with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), an aggressive form of cancer.”
Zoeys Light @ ZoeysFightDIPG – https://www.facebook.com/ZoeysFightDIPG/
While searching for info about victims, I came upon this very interesting article that gives some significant info. about the number of politicians who have died of brain cancer. 23 in 15 years (1995-2010), while only 13 died of brain tumors in the prior 73 years (2 of these 13 died in early 1990s). The data is hard to come by.
If you know of any, famous people or not, please forward info to me at:
dsnoble@shaw.ca with “brain tumor” on the subject line.

– https://www.rfsafe.com/was-cell-phone-radiation-to-blame-tragic-death-of-vp-joe-bidens-son-beau-biden/
Did Cell Phone Radiation Cause Brain Tumor Of VP Joe Biden’s Son Beau Biden?
It only took one Google search to reveal 23 potential political occupational brain tumor victims that have died since 1995, the source itself makes a disclaimer it is still incomplete from 1922-2010. The list separated for comparison (1995) is the year RF Safe’s Founder last held his daughter as a result of a birth defect attributed to RF Radiation exposure.
This can be found in an iPhone manual: “When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 mm (5/8 inch) away from the body, and only use carrying cases, belt clips, or holders that do not have metal parts and that maintain at least 15 mm (5/8 inch) separation between iPhone and the body.”
That’s at least 23 political figures in 15 years that have died from brain cancer during the vast expansion into the wireless age we live today.
But what about the oldest records of political figures that died prior to 1995 of brain tumors before cell phones were standard issue in every Senator’s car, toting their briefcase phones that evolved into today’s common place pocket gadgets and wearable computers – COMPLETELY untested for human safety.
OK, now lets take into consideration that over the course of 73 years prior to 1995 there were only 13 political deaths related to brain tumors found while two of them may have also been cell phone users in the very late 80’s , early 90’s.
2) Some time ago, I fell for Telus’s “free fiber optic cable” offer when, despite assurances from many at Telus’s head office that everything would be wired (NO Wi-Fi) I ended up with Wi-Fi modems all over my home. I had them pulled immediately and cancelled my contract with Telus. I couldn’t figure out why Telus would do that. Why trick me into have Wi-Fi in my home? Of course, we all know now that the fiber optic cable is just the infrastructure for 5G. This article explains why Telus would want Wi-Fi inside every home and building – to set the stage for the small cells needed to handle 5G in our homes.

Can Wi-Fi pave the way for indoor small cells?
All four of the U.S. nationwide mobile operators are placing billion-dollar bets on 5G and hoping that consumers will upgrade to 5G-capable smartphones when the technology becomes available. But what will happen to those smartphones inside buildings, where most data use takes place? Will users be able to enjoy the new high-speed networks inside buildings?
Carriers know that if they intend to monetize 5G, keeping customers on the network indoors will be a big help. For years, they have worked to convince building owners to shoulder more of the cost of in-building cellular systems, but many building owners view Wi-Fi as a sufficient solution. Now a leading provider of Wi-Fi offload solutions sees carriers using Wi-Fi to pave the way for 5G small cells.
“We see operators making use of Wi-Fi as the tool for getting a foot in the door,” said Aptilo Networks CEO Paul Mikkelsen. He said the same hardware that supports Wi-Fi access points can often support small cell radios as well: “You can even finance it by selling the managed Wi-Fi service to the venue. That is a very powerful way of taking on the small cell challenge.”
3) Monsanto is facing charges that it has stifled scientific evidence showing that Roundup was dangerous. This is no different from cell phone companies. For decades, they’ve had evidence that their products were capable of causing serious harm and have refused to warn the public / their customers. If Monsanto is judged guilty, it sets another precedent for holding corporations responsible – as with tobacco companies.

– https://usrtk.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Dewayne-Johnson-lawsuit.pdf
Opening Statements Set for Monday in Monsanto Cancer Trial
“Heated debates over the safety of Roundup and the active ingredient glyphosate have spanned the globe for years. Concerns mounted after internal Monsanto documents came to light through court-ordered discovery, showing conversations among Monsanto employees about “ghost” writing certain scientific papers to help influence regulatory and public opinion about Monsanto products.
Many of those internal corporate records are expected to be a key part of Johnson’s case. Johnson’s attorneys say they have evidence that Monsanto has long known that glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup are carcinogenic and have hidden that information from consumers and regulators. They allege Monsanto has manipulated the scientific record and regulatory assessments of glyphosate in order to protect corporate glyphosate-related revenues. Monsanto knew of the dangers and “made conscious decisions not to redesign, warn or inform the unsuspecting public,” the Johnson lawsuit claims.
If they can convince a jury of the allegations, the lawyers say they plan to ask for potentially “hundreds of millions of dollars.””

4) Hawaii electrical company joins with Verizon, using solar power to push acceptance of smeters in Hawaii where people must opt in to have a meter, instead of having to ask and pay to opt out.
Verizon Partners Hawaiian Electric to Boost Solar Energy Use
“For the first time, a utility firm will utilize Verizons existing 4G LTE network infrastructure for communication purposes specific to solar systems. The use of Verizon`s technology will initially be limited to the Customer Grid-Supply Plus (CGS+) program. Its existing infrastructure and services will enable Honolulu-based Hawaiian Electric to accommodate CGS+ customers without compromising grid reliability.
Verizon reportedly has the best cellular coverage in the state of Hawaii. The deployment of advanced meters with Verizons network capability is likely to start shortly. The capacity of the CGS+ program varies across Hawaiian Electric`s service territories.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
WHEN THE SLEEPER AWAKES it could be too late!
~ (H.G. WELLS)