[AI – BC Hydro – Behaviour – Breaches – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Civil Liberties – Cyber Attacks & Warfare – Electronic Warfare – ESRI – Exploding Data by Michael Chertoff – GIS Map – Going Off Grid – Health – Homeland Security – IoT – ISPs – Legal – Media – Nelson Community Solar Garden – New Westminster Electric Utility – Noise from Electronic Attack EA-18G Growlers – NTP – Privacy – Queensborough Community Centre Community Solar Garden (Norm Connoly) – Ramazzini Institute – Rebates – RFR – Right to Know – Save Our Coast March – Site C – STOP Save The Olympic Peninsula – Studies – Surveillance – Tumours (Brain, Heart) – US Navy EMR RF Weapons & War Games – Washington Military Alliance | Gulf Islands & Nelson & New Westminster & Vancouver Island, BC – Germany – Bologna, Italy – Puget Sound / Whidbey Island, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA] & Book & March (Aug.19/18) & Websites
1) There are more solar projects around the province – this one in New Westminster. I suspect that there would be great interest in going off grid if there were some rebates offered, but this would be counter to BC Hydro’s interest. Perhaps it would even eliminate any possible justification for Site C – although there isn’t any.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) A new book by Michael Chertoff, former US Secretary of Homeland Security, “ Exploding Data: Reclaiming our Cyber Security in the Digital Age”. He speaks of the theft of personal data, tracking and monitoring private individuals, as well as the potential for cyber attacks by rogue states. A review published in the Washington Times:

“Mr. Chertoff focuses on the technologies that currently mine personal data for law enforcement (especially those that can pinpoint the identities, locations and activities of persons engaging in illegal activities, such as terrorism), or companies (tracking an individual’s purchasing or voting tendencies in social media for marketing purposes, including credit scoring) where safeguarding law-abiding citizens’ civil liberties, especially their rights to privacy, is paramount.
Most concerning, Mr. Chertoff writes, is that not only do “those who collect and aggregate that data have an increased power to influence and even coerce our behavior — possibly through social shaming and financial incentives and penalties,” but that the “expansion of online networks that are connected to physical systems and that even control their operation, has dramatically expanded the ability of malign individuals to interfere with the physical world.” Bad actors, he adds, are also sabotaging information technology systems and engaging in vast identity breaches and thefts from bank accounts and other data sources…
In a chapter titled “Cyber Warfare: Deterrence and Response,” Mr. Chertoff discusses the legal implications of the use of cyber weapons by rogue states, including non-state actors that operate on their behalf, and the challenges in responding to such attacks. He explains that the “boundless geography of cyberspace” makes identifying the attackers problematic because the “attackers are not visible and do not wear uniforms” so there needs “to be articulated a clear doctrine about how to effectively deter or respond to a cyberattack, even if it causes serious physical effects.””
3) The city of Bologna, Italy is requiring cell phone companies to provide customers with info about the health risks associated with usage, based on Ramazzini and NTP studies. Sorry about the long link but I was unable to minimize it. You may have to copy it and paste it in search to be able to read it in translated format. Or go into the original article in Italian and translate it.

The phone companies to inform on the dangers of cellphone”: an appeal from Bologna
“BOLOGNA – The municipality of Bologna tip telephone companies to inform the public about health risks related to the use of the mobile phone. The initiative is the Municipal Council yesterday unanimously approved a proposed agenda by Dora P. of “mixed group-None remains behind.”
The odg will draw upon two scientific studies conducted on the impact of human exposure to radio frequency radiation levels produced by repeaters and transmitters for mobile telephony: the Ramazzini Institute of Bologna and the US the National toxicology program. Despite the differences between the two searches, both “have found statistically significant increases in the development of the same type of very rare malignant tumors in male rats treated”
4) The “Save the Olympic Peninsula” group is still fighting to preserve their peace, quiet and low EMR environment from the US military. The growlers and the EMR pollution are affecting Vancouver Island as well as the Gulf Islands as well as the Washington Peninsula. Despite our many letters to politicians at all levels, and to the media, British Columbians are left vulnerable, without any help coming from any government. More info is available on their website:
Save the Olympic Peninsula [STOP] is in need of more volunteers to help execute three projects central to our mission. We would also like to expand our Board of Directors to better serve our members and realize our objectives. Please let us know of your interest by sending an email to us at savetheolympicpeninsula@gmail.com.
Our highest priority pertains to our work with other nonprofit and citizen volunteer groups in Northwest Washington to mount a public relations campaign about the threat to our region from Navy Growlers and rampant militarization. This effort will include the development of a Washington citizen’s alliance to counter-balance the Washington Military Alliance, a lobbying arm of the military industrial complex that is currently the sole official adviser to the Governor on military matters.
STOP’s second project is putting in place an interactive GIS map that expands San Juan County’s jet noise reporting map to all areas affected by the Navy Growlers. See http://sjcgis.org/aircraft-noise-reporting/. This would allow citizens to enter sound disturbances (i.e., Growler events) and other military intrusions into a map accessible to them via the Internet. Approval for STOP’s use of this technology has already been granted by ESRI, the company that manages this application. Volunteers who are savvy about GIS (geographic information system) mapping and data would be most welcome to join in this effort.
Finally, STOP will participate in the opening day (August 19) of Attorney General Ferguson’s “Save Our Coast” march between Rialto Beach and Cape Alava to protest the Trump Administration’s offshore oil drilling proposal. This march duplicates the historic protest march led by Justice William O. Douglass against highway development in Northwest Washington 50 years ago. Here we will educate the marchers of the additional clear and present danger the Navy’s Electronic Warfare Range and its Growler jets pose to Olympic National Park. We would like more citizens to join A.G. Ferguson and STOP members on August 19 at Rialto Beach.
We are doing a lot, and we need your help. We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact STOP via email at savetheolympicpeninsula@gmail.com.
Thank you very much!
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.