[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Batteries – BC Hydro 2-Tier Bills – Brain Tumours Tracking (John McCain, Notable Persons List) – CBTA (Ellie Marks) – Cell Towers – Cloudy Days (E. coli Bacteria) – CTIA – EMR – EVs – FCC – Health – IAFF – National Environmental Policy Act – NTP – Peace Energy Renewable Energy Cooperative – Ric Perron, Perron Electrical – Right to Know Warning Labels – ROI – SB 649 (Jerry Brown) – Solar Rebates – SPEED Act – Stephen Gilbert – STREAMLINE Act – UBC – Vikramaditya Yadav – Wireless Infrastructure Association | Hudson’s Hope & Metchosin, BC – Alberta – Berkeley, California, USA] & (videos) & Websites
1) Attached [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Copy-of-Notable-Persons-20172-by-CBTA-July-10-2018.xlsx] is a list gathered by Ellie Marks, California Brain Tumor Association, of well-known people who have or have had brain tumors. Of course, there have been many more “not notable” people who deserve to be tracked and I have asked Ellie for her list.
If you have info that is missing or know of anyone who is missing, please let me know. Email dsnoble@shaw.ca with “brain tumours” on the subject line. I have already told her John McCain is missing.
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) As BC Hydro increases the fees and rates we pay, and they will continue to increase, considering solar power makes economic sense for many. As technology improves, costs should go down. In Alberta, the government is offering rebates for people to convert to solar – 30% of panels up to $10,000.

Going Solar: making cents of it all
Researchers find ally in quest to make solar panels work on cloudy days: E. coli
“A Canadian research team thinks they may have figured out how to make solar panels work effectively on cloudy days — with a little help from some of nature’s most misunderstood bacteria.”
WATCH: Alberta sees uptick of solar systems in last 12 months (1:33 minutes for info about the rebates.) And, notice what appears to be an analog meter….
Vancouver Island man shows off his solar house and his electricity savings
3) A status report on 5G in the USA, where industry is being given the green light by all levels of government to advance with the network that will significantly increase the amount of EMR in our environment, despite all of the recent science proving how harmful lower frequencies are.

Despite health concerns, FCC and States clear the way for Next Generation Wireless Network
But the FCC’s action does not exempt installation of the base stations from state and local and regulations. To clear these hurdles, the two main wireless lobbying groups – the Wireless Infrastructure Association and the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association – have developed and promoted model legislation overriding such regulations to state legislatures.
The legislation, passed by 20 states so far, largely eliminates the permitting and review process for base station installations, and restricts or removes local oversight. Some legislation also unequivocally allows these installations on public rights of way. Some states have also capped fees for such installations much lower than existing rates.
Eleven states are considering similar legislation. Only four states have rejected or shelved similar legislation, including California, where EWG opposed the proposal and Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed it.
In Congress, the wireless industry is also pushing the so-called SPEED Act to exempt small wireless installations, and any wireless installation in a public right of way, from the National Environmental Policy Act. Another bill, called the STREAMLINE Act, would create a federal one-size-fits-all rule to mandate cheap installation fees and speed approval of installations.