[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – AAEM – BBB – Big Wireless – Breaching the Peace by Sarah Cox – Cancer – Cell Towers – DAMMING THE PEACE: The Hidden Costs of the Site C Dam by Wendy Holm Book Tour – Daniel Hirsch – DE – Doctor Naomi Wolf – EHS / ES Microwave Sickness – EMF Exposure Limits in the World – EMR – FCC – Firefighters’ Exemption from SB 649 – Health – How to Turn Off Wi-Fi – Huawei – IAFF Resolution No.15 – Internet Modems & Routers – Military Studies – Nature – NRDC – Pets – Precautionary Principle – Safety – Site C Costs – Smart Meters RF Emissions – Sunrise – WHO – Wildlife – Wireless Devices | Peace River, BC – Canada – Switzerland – San Francisco, California & New York City, New York, USA] Books & (videos)
Happy Canada Day.
Let’s celebrate and take a day off. Next update July 2.
1) Years ago, with the help of some dedicated experts, firefighters made the connection between the high incidence rate of cancers suffered by them and their colleagues and the cell towers installed on their fire halls. The associations across North America demanded that the towers be removed and ever since have argued against any transmitters being allowed near the places they sleep and spend many hours. Now they are fighting microcells that have been put on poles outside their stations after experiencing health problems.
(click on photos to enlarge)

If Firefighters Are Concerned About Exposure to Cell Towers and Antennas, Maybe Everybody Should Be.
5G Complaints by San Francisco Firefighters Are Unsettling
“The International Association of Fire Fighters’ position on locating cell towers commercial wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, as adopted by its membership in August 2004 (1), is that the IAFF oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is conducted and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members…
Firefighters in San Francisco have reported memory problems and confusion after the 5G equipment was installed outside of fire stations. The firefighters claim the symptoms stopped when they relocated to stations without equipment nearby.”

[Revised and Amended IAFF Resolution No.15; August 2004 – Study of Firefighters Exposed to Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation from Cell Towers/Masts by Susan Foster Ambrose, Joe Foster, Dr. Magda Havas, Dr. Henry C. Lai, Janet Newton – August 2004: http://www.iaff.org/hs/Facts/CellTowerFinal.asp]
2) I hope that everyone receiving this update does not have Wi-Fi in your home. It is one of the major sources of high EMR emissions. But if you know someone who does, then I hope you will encourage him/her to disconnect it at least at night, which will help to get better sleep which will enable the body to recover from the Wi-Fi to which it is exposed. For those people, there is some helpful info at this link, about half way through the article.

Why You Should Turn Off WiFi At Night
[And 3 Ways To Do It]
“So for most homes, your WiFi either comes from your own router, or it comes from the modem that your internet company provided. The modem is the small (usually black) box that has a large co-ax cable attached to it. This box is what actually takes the internet connection and translates it in a way that can connect you to the internet.”
(video 08:57) How To Set a Time Schedule on Your Wireless Router by Robyn Rishani – YouTube – November 12, 2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMKAEkDFGl4
3) A demonstration of 5G by the Chinese Company Huawei has been performed in Switzerland, but the program may not be possible widely in Switzerland because of the Swiss strict RF emission standards.

Sunrise activates first 5G antenna in Switzerland, demonstrates ‘5G for People’ with Huawei
“… More than 90 percent of the antennas in urban areas cannot be expanded because of strict radiation limits in Switzerland.
According to Sunrise, the regulatory limits may significantly delay 5G in Switzerland, as the current limits are ten times more exacting than regulations abroad. Coupled with rigid administrative and technical implementing provisions and lengthy mobile network approval procedures, this threatens to delay the introduction of 5G and its related performance enhancements until 2020 and beyond because the existing infrastructure is unable to expand much further, especially in urban areas, the company said.”
Canada – http://www.who.int/docstore/peh-emf/EMFStandards/who-0102/North_America/Canada_files/table_ca.htm
4) According to studies, smeters emit much higher levels of RF than do cell phones. Of course, distance is the key. Cell phones will be higher when held to the head or directly on any part of the body. But, at a short distance, according to this article, smeters’ levels are higher. Of course, smeters never turn off, pulsing thousands of times a day, plus adding to Dirty Electricity [DE] on home wiring.

Radiation emitted from smart meters 100 times greater than cell phones – and exposure is constant, doctors warn
“Independent studies have revealed that both the strength and frequency of smart meter pulses make them exceptionally threatening. The Center for Electrosmog Prevention, a California nonprofit group, estimates that one smart meter emits the radiation equivalent of about 160 mobile phones. Other studies have concluded that smart meters emit not 100 but 1,000 times the radioactive load of a typical cell phone.

– http://www.committeetobridgethegap.org/pdf/110212_RFrad_comments.pdf
Daniel Hirsch, a radiation expert and instructor at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), published a paper refuting the findings of the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST), which concluded based on industry data that smart meters are safer than mobile phones. Hirsh countered that:
“… the cumulative whole body exposure from a Smart Meter at 3 feet appears to be approximately two orders of magnitude higher than that of a cell phone, rather than two orders of magnitude lower.””
5) Re. Site C. A book tour by author Wendy Holm. See the link for a discussion date near you.
DAMMING THE PEACE: The Hidden Costs of the Site C Dam
“We invite you to join a discussion with author Wendy Holm as she talks about her new book, Damming the Peace: The Hidden Costs of the Site C dam.
In northeast British Columbia, the magnificent Peace River Valley is home to First Nations, fertile agricultural lands and farms, and old-growth boreal forests. This land, which is already overshadowed by two other massive dams, is now facing the threat of another mega-project: the Site C dam. BC Hydro plans to build the 60-metre-high Site C dam, flooding the river valley and effectively drowning a land area equal to the size of 14 Stanley Parks.
In her book, Holm, an expert in soils, argues that ongoing opposition, First Nations’ legal challenges, cost overruns and unstable geological conditions put the future of the Site C dam in question.
Come join the discussion on Damming the Peace and learn more about why this project should be halted.”
[DAMMING THE PEACE: The Hidden Costs of the Site C Dam by Wendy Holm – https://www.amazon.ca/Damming-Peace-hidden-costs-Site/dp/1459413164 & Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/DammingThePeace/
Breaching the Peace by Sarah Cox – https://www.ubcpress.ca/breaching-the-peace]
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The truth is inconvertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it. But there it is”
~ Winston Churchill