[BC Hydro – Bluetooth – Breaches (JP Morgan, Target) – Bullying – Canadian Human Rights Commission – Cyberattacks – Cyber Weapons (Stuxnet, WannaCry) – DHS Department of Homeland Security – DNI Director of National Intelligence – Doctor Martin L. Pall Letter to California Legislators re EMFs & SB 649 – EHS / ES Disability – FBI – Hackers – Health – Joel Brenner – NSA – Olle Johansson Letter to Perry Kendall re Studies & Precautionary Principle – Peace Agricultural Compensation Fund – Public Internet – Ron Letter to Lisa Beare re Provincial Health Officer & BC Ferries No Wi-Fi Free Zones – Site C – Smart Grid – Smart Meters – Tobacco – Wireless Devices | Maple Ridge & Peace River, BC – Israel – Russia – Sweden – Ukraine – USA]
1) BC Hydro is establishing a $20 million fund to compensate for loss of agricultural land due to Site C. I wonder if they will hit us with another “crisis fee” to fund this. How can loss of valuable, irreplaceable farmland be compensated for?
(click on photos to enlarge)
BC Hydro launches fund to compensate for agricultural impacts of Site C
“The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources announced yesterday that BC Hydro has launched a $20-million fund to support agricultural production and related economic activity in the Peace Region.
The fund has been set up to help mitigate some of the potential effects of the Site C project on agriculture in the Peace. The Ministry said that management and disbursement of the fund will be controlled by the 10 members of the regional Peace Agricultural Compensation Fund Board. The Board consists of six members who have been appointed by regional agricultural organizations or the Peace River Regional District, three members-at-large, and one member who is a Peace River Valley agricultural producer.”
2) Cyberattacks on US infrastructure is happening all the time and, so far, little seems to have been done to prevent catastrophe from happening when a serious, major one occurs. The internet and digital components apparently make the attacks easier and more difficult to prevent. The experts have been warning about the consequences of wireless components such as smeters being the most vulnerable point for entry.

Russian Hackers Targeted Critical U.S. Infrastructure — What Happens Now?
“Last week, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI announced that Russian hackers targeted and penetrated some of the country’s most sensitive infrastructure including power, nuclear, water, and aviation networks. Joel Brenner wasn’t surprised.
Joel Brenner, former inspector general of the National Security Agency and head of U.S. Counterintelligence in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and currently a senior research fellow at the MIT Center for International Studies…
“On taking critical infrastructure off the internet
I think that isolation of critical controls — limited number of critical controls in critical infrastructure — isolating them from the public internet is absolutely essential if we’re going to become materially more secure … We do see it in some places, for example in pipeline controls now. We see companies that have analog controls on pipeline pressure so that if the online, electronic, digital controls were to go haywire and intentionally run up the pressure in a line so that it would explode, you’d have an analog control that would override that.
… But by and large, we’ve actually in some of these cases, we’ve had controls that were accessible through Bluetooth, so the guy in the truck didn’t have to get out of a truck on a rainy day to check the device … I’ve given an extreme example but ultimately, unless we are willing to pay some money and incur some inconvenience to isolate certain parts of our controls from the public internet, then we cannot become materially more safe.”

From: Ron (name given with permission)
Sent: June 27, 2018
To: Lisa.Beare.MLA@leg.bc.ca
Subject: Meeting with PHO / BC Ferries
Hello MLA Beare:
Thanks for meeting with X and me several weeks ago regarding ‘wireless’.
I’m following up to see if there may have been any progress in our request to obtain a public meeting to be attended by the Provincial Health Officer. I am re-attaching a copy of Dr. Martin Pall’s 2017 letter [http://electromagnetichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Pall-Letter-to-CalLegis-FINAL-8-7-17.pdf]
as well as Associate Professor Olle Johansson’s second letter [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Olle-Johansson-Letter-to-Perry-Kendall-re-EMFs-Studies-and-Precautionary-Principle-September-11-2012.pdf]
to the previous Provincial Health Officer as a blunt reminder of the seriousness of this issue. Johansson’s letter, elegant in its simplicity, encapsulates the wisdom of the Precautionary Principle that should be applied here. The need for urgent action on wireless exposure standards is clearly being communicated by hundreds of the world’s top scientists, for anyone willing to listen. You and your government need to be listening on behalf of the vast majority of BC citizens who have not received the unbiased information they need to make an informed decision in this area. The potential consequences of the continued official course of downplaying and dismissing is the accelerating degradation of the health of an entire population.
Can I kindly point out that your party now controls the Provincial government, meaning the failure for the Provincial Health Office to take action in protecting the public now becomes your responsibility. It is not the responsibility of individual citizens to bring awareness of obvious threats to public health to the authorities whose very positions were created for that function. There is a massive chasm between the standard Provincial Health Office mantra of ‘no convincing evidence of harm’ to the dire warnings coming from qualified experts like Dr. Martin Pall. The Provincial Health Officer needs to justify her position to the public with facts, not tobacco industry slogans. Is the Provincial Health Office looking after the health of the public or of the wireless industry?

We also requested a meeting with a senior manager from BC Ferries to discuss the accommodation of individuals suffering from EHS (electro hyper sensitivity) disorder. EHS is accepted as a functional impairment in Sweden and recognized by the Canadian Human Rights Commission as an environmental sensitivity with a classification as a disability. Persons suffering from this have a great deal of difficulty on the BC Ferry system, where ‘Wi-Fi’ has been widely implemented with official disregard for those unable to be around it. I believe the Province has adopted a policy against bullying. Examples like this don’t speak well for the Province’s intention to take such things seriously.
Thank you for your time.
Maple Ridge
PS: Thanks for shelving the ‘World Cup’. I agree. We don’t need it and it’s too financially risky.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The absence of absolute proof does not mean the absence of risk,”
~Dr. Annie Sasco