[ANFR National Frequency Agency – BC Hydro Substation (Fire Risk, Lord Robert School Annex) – Building Biology Guidelines – Cell Phones – Children – CPUC – DEC Duke Energy Carolinas Rider MRM Opt-out Fees – EHS / ES – ElectroSmog – European Commission Pollution Lawsuit (Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 & Particulate Matter PM10) – FortisBC – Gas – Health – Insurance – Linky EMF / EMR Testing – Mesh Network Maintenance – NCUC – NHS National Health Services – North Carolina Medical Board – Number of Transmissions – Pets – PG&E Lawsuit Confession – PHE Public Health England (Paul Cosford) – RF Class 2B Possible Carcinogen – Safety – Smart Meters – Studies – TBYP – UK Health Forum – VSB Vancouver School Board – WHO – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | Vancouver, BC – EU – France – Germany – Hungary – Italy – Romania – UK – North Carolina, USA] & (videos)
1) Shameful Vancouver School Board approved BC Hydro’s desire to build a substation under a school. I just hope the School Board and its members are sued before too many kids become ill.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“The Vancouver School Board has approved a proposal to build an underground substation at the Lord Roberts Annex school site in the West End. Board trustees voted six to two on Monday to accept the BC Hydro plan, which will see the building demolished and students temporarily moved to a new school in Coal Harbour by 2023.
After that, a substation will be built underground and a new school constructed on the same property.”
2) North Carolina’s Utility Commission has ruled that no opt-out fee can be charged to those who are opting out due to health reasons. The opt-out fees for others are $150 initial and $11.50 per month, vs. $32.40 in BC. Also, the Commission instructed that incidents regarding fires, security concerns, etc. be reported to the Commission. In BC, it was only after my complaint that BC Hydro and FortisBC were instructed to report fires and other incidents for a 2 year period.
Landmark Decision by the NC Utilities Commission Removes Smart Meter Opt-Out Fees! June 22, 2018
“… the Commission believes it is inappropriate to require customers who maintain that they need to avoid exposure to RF emissions to the extent possible to protect their health to pay DEC’s proposed smart meter opt-out charges. Therefore, the Commission will require DEC to amend its Rider MRM to remove the customer charges for those customers who provide the Company with a notarized statement from a medical physician licensed by the North Carolina Medical Board that the customer must avoid exposure to RF emissions to the extent possible to protect their health. Upon receipt of such statement, the Company shall waive both the one-time and the monthly fees under Rider MRM. The Commission further requires that such medical statements must be handled and processed by the Company in a secure and confidential manner to protect customer privacy.”
(The official decision. Pages 10-14 are especially interesting. The Commission acknowledged out-dated FCC standards.)
3) France will allow customers who are experiencing health problems to have their smeters EMR levels checked.

– https://www.activistpost.com/2018/06/france-allows-emf-testing-for-utility-smart-meters-court-testimony-news-stories-research-prove-smart-meters-emit-dangerous-emf-rf-levels.html
France Allows EMF Testing For Utility “Smart” Meters. Court Testimony, News Stories, Research Prove “Smart” Meters Emit Dangerous EMF/RF Levels.
“On June 21, 2018, it was reported that French consumers may ask to have testing performed to the check the electromagnetic exposure they are experiencing from their utility “smart” meters.
They are concerned that EMF levels could be much higher than other digital and wireless devices. They aren’t wrong.
This has been established many times over already.
A 2010 California lawsuit determined that utility “smart” meters emit much more EMF/RF than what is revealed by utility safety data.
Pacific Gas & Electric stated the average number of RF pulses for the electric meter would be about 10,000, per meter, per 24-hour period and the maximum number over 190,000.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.”
~ Voltaire