[Alex & Paulette Rende (St. Paul’s Secondary School) – Brain Tumours (Charlotte Taylor Glioblastoma, Curt Rimmington Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Doug Angrove, Richard Couch) – Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada – Cancer – Central Brain Tumor Registry of USA – Children – Chronic Fatigue – DPCDSB Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (Bruce Campbell) – EHS / ES Disability Accommodation – Ellen Marks (California Brain Tumor Association) – Firefighters Occupational Disease Regulation (Workers Compensation Act) – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Hempfield Citizens for Safe Schools Inc. v. Hempfield School District Lawsuit (Carley Smith, Shannon Zimmerman, Verizon Cell Towers) – Kate Cotterill – MCS – Safety – Studies – Toronto WCH Women’s College Hospital (EHC Environmental Health Clinic) – TTF Tumour Treating Fields – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices – Write to Media re Articles on EMF / RF Microwave Radiation | BC – Mississauga, Ontario – Canada – Germany – Colchester, Essex & Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK – East Hempfield Township, Pennsylvania, USA]
1) Many children have become sensitive and are unable to attend schools that have Wi-Fi. Parents who are aware of the dangers of Wi-Fi are confronted by school authorities who have been told to ignore the problem. In Ontario, one parent is fighting for her son who has become very ill. All she is asking for is what many parents have sought – a school without Wi-Fi. Accommodation is possible but it’s being denied. Internet access was provided via safe, secure, faster, more efficient fiber optic cable in almost every school until fairly recently. Why the change? I wish we could follow the money because that must the reason….
(click on photos to enlarge)

Please share the info that is below in Letters to see how even this article is being hidden, even though it initially made it into many newspapers – it’s gone now. Paulette is asking for help from as many people as possible – please consider writing the editor and reporter. This is a major issue and one that finally got some attention, albeit short in some instances. We need to thank those in the media who do write about it and encourage them to do more.
Could you please write the Reporter and Editor to thank them for running the story and to ask that they report on this again, perhaps as an investigative series pertaining to schoolchildren and the need for a Review by the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Review by experts in EMF science, public health, education for and creation of Health and Safety Guidelines pertaining to Digital Device Safety for ALL Ontario schoolchildren. Wouldn’t it be marvelous if the Editors also called for this!!!! That would be GOLD.
plonergan@metroland.com – Editor
mmarychuk@metroland.com – Reporter
2) I have been unable to find any agencies that are keeping detailed Brain Cancer Registries in BC or Canada. This allows the telecoms, Health Canada and the Cancer Societies to say there has not been an increase in these deadly cancers. Yet, hardly a week goes by without hearing of someone becoming a victim. Here are some from Canada and elsewhere.

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nursing-student-19-makes-devastating-12382706 19 year old in UK

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5726115/Construction-worker-25-brain-cancer-denied-benefits-went-travelling.html 25 year old in UK

& https://www.vicnews.com/news/late-victoria-fire-chief-remembered-for-his-quiet-dedication-leadership/
For those who do not take the Times Colonist:
“Couch was with the Victoria Fire Department for 30 years. He started in May 1976 and retired in May 2006.
He was promoted to fire chief in 2003.
Couch was known as a gracious and cordial leader, athlete, friend and devoted family man, said the statement from the city.
He was a member of the Victoria firefighter’s team in the 2017 Ride to Conquer Cancer, a tribute to his successor and friend, retired Victoria fire chief Doug Angrove. Angrove died in May 2017, about five months after being diagnosed with brain cancer.”

[https://www.vicnews.com/news/retired-fire-chief-remembered-as-dedicated-family-man/ 59 year old]
3) In Pennsylvania, a group of concerned people are suing a school district that signed a contract allowing Verizon to erect cell towers on school property. Telecoms target those agencies or groups that need money like schools, churches, hospitals, nursing homes, endangering their health to make huge profits. According to US law (like Canadian law), the basis of the suit cannot be health so they have found another legal reason. Very creative.

Group of concerned Hempfield residents sues school district over cell towers
“A yearlong battle over cellphone towers on school district property in East Hempfield Township has been revitalized thanks to a lawsuit filed against Hempfield School District.
Hempfield Citizens for Safe Schools Inc., an 85-member nonprofit founded after the Hempfield school board voted in January to give Verizon final approval to build its tower behind an elementary school, is suing the school district over leasing land “for a private party’s benefit.”
The complaint, filed on May 7 by attorneys Aaron Marines and Brandon Harter of Russell, Krafft & Gruber LLP, alleges the school district is violating Pennsylvania’s Donated or Dedicated Property Act, which restricts the conversion of public land to private use.”
or https://tinyurl.com/y84wuhxo

“Ostrich with its head in the sand”: Mississauga mom demands Catholic school board accommodate son’s Wi-Fi injury
“It’s a bigger problem than people realize,” said Paulette Rende.
NEWS Jun 13, 2018 by Marta Marychuk Mississauga News
I am requesting that the Reporter do stories or even an investigative series on RF/EMF health effects.
~ she now has the internal Peel Board email that called for hindering school council discussion of this safety concern. It was from the Assoc. Director to all 200+ Principals to “do your best to keep this off school council agenda”.
~ she has the graph of 25 schools with peak as well as average readings above the Toronto Cell Tower Limit (PAL).
~ she has the Environmental Health Trust’s most recent press release on the safety concerns of Virtual Reality Systems
~ a “comprehensive” Reference List (ie National Toxicology Program findings, manufacturer warnings, Wendy Mesley’s findings of safety code being exceeded if manufacturer warnings ignored thus a multitude of potential safety code violations in our schools) supporting why there needs to be a Review by the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Review for and creation of Health and Safety Guidelines pertaining to Digital Device Safety for ALL Ontario schoolchildren.
I noticed this was up yesterday and now webpage is gone.
“Ostrich with its head in the sand”: Mississauga mom …
“Ostrich with its head in the sand”: Mississauga mom demands Catholic school board accommodate son’s Wi-Fi injury
I can’t access these two but they are up on first page:
Brampton Health Care News | TheRecord.com
Read the latest Health Care news stories from Brampton and … “Ostrich with its head in the sand”: Mississauga mom demands Catholic school board accommodate son’s Wi-Fi.
Mississauga Board of Education News – Students & School …
Education Jun 13, 2018 “Ostrich with its head in the sand”: Mississauga mom demands Catholicschool board accommodate son’s Wi-Fi. A Mississauga mother says she is …
I did find it on Peel Village’s facebook for June 13th. This is interesting as it is closely linked with Peel Public Health as it works with disadvantaged youth.
Peel Village, Brampton — Anything Goes! Public Group …
Peel Village, Brampton – Anything Goes! … “Ostrich with its head in the sand”: Mississauga mom demands Catholic school board accommodate son’s Wi-Fi injury …
******** Could you please write the Reporter and Editor to thank them for running the story and to ask that they report on this again, perhaps as an investigative series pertaining to schoolchildren and the need for a Review by the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Review by experts in EMF science, public health, education for and creation of Health and Safety Guidelines pertaining to Digital Device Safety for ALL Ontario schoolchildren. Wouldn’t it be marvelous if the Editors also called for this!!!! That would be GOLD.
plonergan@metroland.com – Editor
mmarychuk@metroland.com – Reporter
Please do share the article perhaps cut out of the email. Thank you!!