[Asbestos – BCOAPO – Cancer (Acoustic Neuromas, Brain Tumours, Salivary Gland) – Cell Phones Banned – Children – Doctor Anthony B. Miller – EHT – ElectroSmog – EMR – Generation Zapped – Health (Autism, Cognitive Impairment, DNA, EHS / ES, Heart, Infertility) – Honeywell / Elster A3 – IARC – iPads – Itron – RF – Safety – SaskPower (Tim Eckel) Smart Meter Fires – Sharon Noble Letter to BCUC (Keshni Nand, Order G-5-17) re BC Hydro CCF Customer Crisis Fund (Bills) Costs – Smartphones – Studies – Tobacco – WHO – Wi-Fi in Schools – William Stewart – Wired – Wireless Devices | BC – Saskatchewan – Canada – Salzburg, Austria – Ghent, Belgium – Cyprus – France – Frankfurt, Germany – Haifa, Israel – Italy – Spain – Sweden – UK – USA] & (videos)
1) SaskPower has developed higher standards for smeters for smeters after having a few fires in 2014. They continue to search for residential smeters that meet those standards – apparently have not found any yet. Obviously, ITRON’s smeters haven’t been found to satisfy them.
(click on photos to enlarge)

SaskPower expanding industrial and commercial smart meter program
“At this point there are no immediate plans to start re-installing residential smart meters, but it that is the goal of the Crown corporation. They are working with vendors to develop and/or find residential smart meters that meet their elevated standard.”
[Honeywell/Elster A3 Commercial and Industrial meter & Sensus FlexNet – https://www.saskpower.com/our-power-future/smart-grid-technology/were-focused-on-safety & https://sensus.com/products/honeywell-a3-alpha/]
2) The UK is similar to the USA and Canada in that its school and health officials are ignoring scientific warnings about the dangers of having Wi-Fi in schools. Many other countries are trying to reduce exposure by taking small steps, at least. But in North America, industry rules at our peril.
As more countries ban iPads and mobile phones from the classroom, could wifi be giving our children cancer?
“Some concerned nations have already begun banning or restricting wifi, as well as mobile phones – another source of electrosmog – in schools.
But not Britain. Eighteen years after a landmark official inquiry, headed by a former Government Chief Scientist, recommended a raft of measures to reduce this kind of radiation, virtually nothing has been done.
In the meantime, we have effectively been conducting a massive medical experiment on ourselves, and our children – who some campaigners are now referring to as ‘Generation Zapped’. For the fact is that human beings have never been exposed to anything like this before.”
3) The BC Hydro Customer Crisis Fund / Customer Emergency Fund was in the works, quietly, for some time. People need to keep an eye on the applications submitted to the BCUC because that is the only way we can know what is being proposed. I received a response to my letter to BCUC about this, and it is below. BC Hydro’s application and other info can be found at the links provided. I have asked once again for the full info about BC Hydro’s projected costs to administer this Fund.

From: Sharon Noble
Sent: June 22, 2018
To: ‘Complaints BCUC:EX’ <Complaints@bcuc.com>
Subject: RE: Crisis Management Fund [CCF Customer Crisis Fund]
Dear Ms. or Mr. Nand,
Thank you for your prompt response to my enquiry. In reviewing the information at the various links you provided, I am unable to find the projection of costs to run the program, e.g. $900,000 annually and $600,000 to establish the program. Can you please tell me where I can find this?
Sharon Noble
= = =
From: Complaints BCUC:EX [mailto:Complaints@bcuc.com]
Sent: June 21, 2018
To: Sharon Noble
Subject: RE: Crisis Management Fund
Dear Ms. Noble,
Thank you for your enquiry to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) regarding the BC Hydro Customer Crisis Fund.
BC Hydro’s Customer Crisis Fund (which was referred to as the Customer Emergency Fund in BCUC processes) is a pilot program that offers financial relief to residential customers who are experiencing a temporary financial crisis, such as a loss of employment or benefit income, unanticipated medical expenses, or a death in the family, and are falling behind on paying their BC Hydro bills. The pilot program is running until 2021.
You can find answers to most frequently asked questions about the Customer Crisis Fund Pilot Program on our website at http://www.bcuc.com/consumers/BCUC-FAQ-CustomerCrisisFund-June-2018.pdf.
Customer Crisis Fund Pilot Program Background:
The pilot program was considered as part of BC Hydro’s 2015 Rate Design Application, where the British Columbia Old Age Pensioners’ Organization (made up also of Disability Alliance BC, Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of BC, and the Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre) (collectively known as BCOAPO) requested the BCUC to implement a strategy to assist low-income rate payers with rising electricity rates. The BCUC’s full decision requiring BC Hydro to file an application to implement the pilot program can be found in Order G-5-17.
As directed in BCUC Order G-166-17, BC Hydro will file an evaluation report at the close of the second year of the pilot program on the costs, benefits and participation levels. The BCUC will then conduct an open and transparent review, in which we will invite the public and interested parties to participate, before deciding whether or not the fund will continue.
Kind regards,
Keshni Nand,
Analyst, Compliance and MRS
British Columbia Utilities Commission
P: 604.660.4700 BC Toll Free: 1.800.663.1385
F: 604.660.2700
= = =
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: June 19, 2018
To: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX
Subject: Crisis Management Fund
Dear Mr. Wruck,
Like many of BC Hydro’s customers, I first heard of this new fund that will be managed by BC Hydro thanks to the article above. Can you please tell me when notice was provided that such an application had been submitted?
I assume that BC Hydro provided financial information to support the $900,000 that will be needed per year to manage this fund and the crisis payments, and the $600,000 required to set the bureaucracy in place. Would you please provide me with a copy of this financial information?
Given the fact that I have been unable to get a financial report regarding the many millions of dollars in fees gathered and the expenses incurred by the smart meter opt out option, it is worrisome that BC Hydro will collect another significant amount in mandatory fees. Will BC Hydro be required to provide the public with a full accounting of the fees recovered and the payments made?
Thank you for your time and assistance with my request.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.”
~ Voltaire