[3G – 4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas – Aclara – Analogs – ANSI – Arthur Firstenburg – Batteries – BC Hydro Substation (Fire Risk, Lord Robert School Annex) – Benefits – Big Wireless – Bills – Cell Phones – Children – CIC Crown Investments Corporation (Don McMorris) – Costs – Customer Behavior – EMFs – Faulty Smart Meters – FCC Environmental Review Exemptions – Fires – Galaxy Note 7 Recalls – GE General Electric – Glenn Thibeault – Health – Heather Charlton – Kevin Stine – Lawsuits – Marty Becker – Media – Nova Scotia UARB Decision AMI M08349 – NSPI – OEB – Opt-out Fees – Orange & Rockland Utilities – Pacific Power (Cory Estlund) – PECO – Post Comments to VSB Vancouver School Board Facebook Page – Precautionary Principle – PwC Pricewaterhouse Coopers – Remote Disconnect Switch & Reading – RF – Ritenburg & Associates – Robertston Stromberg – RPP Regulated Price Plan – Safety – SaskPower – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Send Statements to NRDC by July 02, 2018 re Case No. 18-1135 – Sensus (Conductive Contaminants, Leaks, Moisture) – Smart Metering Initiative Report (Section 3.11 – 2014 Annual Report of the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario) – Smartphone Explosion & Death (Blackberry, Huawei, Nazrin Hassan Cradle Fund) – Stantec – Studies – The Impact of Time-Of-Use Rates in Ontario by Brattle Group – TOU – UL Protocol – Wi-Fi | BC – Nova Scotia – Ontario – Saskatchewan – Alabama & New City, New York & Lincoln City & Medford City & Portland, Oregon & Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA]
1) Outrageous that BC Hydro continues to push, bribe and mislead parents and the public about the safety of putting a substation under a school and park. The science clearly shows that the high magnetic fields are dangerous to all, and especially to children. And it’s worse that the School Board is seriously considering this. The School Board votes next Monday. Please spread the word.
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(click on photos to enlarge)

2) Nova Scotia’s regulators approved a smeter program at a cost of $266 per meter (vs. $555 per meter in BC) [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/smart-meter-cost-comparison/], and the utility maintains it won’t cost the customers a penny!! We’ve all heard that before. This, despite the problems and non-existent/overstated benefits experienced in other provinces.
And the regulator says that customers must be allowed to opt out – perhaps keeping their analogs, but this is not clear. When I learn of the opt-out costs, I will let you know. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/metersgrid/smart-meter-opt-out-options-and-fees/]

Nova Scotia Regulator Approves Smart Meter Project
“Almost a year after receiving Nova Scotia Power Incorporated’s (NSPI) application, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) has approved the $133.2 million Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project that is expected to see the installation of 500,000 digital smart meters in Nova Scotia by 2020…
With the UARB approval, Nova Scotia joins a growing number of jurisdictions that have also embraced digital smart meters. However, they will be aware of the difficulties faced in some other provinces after implementing the smart meter systems.
- In Ontario, the smart meter adoption process became a $2 billion project (up from the original estimate of $1 billion). A 2014 report released by Ontario’s Auditor General indicated that the impact of the technology on electricity bills was overestimated and that 65% of consumers had failed to change their consumption patterns because the difference between the On-Peak and Off-Peak rates was too small. A February 2017 report titled “The Impact of Time-Of-Use Rates in Ontario,” which we discussed in an earlier post, found that there have been modest changes in customer behaviour as a result of Time-of-Use (TOU) rates. The Ontario Energy Board’s RPP Roadmap initiative (including RPP Pricing Pilot Programs) aims to improve the future effectiveness of TOU pricing and smart meters.
- In Saskatchewan, the province ordered SaskPower to remove more than 100,000 smart meter models in 2014 after reports about the devices catching fire.
Despite the experiences of those other provinces, NSPI is confident about the promise of its smart meters. Over time it will become clear whether the promised savings materialize”.
3) 3) Many studies and reports on the effects of RF on plants and wildlife have been put on our website chronologically.

4) In the USA, action is being started to sue FCC for exempting “small cells”, which will eventually hold 5G transmitters as well as 3G and 4G ones, from environmental review.

Natural Resources Defense Council Takes Action Against FCC Regarding 5G Small Cell Tower Installation – Requesting Statements From Concerned Citizens.
“The NRDC is challenging the legality of the March 30, 2018 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order exempting “small wireless facilities” from environmental review…
The FCC’s ruling defines “small wireless facilities” as any facilities that are up to 50 feet tall, OR do not extend more than ten percent higher than other adjacent structures, whichever is greater — OR the antennas do not extend more than ten percent higher than the structure they are mounted on.”
5) Customers of Pacific Power in Oregon are allowed to keep their analogs if they fear fires or health issues. The utility says it has waited until the technology was improved so newer models wouldn’t cause fires like earlier models did. Certification by UL and ANSI do not guarantee safety. The UL protocol does not test, for example, the remote disconnect switch which has been responsible for many fires.

““Fire is our concern,” said Becker, 58, who lives in a remote wooded area. “We just don’t want it here.”
Becker is one of many customers in Jackson County concerned about fire dangers from the new meters, even though Pacific Power officials say their Aclara meters are the latest technology and won’t cause the kinds of fires that plagued the earlier generation of meters years ago.
“Absolutely not,” said Cory Estlund, manager of field support for Pacific Power. He said his company hired a third-party firm to thoroughly test the meters, which are certified by Underwriter Laboratories and the American National Standards Institute [ANSI]. The manufacturer is also required to test each meter before shipment. Pacific Power waited until the smart meter technology matured enough before deciding to deploy them to its customers, Estlund said…
A News 12 report from New City, New York, Dec. 29, 2017, described an Aclara meter, similar to the one Pacific Power plans to install locally, arcing and requiring replacement by Orange & Rockland Utilities. It was one of four meters that were found to be arcing out of 53,000 installed by the utility, with two being faulty meters and two being technician error, according to the report. The arcing didn’t cause a fire in any of the incidents.” (but under the right conditions it could have. Comment added by SN)
6) “Smartphone” explodes, killing man.

Man dies after his smartphone explodes and catches fire in his bedroom
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
~Arnold Schopenhauer