[ARPANSA TR-178 – BBB – BCCDC – Birds – Bluetooth – Brain Tumours (GBM) – Cancer – Cell Phones Banned – Cell Towers – CERENAT – City of Lakes Waldorf School – Cordless Phones – Detox Law – Digital Addiction – Disease – EMF – Emmanuel Macron – Environment – Fibre Optics – Generation Zapped – Health Canada Safety Code 6 (Arthur Thansandote, James McNamee) – Hervé Saulignac – ICNIRP – Insects – Interphone – Jean-Michel Blanquer – Lennart Hardell – Military – Non-ionizing Radiation – NTP – Plants – Profit v. Precautionary Principle – Radar – RF EMR Research Needs – Risk Management – SCENIHR – Smart Meters – Steve Weller (EMERG, ORSAA) – Studies – Surveillance – WHO – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wildlife – Wired – Wireless Devices | Canada – EU – France – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA] & Documentary & Slides & (video)
1) Wi-Fi in schools is a topic which authorities refuse to discuss. We don’t know why. Are schools being paid or supported in some way in exchange for using Wi-Fi instead of the safer, faster and more secure fiber optic cable that, in most instances, was being used for internet access? In other countries, Wi-Fi is banned from schools. Just a few schools in North America have taken this step.
City Of Lakes Waldorf School removed WIFI; ‘Generation Zapped’ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d-76XGBxfk (7:54 minutes)
2) This article is extremely well written, and the presentations he gave are shared. Note as you read this that Health Canada uses risk management as its primary tool for determining whether the risk is significant. And the definition used is: Is the financial cost of doing something greater than the cost of doing nothing. I was told this more than 10 years ago by James McNamee and Arthur Thansandote, both of whom worked in the area that established/maintained Safety Code 6 and should be responsible for implementing the Precautionary Principle in Canada. Risk is economic only. When the health care costs escalate to a level where the system is broken, perhaps Health Canada will reconsider its stance.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– http://www.orsaa.org/uploads/6/7/7/9/67791943/bio-effect_findings_full_version.pdf
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Guest Blog from Steve Weller:
It would appear that outdated and incorrect philosophies dominate the viewpoints of non-ionizing radiation protection/regulatory bodies. A case perhaps where there is an application of too much physics and engineering principles in isolation and not integrated with the field of biology and medicine.
Unless the nexus between government and industry ’can be broken it is unlikely we will see a fair assessment of the science or the recognition of the potential harm that is being suggested by the accumulated research. The main issue being there is too much money to be made and to take a precautionary stance is seen as an unnecessary burden because it would undoubtedly have negative consequences on industrial output, population surveillance initiatives and military function. The real cost this technology is having on health is a big unknown because there is active avoidance by authorities to look at the big picture, perform health surveillance studies and review the available scientific evidence objectively.
Risk Management

28 slides – Look at #9 where one of the major factors is that agencies that are responsible for protecting us often have no one with expertise in the area. This is true of BC Centre for Disease Control, for the provincial health authorities who are all public health doctors, and for ICNIRP and WHO. Many of those in ICNIRP and WHO who review biological studies are engineers or physicists, not experts in biology, medicine or microwave radiation.
Radiofrequency electromagnetic research needs

29 slides – slide #2 could have been written about Health Canada
3) French school students to be banned from using mobile phones

“Pupils will not be allowed to use phones on schools grounds after September
French school students will be banned from using mobile phones anywhere on school grounds from September, after the lower house of parliament passed what it called a “detox” law for a younger generation increasingly addicted to screens.
The centrist president Emmanuel Macron had promised during his election campaign that he would outlaw children’s phones in nursery, primary and middle-schools, until around the age of 15.
The new law bans phone-use by children in school playgrounds, at breaktimes and anywhere on school premises. Legislation passed in 2010 already states children should not use phones in class.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.”
~ Alice Walker