[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – Alexander Lerchl – BCCDC – Cell Towers – Clifford G.Y. Lau – CVs Connected Vehicles – Doctor Bonnie Henry – Devra Davis – EMR – Hacking – Health Canada – I-SIG Intelligent Traffic Signal System – In-road Sensors – IoT – Joel Moskowitz – Marcus Schluschen Letter to Rachel Blaney – Martin L. Pall – MTL Michigan Traffic Laboratory – RFR Microwave Radiation – RobustNet Research Group – Ronald N. Kostoff – Security – Smart Cars – Smart Cities – Smart Traffic Control Misinformed Algorithm – Studies – Telus – Wireless – Write a Letter to MLAs & MPs re EMFs | Chilliwack & Cultus Lake, BC – EU – Arizona & California & Tampa, Florida & Michigan & New York City, New York, USA] & (video)

Update on Chilliwack Telus Antennas:
source map was updated, Cultus Lake also
2) Here is a paper that should be sent to every politician, public health official (e.g Dr. Bonnie Henry, BCCDC, Health Canada and the various Health Ministers). Dr.Pall has identified 8 major health effects from exposure to microwave radiation and provided links to studies that documented, confirmed, and replicated the findings. No longer can any of these officials, whose jobs it is to protect the Canadian public, say they didn’t know – they can only say they didn’t care, that they were guilty of harmful negligence.

5G: Great risk for EU, US and International Health!! Compelling evidence of 8 distincts types of great harm caused by EMR
3) In last night’s update, Marcus made reference to an article he had sent to Rachel Blaney. Here is the link to a letter that was prepared for mailing and I’ve copied it below in case anyone would like to copy it and send to their MLAs or MPs.
4) “Smart” cars in “smart” cities could cause all sorts of problems, including hacking.

Connected cars can lie, posing a new threat to smart cities
“Our work, from the RobustNet Research Group and the Michigan Traffic Laboratory at the University of Michigan, focuses on making sure these next-generation transportation systems are secure and protected from attacks. So far we’ve found they are in fact relatively easy to trick. Just one car that’s transmitting fake data can cause enormous traffic jams, and several attack cars could work together to shut down whole areas. What’s particularly concerning is that our research has found the weakness is not in the underlying communication technology, but in the algorithms actually used to manage the traffic flow.”

There are two main types of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) adverse health impacts. First are the direct ‘stand-alone’ impacts, where RFR is applied in relative isolation from other potentially toxic stimuli. These types of adverse impacts from ‘stand-alone’ RFR are reported mainly in laboratory experiments, where relatively pristine conditions can be maintained, and RFR can be applied in relative isolation. Increased cancer incidence, DNA breaks, and many other serious effects have been reported from the stand-alone RFR, as some of the references in the Appendix show.
The second type of RFR adverse health impact occurs when RFR is combined with one or more potentially toxic stimuli to produce synergistic adverse health effects. In this role, RFR acts like a promoter, where it enables adverse effects from other toxic stimuli to occur or worsen. For example, RFR can increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, thus allowing toxic material from the bloodstream to enter the brain and cause severe damage.
This second type of RFR impact models real-world exposures, where people are subjected to myriad toxic stimuli where they work, where they live, where they vacation, and through the less-than-perfect lifestyles they choose. The synergies resulting from these combinations of toxic stimuli with RFR produce adverse health effects greater than those resulting from any of the constituents in isolation.
For example, in an experiment where RFR and a carcinogen (ethylnitrosourea, ENU) were administered separately and in combination, the addition of RFR essentially doubled the incidence ofBronchiolo-alveolar adenoma, Hepatocellular carcinoma, and Lymphoma, and increased the incidence of Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma more moderately, but still statistically significant [1]. Many similar examples of non-ionizing radiation combined with other toxic stimuli to produce synergistic effects can be found in reference [2].
In real-world cell tower studies, increased cancer incidence and myriad other serious health effects have been demonstrated at levels of RFR intensity 1) orders of magnitude below the isolated RFR laboratory results and 2) many orders of magnitude below the allowable Safety Code 6 exposure limits. Because of their increased proximity to the public relative to the tall cell towers, the proposed small cell towers will produce the worst of all possible worlds: continual long-term chronic exposure at power intensity levels approaching those of the isolated laboratory experiments.
Of the more than 20,000 studies on the health effects of wireless radiation, we have selected a few compilations, and discussions on 1) millimeter wave frequencies, 2) the health impacts of living near cell towers, 3) the effects of RFR on some specific systems, 4) the effects of RFR on wildlife, and 5) synergistic effects from RFR exposure with other toxic stimuli. We have also included a link to a discussion of the recent $25 million National Toxicology Program study commissioned by the FDA, and the Ramazzini Study which corroborates the NTP findings. These are included in the Appendix below.
The material appended was written and assembled by leading experts, including Dr. Joel Moskowitz (Ph.D.) and Dr. Devra Davis, on the health effects of wireless radiation.
[1] Lerchl, Alexander, et al. “Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 459.4 (2015): 585-90. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X15003988
[2] Kostoff, R.N. and Clifford G.Y. Lau. 2017. “Modified health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation combined with other agents reported in the biomedical literature.” Microwave Effects on DNA and Proteins (2017): 97-158. http://stip.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/371048_1_En_4_Chapter_OnlinePDF.pdf
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The truth is inconvertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it. But there it is”
~ Winston Churchill