[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – 5G for Europe: An Action Plan – 5G Roadmap – Amazon – Cell Phones – COPPA – Data – Doctor Martin L. Pall Letter to California Legislature – EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation – Egidijus Dapkus – EMFs – EMR – Equifax Breach – European 5G Observatory – European Strategy for Digitising the European Industry – Facebook / Cambridge Analytica Scandal – FIPA Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement – Health – IoT-connected Toys (Bluetooth, Cayla Doll, CloudPets, Hello Barbie Doll, MongoDB) – Kinder Morgan (Civil Protests, Clean Tech, FIPA Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement Lawsuits ) – Marc Arazi (Phonegate) – Mozilla – Nicolas Pineault Interview – NTP – Peter Stuckmann, EU Commission Reply Letter to Atzmonh re 5G in Europe – Phishing – Privacy – Safety – Security – Studies – Write to City Councils | Canada – Belgium – China – EU – USA] & (videos)
1) A very interesting interview with Dr. Arazi, the Phonegate expert, who discovered that millions of cell phones are emitting levels of radiation that exceed the very high levels allowed by guidelines. It is conducted in French with English subtitles.
(click on photos to enlarge)

YouTube interview of Dr Arazi by canadian journalist Nicolas Pineault
or https://tinyurl.com/yanxjfoo (33 minutes)
2) There continue to be problems with toys that are connected to the internet – invading privacy of the child and the family. Might they also be used as an entry point to the grid?
IoT CloudPets in the doghouse after damning security audit: Now Amazon bans sales
“Mozilla provided The Register with a copy of a security audit conducted, with its support, by cybersecurity research biz Cure53. The report notes that while the toy maker has fixed its MongoDB installation, CloudPets toys can still be turned into spying devices through the Bluetooth attack Stone disclosed last year.

It also found that a domain associated with the toy has expired and can be purchased, making it a potential phishing platform…
To date, toy makers appear to have done little to repair their reputations. Just last month, researchers from Princeton University reported finding a handful of undisclosed vulnerabilities in connected toys that violated both the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) and the toys’ stated privacy policies.”
3) Dr. Martin Pall is an expert on EMF and has worked hard to explain to officials and bureaucrats in government, schools, City Councils, and the general public about the mechanisms that cause pulsed microwave radiation to be so harmful. This letter was written to California legislators, warning about the proliferation of EMF / EMR that is occurring and will be increased by the implementation of 5G.

This letter should be sent to every City Councillor and Mayor. They then cannot say they had not been informed and warned. When people sue them after becoming ill, the Councillors can only say they didn’t care.
4) Non smeter or RF. From a USA member, a theory behind Trudeau’s purchase of Kinder Morgan. Has anyone heard of FIPA?
The Sinister Reason Canada Bought The Kinder Morgan Pipeline
“Never heard of such a thing? You’re not alone. FIPA is what Canada calls a bilateral investment treaty. Such agreements are common in international business but virtually unknown to the general public. In effect, they transfer a piece of national sovereignty to a foreign corporation, which can then challenge public policies or community decisions that go against its financial interest.
For instance, Livesay refers to an instance in which a Chinese insurance company launched a $2 billion arbitration claim against Belgium pursuant to the provisions of a foreign investment protection treaty. When the United States cancelled the XL Pipeline in 2016, Canada filed a $16 billion dollar claim for damages against the US under the terms of a FIPA that was included in the North American Free Trade Agreement…
The FIPA with China was signed by the Harper government in 2014. It allows Chinese energy companies to challenge local, provincial, and federal policies or laws that interfere with their “right” to make a profit from energy projects. So any environmental regulations, or halted pipelines, or First Nations land claims, could become the subject of lawsuits brought by Chinese corporate interests. The same applies to Canadian corporations who feel China has impeded their ability to make a profit. The agreement, which was never approved by Parliament, will remain in effect until 2045.”
or https://tinyurl.com/y8sz3o2x
5) The European Commission is excited about and supportive of the 5G technology that is being planned. A letter from an official is attached [see link below], with no mention of health or safety. Just like the smeter projects, this is being promoted around the world at the very same time in every country.