1) Non-smeter. In case you are interested and hadn’t heard – and live in the Victoria area – a Kinder Morgan pipeline protest on May 31, 5:30 pm, Inner Harbour.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 5:30-8:30 PM @ Inner Harbour
– https://www.facebook.com/events/1953077354735297/?active_tab=about
This day will be empowering and we need you there to say #NoKinderMorgan! We will not let this pipeline be built – no matter who owns it – not with our money.
Texas-based oil giant Kinder Morgan gave the governments of Canada a deadline of May 31st to sweep away all impediments to the Trans Mountain pipeline. On Tuesday, Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced that the Trudeau government is buying out Kinder Morgan completely to prop up this failing and dangerous project, with our tax paying dollars.
At 5:30pm on May 31st, the people of Victoria, on Lkwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ territories, will gather at Government and Wharf Streets for a massive rally to deliver our response. Participants have been asked to bring pots, pans, instruments and noise-makers to say loud and clear: No Pipeline Buyout!
Please bring: your pots, pans, musical instruments and noise-makers of any kind; signs and symbols of resistance; your friends, neighbours, family, and children; your love of the coast and your willingness to defend it.
This event is in response to an ongoing call for action from Indigenous leaders with the Protect the Inlet Coalition and the Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion. It is organized in solidarity with Tuesday’s rally at Science World in Vancouver, and other rallies around the country. This action takes place on the sovereign territories of the Lekwungen speaking peoples of the Songhees and Esquimalt nations.
Together, all hands on deck, we stand in solidarity to make it clear: Kinder Morgan will not be built.
Organized by the all-volunteer Salish Sea Organizing Collective, in collaboration with Protect the Inlet, Greenpeace Victoria, Rise and Resist Kinder Morgan, the Council of Canadians Victoria Chapter, Wilderness Committee, Dogwood BC, and Sierra Club BC.
* We acknowledge with respect that this event is taking place on the territories of the Lkwungen speaking peoples of the Songhees and Esquimalt nations, and that many of our participants will be travelling from the territories of neighbouring nations, all of whose relations to each other and to these lands and waters long predate the City of Victoria, British Columbia, or Canada. *)
2) I asked someone who works closely with Dr. Devra Davis if she was going to discuss the CBS report which gave only the industry response re scientific evidence about the evidence that microwave radiation is dangerous. She responded:
“They CHOOSE to ignore what we sent. I sent science and more to him after our conversation.
It happens every time.
Just fyi, for feedback to the 5G story, you can send to:
CBS News This Morning
524 W 57th Street
NY, NY 10019”
I hope you will consider writing to CBS, chiding them for not giving their listeners all of the information they deserve to have. Why the silence on the NTP and Ramazzini studies? In case you missed the CBS article in last night’s update, it is at:
In the article, CBS quoted the National Cancer Institute. Looking at the NCI website, under the National Toxicology Program, I have been unable to find anything about the NTP study.
This is scandalous but seems to be typical of all cancer institutes and agencies. This is a story that deserves investigation. I have written to the CBS pointing out that they were not given correct info and suggested that they should investigate the National Cancer Institute.
3) An excellent opinion piece in the Penticton News.
Letter: Wireless technology harm
There is no evidence of safety and undeniable evidence of harm

4) As we’ve been discussing for many months, Huawei, a Chinese company charged with illegal acts including hacking, is the company Telus is using for the transmitters going into the microcells outside our homes. As well, BC Hydro has contracted with Huawei to do work for Site C, a major infrastructure project. What else are they into here in BC? Obviously, there should be a major investigation to ensure our grid is not being threatened.

Trudeau urged to probe Chinese telecom giant Huawei’s role in Canada
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being urged to gather security agencies and top policy makers to determine the security threat and economic cost of transferring Canadian intellectual property to Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies.
Andy Ellis, former assistant director of operations at the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, said he was alarmed at the extent of the inroads that Huawei has made into Canadian universities with the aim of acquiring leading-edge 5G wireless technology.
CRTC is the regulatory authority which has oversight responsibility for Telus. I was unable to find a direct email contact for either the Pres. of Telus or the CRTC Regulatory Dept. so I completed an online form provided by CRTC. These transmitters should not be outside our homes, monitoring wireless communications and who knows what else.
Sent to CRTC on May 30:
Telus is installing microcells across BC, and I suspect across Canada, as part of the infrastructure for the planned 5G wireless service. The transmitters in these microcells are made by Huawei, a Chinese company that has been identified as a security threat in both Canada and the US. See https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-trudeau-urged-to-probe-chinese-telecom-giant-huaweis-role-in-canada/. I am asking the CRTC to investigate this relationship and ensure that Huawei transmitters are removed to ensure that wireless communications and our communications grid will not be violated. I have been unable to find an email address for the president of Telus so I have not communicated with Telus about this. This is a national security issue. Thank you.
Sharon Noble Victoria, BC
Here is the email and mail contact for Telus Board of Directors should you wish to write them.
To contact our board of directors about board-related matters:
By email: board@telus.com
By mail: TELUS Corporation 510 W. Georgia St., 23rd Floor Vancouver, BC V6B 0M3 Attn: Corporate Secretary
[CRTC: Organization Chart – https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/acrtc/organ.htm & Contact Info for Chairperson, Commissioners & Senior Management – https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/acrtc/acrtc2.htm]
5) From Kate Kheel, primarily for those in the USA who get my updates, re. the FCC’s plan to accelerate the installation of 5G microcells / small cells and all the associated towers, transmitters, etc., eliminating all legal requirements for environmental, safety or health reviews and oversight.

Please see at the end of Letters: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION June 01, 2018.

From: Sharon Noble
Sent: May 30, 2018
To: CTMFeedback@cbsnews.com
Subject: 5G network cell towers
Dear Sir or Madam:
Re: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/5g-network-cell-towers-raise-health-concerns-for-some-residents/
I thank you for bringing this issue to the attention of your viewers. The spread of the microcells throughout neighbourhoods, creating the backbone of the anticipated 5G wireless system, is being done with little notification or consultation at the municipal level. As well there has been no consideration of the health effects to those living mere feet from these strong transmitters.
While you gave significant information about the microcells, you reported inaccurate and misleading information about the science regarding health effects associated with microwave radiation.
“Cell phone equipment does emit radiation but research on its health effects has been inconsistent. According to the National Cancer Institute, “A limited number of studies have shown some evidence of statistical association of cell phone use and brain tumor risks… but most studies have found no association.””
This is not true. There are thousands of studies done by independent experts that show serious health effects, including cancers. Why else would the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer have classified radiation emitted by wireless devices as a 2B (possible) carcinogen in 2011?

The National Cancer Institute’s statement is perplexing and contradictory at best. The NIH’s National Toxicology Program completed a 10 year $25 million study which has been heralded as first-rate, and even a “game changer” by the American Cancer Society. The study found that exposure to microwave radiation emitted by cell towers leads to increases in brain cancer (notably glioblastomas) and a rare cancerous heart tumor (schwannomas). A peer review panel, in March 2018, declared that this study provides “clear evidence” (the strongest classification) of microwave radiation being a carcinogen (https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/about/org/sep/trpanel/meetings/past/index.html) and, as a consequence, many experts are calling for the WHO to declare radiation from wireless devices a class 1 (true) carcinogen.
Your viewers deserve to have this vital information before they and their local governments allow these cell transmitters from being installed outside their homes.
May I suggest that CBS investigate why the National Cancer Institute’s website has no information about this extremely significant study? https://www.cancer.gov/search/results Why is the Cancer Institute, like other cancer agencies, hiding this information from Americans?
Sharon Noble
Re. FCC – Due by Friday, June 01, 2018!!
Corrected link for the FCC filing. (I have corrected it as well in the message below)
Links in lieu of the attachments that were sent in the last email – Can be used for sharing this message on social media.
= = =
Due by June 1st!!
Below is an email from Ed Myer of Montgomery County to all of us who are working on the 5g-small cell issue.
Ed has filed a 23 page Request for Reconsideration of the FCC order that removed NEPA and NHPA review for small cells.
He has also included a draft we can use as is, or adapt, for an Individual Request for Reconsideration in support of his initial Request.
In Ed’s email below, you will find detailed instructions and links you can use to file your Individual Request for Reconsideration in support of Ed’s Request for Reconsideration.
The FCC gives 30 days for our submissions, but the clock started ticking on May 3rd. So it’s important to get this submitted by June 1st (maybe we have till June 2nd???).
I urge all to file an Individual Request for Reconsideration just as soon as you can…and also please share this email widely.
I am making links for the 3 attachments below so this message can be more readily shared on Facebook. I will send those along later today.
With deepest appreciation to Ed Myers for leading this effort,
= = =
(Full request attached below)
Summary of the Request of Reconsideration:
The undersigned respectfully maintains that the Commission has failed to meet its statutory obligation to examine whether its action in this proceeding will promote the safety of life and property, as required by Section 332(a)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 332(a)(1). The Commission also has erred in its determination that pre-deployment reviews of small wireless facilities are not required by Section 102 of NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4332(C)), Section 106 of NHPA (54 U.S.C. § 300320), and by the public interest. Accordingly, the undersigned requests the Commission to reconsider the Order and stay its effectiveness, as further explained below.
Conclusion: For the reasons set forth above, the undersigned…request the Commission to reconsider the Order herein. In order to avoid irreparable injury, the undersigned also ask the Commission to stay the effectiveness of the Order until the agency has completed the updating of its RF health and safety regulations and has performed a full environmental review of the environmental and historic preservation impacts of small wireless facilities.
On May 29, 2018, I submitted a Request for Reconsideration and Stay of an FCC Order that is intended to accelerate the deployment of wireless cell towers, antennas, and associated equipment across the country. The FCC’s Order decided that there would no longer be an environmental impact review of these facilities before they were deployed. The elimination of environmental review also meant the elimination of a pre-deployment health and safety review because the FCC views health and safety as part of its environmental oversight. Additionally, the Order eliminated any review of the historic preservation impacts of these wireless facilities when deployment was proposed for historic properties.
I sent the Request for Reconsideration and Stay to many of you along with a draft letter that recipients could use to file with the FCC to register their agreement with and support for the Request. Several people have expressed an interest in circulating these documents to a wider audience and have asked for additional information about how to file them at the FCC.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.”
~ Bill Watterson