[4G – 5G mmW Microcell / Small Cell Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – American Cancer Society – Arvizio (Jonathan Reeves) – AT&T (Melissa Arnoldi) – Brain Tumours – Cancerphobia – CBS (Tony Dokoupil) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Class Action Lawsuit v. SDG&E (Doctor Mark McCartin, Jean & Martin Covalt) – David Bolton – Donna Barron – Dorothy English (Philadelphia Electric Co.) – EMFs – Green Party Webinar – Health Canada – Howard Reiss (Consolidated Edison Co.) – IoT – Kansas City Power & Light Co. – Karolinska Institute – Kevin Brunelle (Connecticut Light & Power Co.) – Leukemia – Living Labs – Michael Withey – Microwave Radiation – National Cancer Institute – NTP – Power Lines & Real Estate Property Values – Safety – Smart Cars – Smart Cities – Studies – Telefónica (Ericsson, Luis Miguel Gilpérez, Nokia) – Telus (Huawei) – Verizon – Vodafone (Ericsson, Nokia) – Wi-Fi – Wingspread Precautionary Principle – Wireless | Vancouver, BC – Ontario – Canada – EU – Segovia & Talavera de la Reina, Spain – Sweden – Bristol & London, UK – San Clemente, California & Guilford, Connecticut & Florida & Montgomery County, Maryland & Pleasantville, New York & Feasterville, Pennsylvania, USA] & Webinar
1) From a 1993 Wall Street Journal article, people in the USA who were worried about having power lines near their homes (due to health problems resulting from high electromagnetic fields) found the utilities failed to act to reduce the EMF or to move the power lines. So they began to sue, based on lost property values. These concerns are the same for home owners who have had cell towers erected near them. Some studies have shown that homes lose as much as 40% of their value if a tower is within a few hundred feet of their homes. Some litigation ideas perhaps worth considering.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Extra Low Frequency Power Lines!
Property Devaluation Near Power Lines (Beuler)
[Electromagnetic radiation field property devaluation.by Michael Rikon – Appraisal Journal – January 01, 1996: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/article/Appraisal-Journal/18189816.html &
Property Devaluation Caused by Fear of Electromagnetic Fields: Using Damages to Encourage Utilities to Act Efficiently by Robyn L. Thiemann – NYU Law Review – November 1996: http://www.nyulawreview.org/sites/default/files/pdf/NYULawReview-71-5-Thiemann.pdf]
2) To move forward, getting help from a political party officially recognizing that the risks associated with EMR call for implementation of the Precautionary Principle would be a major first. Canada was a signatory of the Wingspread Precautionary Principle, but Health Canada has never implemented it. The PP says:
“When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.”
A webinar is being held on Wed. @ 5:00 pm PDT and all Green Party members can participate. Please see more info below in Letters. Members will vote on June 20 to prioritize the 15 proposals that will be considered.
3) 5G is being tested in countries around the world, competing to see which company will be first to expose us to this new technology and frequencies. 2 cities in Spain will be “5G living laboratories”, a scary admission.

Telefónica gets ready to begin 5G trials for Spanish smart cities
“Telefónica seems to think that they’re great options — they’ll be converting the two cities into ‘5G living laboratories’ to test different technologies in partnerships with Nokia in Segovia and Ericsson in Talavera de la Reina.
The trials are predicted to increase the speed of mobiles from one Gbps to ten Gbps while reducing latency — between one to five milliseconds — and increasing capacity. At first, the 5G network will need a prior 4G network to support it, but gradually it’ll become a standalone entity.
Telefónica hopes to be a part of the new digital revolution taking over the world and Spain is only one of its milestones.
Little by little, 5G and IoT will advance to most Spanish and European cities as long as there’s user participation and funding, which only time will show.”

[Telus & Huawei Living Lab in downtown Vancouver, BC & Ontario:
– http://www.bctechnology.com/news/2018/2/20/Huawei-Launches-North-Americas-First-Urban-5G-Wireless-to-the-Home-CPE-Trial-in-Vancouver.cfm – New trial takes 5G from the Living Lab to the Living Room & https://mobilesyrup.com/2018/02/14/huawei-launches-5g-wireless-home-trial-telus/ & https://mobilesyrup.com/2017/07/17/huawei-telus-canada-5g-test-explainer/

4) CBS presents “both sides” of the 5G argument, explaining that “small cells” will be outside their homes but fails to inform its listeners about the major new studies showing how dangerous microwave radiation is. Why isn’t the mainstream media speaking about the NTP study that shows a direct connection between cell tower radiation and cancers of various sorts? Even the American Cancer Society said it was a “game changer”!! I will try to find a contact point at CBS so we can write to them about this failure in this reporting.

5G service is coming – and so are health concerns over the towers that support it
“At a lab in New York, Verizon invited CBS News’ Tony Dokoupil to meet some of the entrepreneurs developing tools to run on the next generation of wireless technology. Jonathan Reeves, the CEO of Arvizio, said 5G service is extremely important to his company’s mission. His product allows users in different locations to interact with 3D images projected through a lens…
Melissa Arnoldi, who leads AT&T’s efforts, said if it’s not already in your neighborhood, it’s coming.
She said 5G uses high-frequency waves that support faster speeds but don’t travel as far as current wireless frequencies. So instead of relying on large cellphone towers spread far apart, they need “small cell” sites that are much closer together.
“We’re going to use our existing infrastructure today. Whether it’s light poles, whether it’s street lights. So we’re going to make sure that we don’t make it obtrusive to our customers and to the citizens,” Arnoldi said.”
Subject: Green Party of Canada’s Policy Discussion Webinar
on May 30, 2018
Hi Everybody,
Well, the Green Party of Canada’s Policy Discussion Webinar is tomorrow (6PM Alberta time). I will be participating and presenting our case for my policy proposal submission, that the “Green Party of Canada support the Precautionary Principle regarding Non-native Electromagnetic Radiation”. All 25 proposals will have a chance to “state their case” on the webinar and also anyone who registers will be able to participate with feedback or questions or suggestions. I would appreciate any and all support from any of you that cares to participate in or watch the webinar. Any Green Party Member of Canada can register for the Webinar and if you aren’t a member and wish to support this cause via this route, you can join for $10.00. Here is a link to register for the webinar:
Just go part way down the page and click on “Register Now”!
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.”
~ George Bernard Shaw