[Alberta Climate Change Advisory Panel – APEGA (Sloan d’Entremont) – BC Ferries re No Wi-Fi Free Zones – CAPE (Joe Vipond) – Cell Phones – Civil Rights – Coal (Air Pollution, FOI) – Doctor Volker Schorpp – EHS / ES Disability – EHT – ElectroSmog – EMR – Green Party – Health – Human Rights – IoT – Legal – Marcus Schluschen Letter re Trees & Cell Towers Microwave Radiation – Military Radar – Misinformation – Mukta Balroop – NHS – Plants – RFR – Studies – TransAlta (Don Wharton, Oliver Bussler) – Trees – University of Alberta (Warren Kindzierski) – US Forest Service (David Nowak, Eric Greenfield) – WHO – Wired “Green Rooms” – Wireless Devices | BC – Edmonton, Alberta – Canada – Australia – Austria – Caribbean – France – Germany – Netherlands – Madrid, Spain – Sweden – UK – USA] & (video)
1) Civil rights become an issue when EHS is argued. Who has more rights? The person being harmed or the person who wants to use Wi-Fi? This is a debate whose time has come, or example re. BC Ferries.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity – An issue of today’s Internet of Things
As towns and boroughs develop, more and more public spaces contain WIFI; some are provided to the public for free and some for payment. Free WIFI is an incentive to use a space, initiated by businesses and municipal corporations, be it in the corner coffee shop or a public square in town. However, there are some people for whom free WIFI, or any kind of WIFI, could be a nightmare. In fact, not just WIFI, but any everyday electronic device such as a mobile phone, television, computer, radio, cell tower masts; anything that emits radiation. These are people who suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS); this condition was recently brought to wider attention by the ‘Breaking Bad’ spinoff show, ‘Better Call Saul’, in which a character had to cover himself in special material and live with no electricity. Yet from as early as 1932, the condition was referred to as ‘electro-hypersensitivity’ by a German doctor.[1]
The condition is also known as ‘electrosensitivity’; for a useful historical development of EHS, see here.[2]
This article seeks to convey an appreciation of potential ramifications of EHS from a legal standpoint regarding various governments’ modernisation policies.
2) (Non EMR or smeters) Desmog, under its new name “The Narwhal”, is independent of all industry funding (funded by donations from people like us) and is a great independent source for news. This one shows how industry is using a researcher at the University of Alberta to say coal is safe and should be promoted. This, no doubt, is happening with microwave radiation too, just as it has happened with smeters – for example, with Fire Chief Len Garis being paid by BC Hydro to say smeters don’t cause fires.

University of Alberta air quality research reviewed by coal producer prior to publication, documents reveal
Research released by the University of Alberta’s School of Public Health on the health effects of coal-fired power plants was reviewed prior to publication by TransAlta, one of Alberta’s largest utility providers and coal producers, documents released to The Narwhal under the Freedom of Information Act reveal.
More than 550 pages of emails and documents exchanged between TransAlta executives and University of Alberta researcher Warren Kindzierski show the company was heavily involved in assigning, reviewing and publicizing research that would promote the coal industry as the government moved forward with a province-wide coal phase-out.
The correspondence between Kindzierski and TransAlta show the researcher sought input from company executives on draft versions of his research, asking how the company would like to proceed based on his findings. Kindzierski also accompanied TransAlta executives to meetings with government officials where Kindzierski presented slides reviewed in advance by the company…
A previous Freedom of Information request found TransAlta is a regular funder of Kindzierski’s research at the University of Alberta. Those documents revealed TransAlta provided the University of Alberta $54,000 in exchange for research on the health impacts of coal-fired power plants near Edmonton…
Joe Vipond, a physician and board member of CAPE, said he believes Kindzierski’s research was funded explicitly to find evidence there is no effect of burning coal in Edmonton’s airsheds.
“TransAlta, I would surmise, did not fund Kindzierski’s modeling in some altruistic effort to understand the effects of TransAlta’s own coal plants on Edmonton’s airshed,” Vipond said.
“He has even gone so far as to suggest that instead of air pollution being harmful to human health, it is neutral, or even possibly beneficial.. This would be analogous to me, as a physician, to stating smoking is good for you.” ”
or https://tinyurl.com/yd69333u
3) Trees are disappearing quickly through logging, urban sprawl, and disease. This article notes this but fails to mention one of the prime causes of deaths of trees – microwave radiation. There have been many studies that show the relationship. And, coincidentally, one member has written about the plight here in BC. His letter is below in “Letters” and includes a link to a conference about diseases in trees. At the 15 minute point and thereafter, there is discussion about the effect of wireless radiation on trees. I’ve also added a few more links to studies about microwave radiation and trees. More links are available on our website. Imagine what pressure will be put on trees with transmitters every few hundred feet.
US Cities Are Losing Millions Of Trees Each Year
“Nowak and his colleague, Eric Greenfield, both from the Forest Service’s northern research station, used aerial photography to compare 1,000 random geographic sites in each state between 2009 and 2014. They found that tree cover in cities, towns, villages and suburbs declined by 175,000 acres of tree cover annually, according to the study, which appears in the journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
A total of 45 states showed a net decline in tree cover. Georgia, Florida and Alabama suffered the greatest loss in tree cover, while Mississippi, Montana and New Mexico saw slight increases. Nationally, Maine had the most tree cover in urban areas, while North Dakota had the least, the study said.
“We don’t know what the driver is in every case,” Nowak said. “In some cases, we don’t know why a tree is gone. It could be old age, injury, disease or choice — someone decides to cut a tree down. But in many cases, it’s development.” Climate change is also contributing to urban tree loss. Severe storms roar through and topple trees, while warming temperatures fuel the spread of tree-destroying insects.”

From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
Sent: May 25, 2018
Subject: Rapid decline of trees & cell tower radiation
We just returned from a long drive to Kelowna and were shocked to see how trees are devastated by electrosmog radiation in every community where cell towers are present! I wrote about trees a few years ago, but this time, it became glaringly obvious to us that cell tower radiation is killing trees, without a doubt.
We live in the mountains of Vancouver island where there are no cell towers and trees of all species look beautiful, vibrant and magnificent.
Unfortunately, near Campbell River, Courtenay/Comox, Qualicum Beach to Nanaimo, we noticed a considerable decline in the health of trees where they look poorly at best. These trees all have one thing in common, cell towers radiation!
It is deeply disturbing to see so many distressed trees and skeleton remains in cell tower regions. The poor health of trees in cell tower zones has become glaringly obvious to us, extending to deciduous as well as coniferous trees of all kinds. We also noticed entire stands of dead or dying trees everywhere. This has nothing to do with the efforts of the pine beetle.
Along Highway No. 1, through Greater Vancouver, Abbotsford, Langley, Aldergrove, Clearbrook and past Chiliwack, the entire Fraser Valley, we witnessed significant tree carnage from cell tower radiation!
Many deciduous trees looked like they went through a giant shredder! Tree skeletons everywhere! Many bushes with bare twigs sticking out! This rapid health decline of trees is what horror movies are made of.
The only thing that appeared robust is the large crop of cell towers that popped up everywhere, of which many are located very close to each other, even side by side.
Once we reached the mountains (Princeton Highway, No. 3), far away from cell tower radiation, the health of trees looked significantly better with no signs of premature death nor shredded spindly trees.
Those trees looked magnificent, just as coastal trees used to look like.
As we drove through Penticton, Summerland, Peachland and Kelowna, we noticed many trees in distress and poor health. Even trees growing on the edge of wetlands or lakes are dying or dead! We noticed that these unfortunate trees even appear in increasing numbers in peoples yards. Seeing so many dead and slowly dying trees is not normal for this time of year!
For anyone living in these communities, you might not be aware of this slow decline in trees as it is very gradual.
To give you the best perspective, take a drive into the mountains, far away from cell towers. Take a few pictures and look very carefully at the condition of the trees and compare them on your return trip to those which grow in cell tower regions. Only then will you notice the great difference in health between them. Back in irradiated cell tower territory, you will realize that cell tower radiation is, without a doubt, killing our beautiful trees, slowly but surely.
Several years ago, Dr. Volker Schorpp, a German tree scientist, spoke to a group of 120 arborists who gathered in an emergency meeting in The Netherlands regarding the rapid health decline of trees in Holland and Germany and the link to cell tower radiation.
His comment was: he has absolutely no doubt whatsoever that cell tower radiation is to blame for the death of trees!
https://vimeo.com/25270604 (video 15:45 minutes, in English)
It is time for the Green Party and nature organizations to step into the picture, as this blinding wireless madness cannot go on any longer!
P.S. I will try to contact this scientist.
= = =
Additional studies and reports
Electromagnetic Fields Impact Tree and Plant Growth – Environmental Health Trust:
– https://ehtrust.org/electromagnetic-fields-impact-tree-plant-growth/
Wireless Kills Trees – www.electricalpollution.com:
– http://www.electricalpollution.com/WirelessKillsTrees.html
Six year study proves wireless kills trees? – Health Freedom Idaho – August 02, 2017:
– https://healthfreedomidaho.org/tree-damage-caused-by-cell-towers
Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations by Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam, Alfonso Balmori-de la Puente, Helmut Breunig, Alfonso Balmori – Elsevier – June 06, 2016:
– http://media.withtank.com/cf9ae35027/waldmann-selsam_2016_scitotenv572p554-569_rf__trees.pdf
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse”
~ Edmund Burke